Lykilorð Masochism
Srpski film 2010
Irreversible 2002
Atburðir nótt eina í París gerast í öfugri tímaröð, eftir að hinni fallegu Alex er nauðgað hrottalega og hún barinn til óbóta af ókunnugum manni í undirgöngum. Kærasti hennar og fyrrum ástmaður taka málin í sínar hendur með því að ráða tvo glæpamenn til að hjálpa sér að finna nauðgarann, svo þeir geti hefnt illvirkisins.
Crash 1996
Antichrist 2009
La Pianiste 2001
Belle de jour 1967
Taxidermia 2006
Bloodsucking Freaks 1976
The Breeding 2018
La Dérobade 1979
月光の囁き 1999
Verfolgt 2007
Perfect Skin 2019
Hokuto: Some Murderer's Conversion 2017
Why did an abused solitary boy become a murderer? A sad but powerful gut-wrenching drama portraying the destiny of humans seeking love, starting up-and-coming actor Yuma Nakayama.
This Guy Is the Biggest Mistake in My Life 2020
Sato Yui is a dispatched contract worker at Amagi Pharmaceutical Company. Her pet has died and she feels deep sorrow over its death. One day, she drinks alone at a bar and shouts, with tears running down her face, "Develop medicine to bring back someone to life!" At that time, a man walks towards her. He makes a spiteful remark that there is no such medicine that can bring someone back to life. He also tells her to stop barking and to go home. Yui feels anger within herself and she trips him. She then leaves the bar. Yui is unaware that the man she tripped is Amagi Kyoichi and he is the CEO of Amagi Pharmaceutical Company. The next day, Yui hears at work that the CEO is looking for her. When she gets to his office, she realizes the man she tripped in the bar is the CEO. She thinks that she might get fired, but he suddenly tells her to "Please treat me as a slave."