Virginia McKenna The Lady in Waiting Blood Link The Smallest Show on Earth Swallows and Amazons Elza, a vadon szülötte Carve Her Name with Pride Kegyetlen tenger The Ship That Died of Shame Simba Vízgyűrűk A Town Like Alice The Gathering Storm A Mary Deare katasztrófája Father's Doing Fine The Barretts of Wimpole Street Two Living, One Dead Rosamunde Pilcher: September Julius Caesar An Elephant Called Slowly Beauty and the Beast Waterloo The Scold's Bridle A Passage to India Echoes of Camusfearna Love/Loss Holocaust 2000 The Lions Are Free The Admirable Crichton Puccini The Whistle-Blower Nyuggerek Staggered The Lion at World's End Ethel & Ernest Storm Over Jamaica A nő kétszer Leona Calderon Peter Pan The Oracle Hello: A Portrait Of Leslie Phillips Widow's Walk The Case of the Frightened Lady The Disappearance Wings Szívek párbaja Passez une bonne nuit The Merv Griffin Show Richard & Judy BBC Play of the Month Lovejoy Hallmark Hall of Fame Mystery and Imagination Noel's Telly Years The Camomile Lawn The BBC Television Shakespeare GMTV The Edwardians Natural World The Ruth Rendell Mysteries The First Olympics: Athens 1896 Agatha Christie Marple sorozata Szeptember Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame After They Were Famous Hallmark Hall of Fame Kavanagh Q.C. Sunday Night Theatre