Amos, Shepherd of Tekoa 1947
The prophet Amos spoke in the name of the Lord during the oppressive rule of King Jeroboam II. Joab, a wealthy minister's son is mistaken for a poor man's son and taken away to be tortured.
The prophet Amos spoke in the name of the Lord during the oppressive rule of King Jeroboam II. Joab, a wealthy minister's son is mistaken for a poor man's son and taken away to be tortured.
The Three Wise Men from the East follow the star to Bethlehem, but hostile spirits try to stop them on their journey.
Portrays the conversion to Christianity of a young Zealot, Joel, and the Roman soldier Longinus through the teachings of Jesus in his Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Fred Hoffman is an American church volunteer in 1950 postwar Germany serving as a missionary during the Potsdam Agreement, where the thunder of bombs has been followed by the clash of ideas. Upon arrival, Fred encounters and helps a young German boy, Willy, whose family are refugees now living in squalor. Papa Koerner is a former city councilor and member of the Nazi Party who still believes the state should be the source for all authority and that all Germans should not be paying the price for the evils committed by the nazis. Despite the father's ideology, Fred is determined to help his wife Frau Koerner, and his daughter Erika, who mysteriously earns the money necessary to sustain the family. The film demonstrates the ideological crossroads between the kingdom of the state and the Kingdom of God. The cast includes John Alberts, Philip Cooledge, Mildred Dunnock, and Constance Ford in her first film appearance.
Depiction of events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and His post-resurrection appearance to two followers on the road to Emmaus.
From Cathedral Film’s “Life of St. Paul” series. Paul and Barnabas take the Gospel to Antioch, where Paul teaches that all people, even slaves, are equal in the sight of God. The Prophets foretell of a famine in Jerusalem and the new believers send food and supplies, establishing the earliest foreign missionary.
This is the Loyola Films version of Cathedral Films original version of "The Story of Jairus' Daughter."
A Jewish woman, born as Hadassah but known as Esther, becomes queen of Persia and thwarts a genocide of her people.
Cornelius is a Roman Centurion who, upon orders from the Apostle Thomas, is sent to proclaim the glories of Christ. Cornelius recounts Jesus' Entry in Jerusalem, the Last Supper, Crucifixion, and His appearance before Mary Magdalene.
The story of an amulet and morals of man.
A story from the New Testament about Jesus' conflict with the high priests and working the miracle of restoring sight to the Blind Beggar. The beggar, no longer blind, is examined by the priests and cast out of the temple.
The story of a little mouse who goes with his grandfather to a nearby town where a Carnival was being held.
Produced by the Episcopalian production company Cathedral Films, "Cry of the China Seas" is a Cold War propaganda film that describes the spread of Godless Communism throughout Asia, and the God-fearing Capitalists who fight to contain its influence.
A tax collectors decision between the love of money and the love of Jesus' way of life begs the question "Can a man serve two masters? Jesus calls Matthew to follow Him.
A video brochure for using visual aids in church shows scenes from various Cathedral Film productions. The film demonstrates how these audiovisual aids can bring biblical stories, teachings, and other subjects to life.
Library of Congress: "Originally released in sound. A pictorial presentation of various events which surrounded the Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem." Staged and shot sometime in the 1940s by Cathedral Films of Burbank, CA, and widely distributed by Blackhawk Films/ Eastin-Phelan Corporation in the mid-1960s.