Terry Scott Folytassa a Khyber-szorosban! Folytassa, Henry! Folytassa a szerelmet! Folytassa, főnővér The Great St. Trinian's Train Robbery Folytassa a dzsungelben! Folyton folyvást folytassa Folytassa a kempingezést! Folytassa karácsonykor Gonks Go Beat Mary Had a Little... And the Same to You Father Came Too! A Pair of Briefs The Night We Got the Bird Bless This House Too Many Crooks Carry on Again Christmas Nothing Barred What a Whopper Doctor in Clover A Ghost of a Chance Folytassa, őrmester! Mrs. McGinthy halott And the Same to You Nearly a Nasty Accident The Bridal Path I'm All Right Jack A Pair of Briefs Double Bunk No, My Darling Daughter Blue Murder at St. Trinian's Mr. H Is Late The Night We Got the Bird Terry and June Hugh and I Spy Happy Ever After Danger Mouse Carry On Christmas Specials Hugh and I The Gnomes of Dulwich Dial RIX Cilla Scott On...