Ben-Hur 1959
L'epopea del giudeo Ben-Hur, arrestato dall'amico Messala, tribuno dell'impero romano, inviato nelle galee come schiavo, riuscirà, dopo aver salvato il console Ario, a diventare un ricco romano e a tornare in patria per vendicarsi.
L'epopea del giudeo Ben-Hur, arrestato dall'amico Messala, tribuno dell'impero romano, inviato nelle galee come schiavo, riuscirà, dopo aver salvato il console Ario, a diventare un ricco romano e a tornare in patria per vendicarsi.
C'era una volta una bellissima principessa di nome Aurora segnata da una terribile maledizione: la puntura di un fuso l'avrebbe fatta cadere in un sonno eterno. Ma le sue madrine, tre simpatiche fatine, scoprono il modo per rompere l'incantesimo. Un bacio del bel Principe Filippo potrà risvegliare la principessa addormentata. Prima, però, l'eroe dovrà affrontare la terribile ira di Malefica, la più crudele di tutte le streghe.
Nella città di Orario, sotto un'alta torre, si trova un misterioso sotterraneo pieno di insidie e solo gli avventurieri che formano una partnership con gli dei hanno qualche speranza di sconfiggere i mostri che vi si trovano all'interno. Come se non bastasse, lontano dalla città, tra le rovine di un antico borgo, sorge una nuova minaccia. Per sventarla, la dea Artemide è venuta a Orario in cerca di un campione ma a sorpresa la scelta non cadrà su Ais Wallenstein (la leggendaria Principessa della Spada) o su Ottar (il guerriero più forte che sia mai entrato nel sotterraneo) ma verso Bell Cranel, un avventuriero principiante in coppia con una dea di basso livello.
1765: nel villaggio di Arkham viene bruciato sul rogo Joseph Curwen, accusato di sacrifici umani. Un secolo dopo un suo discendente, Ward, si stabilisce nello stesso villaggio con la moglie. Gli abitanti del villaggio, consapevoli della sua identità, cercano di opporsi al potere di Curwen, tornato per vendicarsi di loro tramite il suo consanguineo.
Nel regno di Izmer, la principessa Savina deve difendere il suo trono dal malvagio capo degli stregoni Profion, che vuole prendere il suo posto. Per raggiungere il suo scopo, Profion deve impossessarsi dello Scettro Reale che comanda i Dragoni d'Oro. Due abili ladri, Ridley e Snails, insieme al nano Elwood e all'elfo Norda accorrono in aiuto di Savina per trovare la leggendaria Bacchetta di Savrille, che comanda i potenti Dragoni Rossi, e sventare così i loschi piani di Profion e del suo fido seguace Damodar.
L'Ascesa dei Lycan narra delle origini della sanguinaria e secolare faida tra gli aristocratici vampiri e i loro schiavi di un tempo, i Lycan. Negli anni bui del primo Medioevo un lycan chiamato Lucian lancia la rivolta dei lupi mannari contro Viktor, il crudele re dei vampiri che li aveva resi schiavi. Con Lucian si allea Sonja, la sua amata segreta, una vampira.
Un baronetto inglese, Sir Alan Cunnigham, reduce da un clinica psichiatrica nella quale era stato ricoverato dopo aver ucciso la moglie Evelyn, sorpresa in flagrante adulterio, fa ritorno al suo castello. Ossessionato dal ricordo della moglie, egli prende ad ospitare nel maniero giovani prostitute dai capelli rossi (come la defunta consorte) che uccide dopo averle sottoposte a crudeli torture. Successivamente, innamoratosi di Gladys, una spogliarellista, la sposa. La vita dei due coniugi scorre tranquilla, fin quando il fantasma di Evelyn appare nel castello ed alcuni ospiti trovano la morte in circostanze misteriose.
Dopo essere stato ingiustamente imprigionato per 20 anni, solo per aver consegnato una lettera a lui affidata, Edmond Dantes sfugge per ottenere la sua vendetta.
