George Murcell Sea of Sand Grant kapitány gyermekei The Cherry Orchard The Year of the Sex Olympics A Római Birodalom bukása Bérgyilkossági hivatal The Angry Silence There Was a Crooked Man A Walk with Love and Death Si può essere più bastardi dell'ispettore Cliff? Pascali szigete Crossroads to Crime Don't Panic Chaps! Schwedischer Sommerwind Rime of the Ancient Mariner A Sound from the Sea Penny Gold Blood of the Vampire Lovasok A River Plate-i csata The Possessed Telemark hősei A kincses sziget kalózai The Naked Runner Sea Fury The Merry Christmas Campbell's Kingdom The Pursuers Csak kétszer élsz Hell Drivers Inside the Third Reich Az erőszak éve Kaleidoszkóp A Dandy in Aspic Supercar Gideon's Way The Avengers Minden lében két kanál Jason King Az Angyal The Champions The Champions The Adventures of Robin Hood The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes No Hiding Place Suspense Smuggler Nagy Péter Az Angyal Rogues' Gallery Manhunt 1990 The Adventures of Sir Lancelot The Professionals