Final Score

Final Score 2018


Seorang mantan tentara, Michael Knox (Dave Bautista) harus berlomba dengan waktu untuk mencegah terjadinya ledakan bom menggunakan semua keterampilan militernya. Knox berusaha menggagalkan rencana teroris itu agar dapat menyelamatkan penonton yang menyaksikan pertandingan sepak bola di sebuah stadion berkapasitas 35.000 orang.


Harry’s Heroes: The Full English

Harry’s Heroes: The Full English 2019


Harry Redknapp takes on the weightiest challenge of his career. He attempts to get a team of unfit England football legends from the 1990s back in shape, back into the Three Lions shirts they wore with pride back in their heyday and back on the pitch ready to take on their old rivals Germany in one last grudge match to prove they can still cut it in middle age.


The Demon Headmaster

The Demon Headmaster 2019


All is not what it appears at Lizzie's new school. There’s something seriously spooky about the strange Headmaster and Lizzie is determined to find out what’s going on, before it’s too late.