Winston Sharples Winner by a Hare The Oily Bird Bouncing Benny The Once Over Sailing Zero Pirata Huey Fix That Clock A Hair-Raising Tale Homer on the Range A Leak in the Dike Cagey Business And So Tibet Reading, Writhing and 'Rithmetic Near Sighted and Far Out Les Boys A Friend in Tweed The Itch Two by Two Whiz Quiz Kid Poor Little Witch Girl Throne for a Loss Trick or Cheat The Defiant Giant Op, Pop, Wham, and Bop Hooky Spooky From Nags to Witches Sir Irving and Jeames Pedro and Lorenzo Heir Restorer Frighty Cat Okey Dokey Donkey Penny Pals Little Boo-Peep Alvin's Solo Flight Popcorn and Politics Keep the Cool, Baby Penguin for Your Thoughts Crumley Cogwheel In the Nicotine Geronimo and Son Brother Bat Without Time or Reason The Blacksheep Blacksmith Down to Mirth The Lion's Busy Spooking with a Brogue The Plot Sickens Cool Cat Blues Giddy Gadgets Santa's Surprise Ground Hog Play Hide and Shriek Doing What's Fright Good And Guilty Sour Gripes Goodie's Good Deed Frog's Legs The Pigs' Feat Cane and Able Casper's Birthday Party Marvin Digs Ollie the Owl Drum Up a Tenant Abner the Baseball Kozmo Goes To School The Phantom Moustacher Harry Happy T.V. Or No T.V. Funderful Suburbia Hobo's Holiday Ship A-Hooey Gramps to the Rescue The Boss Is Always Right Be Mice to Cats Good Snooze Tonight Rail-rodents Mike The Masquerader The Stubborn Cowboy Northern Mites Cape Kidnaveral Mini-Squirts One Funny Knight Miceniks My Daddy the Astronaut Space Kid The Story of George Washington The Awful Tooth Mean Moe Tells William Tell A Lad and His Lamp Grateful Gus Spooking of Ghosts Talking Horse Sense Galaxia A Bicep Built for Two From Mad to Worse Due mamme per Huey Fun At The Fair Dizzy Dinosaurs The Mild West Bird Scouts A Scout with the Gout Out to Punch Japanese Lanterns It's Nifty to Be Thrifty It's Nifty to Be Thrifty Fright from Wrong Cheese Burglar Il cenerentolo Giustizia per Braccio di Ferro The Voice of the Turkey Popeye's Mirthday La sposa mancata Toreadorable The Wee Men Bargain Counter Attack Cad and Caddy It's a Hap-Hap-Happy Day Swing Cleaning The Friendly Ghost Two for the Zoo Gabby Goes Fishing Zero the Hero Popeye the Sailor: Wimpy the Moocher Fang and Claw Leprechauns Gold Braccio di Ferro missile The Crystal Brawl Un trasloco velocissimo Nearlyweds Il pranzo migliore Popeye for President Fantasmi questi sconosciuti Olivia la superstiziosa Paura dei fantasmi All's Fair at the Fair Il grande flagello Pesce d'aprile Private Eye Popeye La talpa mangia spinaci Punch and Judo Parlez Vous Woo Operation Ice-Tickle The Big Fun Carnival Eroe degli spazi Olivia alla riscossa Un lavoro per Braccio Di Ferro Nurse to Meet Ya Penny Antics Baby Wants Spinach Beaus Will Be Beaus Bambini terribili Shaving Muggs Olivia polliziota Lassù sulle montagne Car-azy Drivers Pompieri pasticioni The Circus Comes to Clown The Ski's the Limit Taxi-Turvy Floor Flusher Popeye's 20th Anniversary Quack-a Doodle-Doo Il pisolino di Braccio di Ferro Grande cattivo Simbad Child Sockology The Golden State Blue Hawaii Foto da ricordo Magica-Lulu La samba di Olivia Lulu Gets the Birdie Popalong Popeye Flip Flap Quick on the Vigor Friend or Phony Tots of Fun Swimmer Take All Cupid Gets His Man Bold King Cole Nei mari del sud Let's Stalk Spinach Pilgrim Popeye Silly Hillbilly Thrill of Fair Lunch with a Punch Vacation with Play Braccio di Ferro regista Jitterbug Jive Beach Peach Barking Dogs Don't Fite Abusement Park Lezioni di ginnastica Avventura al Polo Nord Le avventure di Braccio