Lykilorð Euthanasia
Amen. 2002
Humane 2024
PLAN 75 2022
Hamingjuríkur endir 2017
Skyndimynd af fjölskyldu evrópskra góðborgara, hinni auðugu Laurent-fjölskyldu sem er saman komin ásamt vinum til að fagna 85 afmælisdegi ættföðurins Georges Laurent. Umhverfis iðar samfélagið í Calais og ekki síst erlendu flóttamennirnir og vandamálin tengd auknu streymi þeirra til Evrópu.
Mar adentro 2004
गुज़ारिश 2010
Good 2008
十二人の死にたい子どもたち 2019
Last Cab to Darwin 2015
Armomurhaaja 2017
Emmas Glück 2006
Arthur & Claire 2018
An Act of Murder 1948
La Dernière Leçon 2015
Salaam Venky 2022
Doctor John 2019
Cha Yo-Han—an arrogant but genius doctor of anesthesiology—and Kang Shi-Young—a smart, warm resident of anesthesiology—work together to help people with mysterious cases of acute or chronic pain.
The End 2020
Three generations of a family with separate but intersecting obsessions - trying to figure out how to die with dignity, live with none and make it count.
Spare Me Your Mercy 2024
The death rate of terminally ill patients has mysteriously increased, leaving an indelible mark of doubt in Police Captain Wasan’s mind when his mother who just passed away from this world could be one of that number. He finds a way to get close to Dr. Kan, who cares for his mother in her final stage, to find out the truth. But, the more Wasan deepen the mystery of this incident, the more Dr. Kan comes to play a role in his heart.