Enter the Void

Enter the Void 2009


Sagan gerist í Tokyo þar sem Oscar ungur bandarískur dópsali lifir lífinu, og notar oft á eigin söluvarning. Hann fær Lindu systur sína til að flytja til sín, en foreldrar þeirra létust í hryllilegu bílslysi. Eitt kvöldið fer Oscar með vini sínum Alex á barinn The Void til að selja Victori dóp. Victor virðist allur á nálum og kveður Oscar með orðunum: Fyrirgefðu mér. Stuttu seinna fyllist staðurinn af lögreglumönnum og eftir að hafa flúið inn á klósett er Oscar skotinn til bana. Handanndauðans flýtur hann yfir Tokyoborg og minnist liðinna atburða úr lífi sínu, slyssins, hvernig honum og systur hans var skipt á mismunandi fósturheimili og loks atburðanna sem leitt hafa til dauða hans. En eitt stendur upp úr, loforð hans til Lindu um að hann muni aldrei yfirgefa hana. Og hvort sem hann er dauður eða ei, mun hann standa við það.


4 mánuðir, 3 vikur og 2 dagar

4 mánuðir, 3 vikur og 2 dagar 2007


Myndin gerist í Rúmeníu um miðjan níunda áratuginn þegar austurblokkin er að líða undir lok. Landið er í niðurníslu og mikil fátækt ríkir. Einn spilltasti harðstjóri síðari ára, Chaucescu, er við völd og svarti markaðurinn blómstrar. Kemur þetta ekki síst fram í heilbrigðisgeiranum, þar sem vafasamir læknir starfa utan heilbrigðiskerfisins. Það er í þessu umhverfi sem hin unga Gabita (Laura Vasilu) verður ófrísk.


Doctor Foster

Doctor Foster 2015


A woman suspects her husband of having an affair. After following several lines of enquiries far more unravels including a streak of violence below the surface.


The Cicada's Eighth Day

The Cicada's Eighth Day 2010


Kiwako Nonomiya is devastated after Takehiro Akiyama, the married man she has been having an affair with, manipulates her into getting an abortion by promising to marry her and then refusing to divorce his wife. Kiwako then learns of Takehiro's wife's pregnancy. One morning, while Takehiro and his wife Etsuko are away, Kiwako sneaks into their home to get a look at their six-month-old child. Without a thought for the consequences, she carries the baby away. Kiwako then raises the child as her own, while being a fugitive from the law.



Breathless 2013


Hospital drama set in London during the early 1960s, following the staff of a busy gynecology ward at a time when abortion is illegal and the contraceptive pill is only just becoming available to married women.


City of Desire

City of Desire 1970


A man dealing with anxiety and depression after a painful divorce manages to find warmth when he least expects it and it reignites his passion towards life. In order to chase after her dreams, Qiao Na aborts her own baby which leaves her husband Jiang Nian Hua in shambles. After getting divorced, Nian Hua accumulates much wealth through sheer determination and hardwork but he isn't able to enjoy the fruits of his labor as he is diagnosed with severe depression. Just when he has decided to give up on life, he encounters a young corporate woman named Lin Li. Not long after they meet, Lin Li deals with the fallout from a toxic relationship with her boyfriend whom she works with and she becomes devastated at the realization that she should no longer be with him. Both bearing emotional troubles of their own, Nian Hua and Lin Li get to know each other through work and a romance ensues.