Joe Zaso A Pokol erdeje Timo Rose's Beast Nikos the Impaler The Alien Agenda: Endangered Species Rage of the Werewolf Braincell Bizarr élvezetek Virus X The Bloody Ape It's Only a Movie! Demonium Celluloid Bloodbath Frankenstein Reborn Creaturealm: From the Dead Addicted to Murder 3: Bloodlust Evil Streets Demon Resurrection The Great American Heist A Wall Street farkasa Tales of Poe 5 Dead on the Crimson Canvas Guilty Pleasures Red Midnight Mauvaises Têtes Vindication Psycho Street And Then They Were Dead... Date with a Vampire The Adventures Of Young Van Helsing - Quest For The Lost Scepter BearCity It's Only a Movie! It's Only a Movie! Maligno Maligno Maligno Screambook II Screambook II Screambook II Screambook II Screambook II Screambook Screambook Screambook Screambook A Pokol erdeje Timo Rose's Beast Nikos the Impaler Nikos the Impaler Braincell Bizarr élvezetek 5 Dead on the Crimson Canvas Guilty Pleasures Red Midnight And Then They Were Dead... And Then They Were Dead... Seven Hells Hustling