Un fabbricante di giocattoli costruisce una bambola spaventapasseri per sua nipote, che gli chiede di raccontarle la storia di Oz. Il nonno racconta così che il Paese di Oz è guidato dal primo ministro Kruel, dopo che la giovane principessa Dorothea di Oz, erede al trono e promessa sposa al principe, è stata misteriosamente rapita dalla sua culla. Nel frattempo in Kansas la giovane Dorothy apprende dalla sua gentile zia Emma e da una lettera che attendeva i suoi diciott’anni per esserle consegnata di essere proprio lei la principessa. Un tornado trasporterà lei, lo zio Henry e due braccianti proprio a Oz, dove li attende una mirabolante avventura.
I Conti Townsend tengono imprigionate una dozzina di fanciulle, seminude, nel loro castello sperduto nel deserto. George, il maggiordomo, ha tutte le intenzioni di sacrificarle alla Dea Luna.
Il conte Alan tiene rinchiuso da vent'anni in una cella del suo castello il fratello, che gli portò via la donna di cui era innamorato, sposandola. Alan costringe inoltre la figlia del fratello a unirsi in matrimonio con un poco di buono. Imprigionando anche gli sposi tenta di portare a termine la sua vendetta uccidendoli tutti. Grazie all'aiuto di un servo fedele al vecchio padrone, i tre verranno liberati, mentre il conte morirà.
Lorna è la protagonista di uno spettacolo sadomaso in un nightclub di Lisbona. Sul palco, tortura un uomo e una donna, di fronte a un pubblico affascinato. Questo spettacolo dovrebbe portarla in diverse città d'Europa. Lorna però fa un sogno inquietante, punto di partenza di un'avventura tra immaginazione e realtà.
They say whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but that’s not the case for the world’s weakest hunter Sung Jinwoo. After being brutally slaughtered by monsters in a high-ranking dungeon, Jinwoo came back with the System, a program only he could see, that’s leveling him up in every way. Now, he’s inspired to discover the secrets behind his powers and the dungeon that spawned them.
Alina thought she had found the perfect job as a guild receptionist. It’s stable, safe, and has a super cute uniform. But this dream gig turns into an overtime nightmare whenever adventurers get stuck clearing a dungeon. Tired of the long nights, Alina starts taking down the bosses herself! She even earns the name Executioner for her impressive skills. Can she keep her identity a secret?
After dying in a fight against the forces of evil, a knight found himself reincarnated as one of the most powerful monsters in the world: a behemoth! Problem is, he has to grow up before he can really strut his stuff, and a baby behemoth looks an awful lot like…a housecat?! And when an elf adventurer decides to take him in, she may need his help as much as he needs hers!
Dungeons, dragons... and delicious monster stew!? Adventurers foray into a cursed buried kingdom to save their friend, cooking up a storm along the way.
The Hidden Dungeon is a place of legend where rare treasures and items are hidden. Nor, the third son of an impoverished noble family who's lost the one job offer he had, was lucky enough to hear about this dungeon. He then acquires a skill that allows him to create, bestow, and edit skills... and in order to use it, he needs to accumulate points by carrying out such tasks as eating delicious meals and doing sexual things with alluring members of the opposite sex.
"I'm not saving the world. I just kill goblins." Rumor has it that, in a certain guild in the middle of nowhere, there is an extraordinary man who has climbed all the way to the Silver rank just by killing goblins. At the same guild, a priestess who's just become a new adventurer has formed her first party... and the man who ends up rescuing that party when they get into trouble is none other than the Goblin Slayer.
Thirty years before the events of Magi, a brave and handsome young man named Sinbad set sail and started his adventure. The future High King of Seven Seas gradually matured through various encounters and farewells, taking him towards kingship step by step.
This story is about the flow of fate and the battle to keep the world on the right path. Aladdin is a boy who has set out to explore the world after being trapped in a room for most of his life. His best friend is a flute with a djinn in it named Ugo. Soon enough, Aladdin discovers he is a Magi, a magician who chooses kings, and he was born to choose kings who will follow the righteous path, battling against those who want to destroy fate. Follow his adventures as he meets others from 1001 Arabian Nights, like Ali Baba and Sinbad, and fights to keep the balance of world in check!
Suddenly summoned to a fantasy world and betrothed to the princess, Kazuya Souma is crowned the new king. Unlike the royalty before him, he won’t be using swords and magic to rule; will administrative reform really get this kingdom back on track?
