Austin Powers - Il controspione

Austin Powers - Il controspione 1997


Dopo essere rimasto ibernato per trent'anni, il dottor Male si risveglia per continuare il suo piano che prevede la conquista del mondo. Ma insieme a lui viene fatto risvegliare anche l'agente speciale Austin Powers, l'unico che puň contrastarlo. Dopo qualche tentennamento Austin riuscirŕ a fermarlo prima che sia troppo tardi.


Shaolin sfida ninja

Shaolin sfida ninja 1978


Il matrimonio organizzato tra un uomo cinese ed una donna giapponese viene visto come un insulto alle arti marziali giapponesi della famiglia di lei. Per riscattarsi lo sposo deve affrontare una serie di duelli e mettere in evidenza il suo kung fu davanti alle arti marziali giapponesi.


Sanshiro Sugata 2

Sanshiro Sugata 2 1945


Il campione di judo Sanshiro (ormai affermato) continua i suoi duelli sconfiggendo nuovamente i rappresentanti della scuola del jujutsu. Un giorno riceve la sfida di un impresario statunitense che vuole coinvolgerlo in un incontro di boxe. Egli rifiuta ma, sdegnato per la fine toccata al suo sostituto, accetta di battersi e ridicolizza l'avversario.


La polizia è sconfitta

La polizia è sconfitta 1977


Una crudele banda di taglieggiatori rende impossibile la vita ai commercianti di Bologna. Valli, uno dei banditi, si rivela essere il più spietato e il più cattivo del gruppo. Valli non esita a far fuori un tunisino che vorebbe entrare anche lui nel giro. La polizia grazie alla preziosa collaborazione dell'investigatore Grifi mette in piedi una squadra speciale ed entra in azione. Il capo della banda alla fine viene catturato mentre si è mescolato ai viaggiatori di un autobus.



Yawara! 1989


Inokuma Yawara is just another young high school girl. Well, not quite - for Yawara is being raised by her grandfather, 7th dan Judo master Inokuma Jigorou, to be Japan's great hope for the women's Judo competition at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. All the same, Yawara just wants to live a normal life...


Tomo-chan Is a Girl!

Tomo-chan Is a Girl! 2023


Tomboy Tomo couldn't have picked a more awkward high school crush 'cause it’s on her childhood friend, Junichiro, but he only sees her as one of the guys. Despite her pretty looks and signals, nothing gets through to this meathead! Will Junichiro ever realize Tomo's into him and see her for the cutesy girl she actually is?!


Judo Sanka

Judo Sanka 1974


Toshinta Tomoe decides to join the high school judo club to follow the footsteps of his mother, Teruko, a former judo champion.


Judo High

Judo High 2018


A story about a student who starts a judo club for the wrong reasons and has to keep it going when it blows up.


Ippon Again!

Ippon Again! 2023


After one last tournament and an embarrassing loss in the final round, Michi decides to call it quits on the sport of judo. Between high school social activities and entrance exams, she’ll have no time to compete in the martial art she loves most, but putting aside old hobbies is a normal part of growing up. Still, the love of judo lingers—and it comes back full force when she meets her new classmate Towa, the girl who bested Michi in her final match! Towa wants to form a judo club at their school, but she’ll need new members to get it up and running. United by their love of judo, they’ll throw in their passions into the ring together and score ippon again!


Judo Boy

Judo Boy 1969


Sanshiro, a teenage martial artist, trains in the Kurenai School of Jiujitsu and searches for his father's killer. Accompanying Sanshiro is an orphaned boy named Kenbo and his pet dog Boke. Sanshiro's only clue to his father's murderer is a glass eye left on the scene of the crime, suggesting that his father's murderer was one-eyed.


Summer Indigo

Summer Indigo 2025


There's one more reason to leave the judo club... Seonwoo wants to leave the judo club, and Taehyung has to stop him A heart-pounding judo club romance


Princess Army: Wedding Combat

Princess Army: Wedding Combat 1992


A Judo student and a dashing young man who plays piano are both of interest to young Nonoka Aida. Then her childhood friend shows up from abroad to keep his promise that he would marry her as declared by her deceased father on his deathbed. This newcomer is determined that Nonoka is destined to become his bride but he will need to stand up to her amazing Judo skills and the affection she shows for her two classmates.