di Ferro The Farmer and the Belle Corsa automobilistica Short'nin' Bread Snow Foolin' Possum Pearl Spinach vs Hamburgers La forza d'Ercole Wigwam Whoopee La presidentessa Olivia A Wolf in Sheik's Clothing Lulu's Indoor Outing Lucky Lulu Tops in the Big Top Base Brawl Sing or Swim Winter Draws On Scrappily Married A Lamb in a Jam The Lone Star State Little Brown Jug Spree for All Camptown Races Old MacDonald Had a Farm A Mutt in a Rut Song of the Birds The Big Drip The Big Flame Up Strolling Thru the Park Our Funny Finny Friends Little Red School Mouse Nel mondo dei giocattoli Farm Foolery Heap Hep Injuns Sock-a-Bye Kitty Once Upon a Rhyme Helter Swelter Teacher's Pest Jingle, Jangle, Jungle Casper's Spree Under the Sea Land of the Lost Jewels Fiesta Time Snap Happy Hector's Hectic Life Bored of Education Chick and Double Chick Man's Pest Friend Fresh Yeggs Sudden Fried Chicken Daffydilly Daddy The Funshine State Hysterical History Detouring Thru Maine A-Haunting We Will Go The Enchanted Square Readin', Writin', and Rhythmetic Hold the Lion Please Law and Audrey The Case of the Cockeyed Canary Forest Fantasy True Boo Cock-a-Doodle Dino To Boo or Not to Boo Boo Hoo Baby Casper Takes a Bow-Wow Casper Comes to Clown Mice Paradise Slip Us Some Redskin Cat-Choo Boo Scout As the Crow Lies Saved by the Bell Boo Moon The Stupidstitious Cat Mice Meeting You Goofy Goofy Gander Madhattan Island Il peggiore pupillo Il guastafeste La gioia dei regali Una babysitter per Huey Stork Raving Mad Cavalca paperotto Finnegan's Flea La festa del papà The Emerald Isle Chew Chew Baby The Stork Market Mouse Trek The Dog Show-Off Dawg Gawn Marriage Wows Spring Song A Bout with a Trout Jolly the Clown Comin' Round the Mountain Crazytown Ups an' Downs Derby Dante Dreamer The Baby Sitter Super Lulu Land of Lost Watches The Fuz The Opera Caper Silly Science No Place Like Rome Mice-capades Gag And Baggage Audrey the Rainmaker Aero-Nutics Miners Forty Niners Little Audrey Riding Hood Philharmaniacs Invention Convention Off We Glow Tweet Music Top Cat Boos in the Nite Snooze Reel Dizzy Dishes Tarts and Flowers Huey e il circo Drippy Mississippi Butterscotch and Soda Fishing Tackler Sing Again Of Michigan Cat Tamale Feast and Furious By Leaps and Hounds The Seapreme Court Il papà di Huey Cat Carson Rides Again Vegetable Vaudeville Compagno scout Campus Capers Win, Place and Showboat City Kitty Pleased to Eat You The Bored Cuckoo The Mite Makes Right The Old Shell Game The Land of the Lost The Little Cut-Up Hep Cat Symphony The Lost Dream Much Ado About Mutton Musica-Lulu L'antenato di Braccio di Ferro There's Good Boos To-Night Safari So Good Forget-Me-Nuts The Trip The Plumber A Bridge Grows in Brooklyn Alter Egotist A Wedding Knight A Balmy Knight High But Not Dry The Squaw Path Mister and Mistletoe Jest of Honor Will Do Mousework Candy Cabaret Superman Gift of Gag Naughty But Mice Magie africaine Wild Cargo Men Of The Forest Alona on the Sarong Seas Fit to Be Toyed Symphony in Spinach Lumberjack and Jill Braccio di Ferro sceriffo Pre-Hysterical Man I'll Be Skiing Ya Robin Hood-Winked Hot Air Aces A Balmy Swami The Fly's Last Flight Popeye's Premiere The Royal Four-Flusher The Island Fling Klondike Casanova Popeye and the Pirates House Tricks? Lotta negli abissi Wotta Knight The Fistic Mystic Rodeo Romeo Rocket to Mars Service with a Guile Adventure Girl The Ugly Dino The Fulla Bluff Man Sneak, Snoop and Snitch Zero the Hound Better Bait Than Never The Mechanical Monsters