Fear, survival, instinct. Thrown into a foreign land with nothing but hazy memories and the knowledge of their name, they can feel only these three emotions resonating deep within their souls. A group of strangers is given no other choice than to accept the only paying job in this game-like world—the role of a soldier in the Reserve Army—and eliminate anything that threatens the peace in their new world, Grimgar. When all of the stronger candidates join together, those left behind must create a party together to survive: Manato, a charismatic leader and priest; Haruhiro, a nervous thief; Yume, a cheerful hunter; Shihoru, a shy mage; Mogzo, a kind warrior; and Ranta, a rowdy dark knight. Despite its resemblance to one, this is no game—there are no redos or respawns; it is kill or be killed. It is now up to this ragtag group of unlikely fighters to survive together in a world where life and death are separated only by a fine line.
After moving into the quiet town of Hinamizawa, Maebara Keiichi spends his days blissfully in school often playing games with his local friends. However, appearances can be deceiving. One fateful day, Keiichi stumbles upon news of a murder that had occurred in Hinamizawa. From this point on, horrific events unfold in front of Keiichi, as he soon learns his close friends may not be all that they seem.
After having descended upon this world, the gods have created guilds where adventurers can test their mettle. These guilds, known as "familia," grant adventurers the chance to explore, gather, hunt, or simply enjoy themselves. The Sword Princess, Ais Wallenstein, and the novice mage, Lefiya Viridis, are members of the Loki Familia, who are experts at monster hunting. With the rest of their group, they journey to the tower of Babel in hopes of exploring the dungeon underneath. Home to powerful monsters, the dungeon will fulfill Ais's desire to master her sword skills, while bringing Lefiya closer to her dream of succeeding Riveria Ljos Alf, vice-captain of the Loki Familia, as the most powerful mage in the land.
In a world where magic reigns, Will Serfort can’t cast a spell. Though hardworking, Will’s classmates think less of him for it. However, he has a secret strength: his sword. Can Will defy expectations with muscle over magic and blade over wand? Find out in this epic sword-and-sorcery adventure!
37-year-old corporate worker Mikami Satoru is stabbed by a random killer, and is reborn to an alternate world. But he turns out to be reborn a slime! Thrown into this new world with the name Rimuru Tempest, he begins his quest to create a world that’s welcoming to all races. Broken free from ordinary, stale past life, his fresh adventure in a fantasy world as a slime monster with unique abilities begins.
Six childhood friends make a vow one day to become treasure hunters, and eventually grow to be the strongest heroes in the world. During his first quest, Krai Andrey realizes he isn’t cut out for the job. Even so, his friends make him their leader. Underpowered in the face of great expectations, Krai embarks on a reluctant hero’s tale of glory, headaches, and wanting to retire early.
Meet Kaito Takagi, your typical high schooler with a low profile. He spends his days exploring dungeons in Japan, hunting slimes for some extra cash. On the side, he quietly admires his childhood friend, the popular girl in class. One day, a rare golden slime shows up, and after Kaito defeats it, he finds a super valuable item—a card that can summon mythical beings! He decides to use it and summons a stunning warrior maiden. Now, Kaito has a chance to rise above his ordinary explorer life. Get ready for a modern fantasy story filled with battles!
Based on the popular strategy game, Minato has become the new president of the Kibou Company. In order to be a good president and help the company grow, he must lead his party of adventurers through the Gate and collect Kirakuri — a type of energy that is extremely valuable and fundamental to the city of Gatepia. However, there are other companies vying for the chance to gather the Kirakuri.
In Orario, fearless adventurers band together in search of fame and fortune within the underground labyrinth known as the Dungeon. But Bell Cranel, novice adventurer, has bigger plans than riches and glory; he fights monsters in the hope of having a fateful encounter with a girl. When this happens, it doesn't go exactly as he planned. Thus begins the story of an unlikely pair, a boy and a goddess, both trying to prove themselves, both eager to reach their goals.
An unexplored dungeon, filled with monsters and traps. An expert thief, searching for her lost father. When Clay delves into the dungeon deeper than any adventurer has ever gone, she is offered a job by the dungeon's caretaker! Now, instead of exploring, Clay must learn how to interview new monsters, set traps and position slimes around the dungeon. Will this new career path bring her any closer to finding her father?
The misadventures of a knight and a healer begin in this new fantasy comedy series!