Robert Lansing Delitto in quarta dimensione L'impero delle termiti giganti The Pusher Namu, the Killer Whale The Nest Grissom gang - niente orchidee per miss Blandish La veglia delle aquile Mutazione genetica False Face The Astronaut Bittersweet Love S.H.E. - La volpe, il lupo, l'oca selvaggia Wild in the Sky Killer by Night Widow An Eye for an Eye Sotto l'albero yum yum The Deadly Triangle Danger Has Two Faces After School Acapulco Gold The Fatal Impulse It Takes All Kinds Calhoun The Equalizer - The Movie: Blood & Wine Life on the Mississippi Memories of Manon Crime Club Thirty Dangerous Seconds La signora in giallo Law & Order - I due volti della giustizia Star Trek A tutte le auto della polizia Kung Fu: The Legend Continues Simon & Simon Alfred Hitchcock presenta Hotel Mod Squad, i ragazzi di Greer Gunsmoke Il tocco del diavolo General Electric Theater Saints and Sinners Monsters Ai confini della realtà The Tall Man The Monroes 87° squadra Sam Benedict Outlaws Daniel Boone Cimarron Strip Ai confini dell'Arizona Il virginiano Thriller Journey to the Unknown One Step Beyond Automan The Donna Reed Show Branded Young Doctor Malone The Man Who Never Was La signora in giallo Bonanza Bonanza Il virginiano Il virginiano The DuPont Show of the Week Gunsmoke Submarine: Steel Boats, Iron Men Reporter alla ribalta The Loner Bonanza The Doris Day Show Submarine: Steel Boats, Iron Men American Experience Mannix 12 O'Clock High Un giustiziere a New York Great Performances The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson Mannix