Steve Haberman The Wolf Man: From Ancient Curse to Modern Myth Shadows in the Dark: The Val Lewton Legacy Mark of The Beast: The Legacy of the Universal Werewolf Fly Trap: Catching a Classic Lugosi: The Dark Prince He Who Made Monsters: The Life and Art of Jack Pierce Pure in Heart: The Life and Legacy of Lon Chaney, Jr. Masters of Magic: The World of Chandu Horror’s Missing Link: Rediscovering Dr. Renault’s Secret A House of Secrets: Exploring 'Dragonwyck' Special Report: Zombie Invasion From Alpha to Omega: Building a Sequel Riots & Revolutions: Confronting the Times House of Wax: Unlike Anything You've Seen Before! Life Stinks: Does Life Really Stink? Karloff: The Gentle Monster Man In the Attic: The Making of "The Lodger" Concerto Macabre: The Films of John Brahm The Tragic Mask: The Laird Cregar Story Ticket to Die: Steve Haberman on Horror Express Unraveling the Legacy of the Mummy Drakula halott és élvezi Shadows in the Dark: The Val Lewton Legacy Mel Brooks Strikes Back! Mel Brooks and Dick Cavett Together Again Mel Brooks: Live at the Geffen Mel Brooks: Live at the Geffen Box Office 3D - Il film dei film Egy kerékkel kevesebb Az élet büdös Az élet büdös Dreams Within a Dream: The Classic Cinema of Edgar Allan Poe