W. Donn Hayes Rebecca - La prima moglie Bury Me Dead Assigned to Danger Philo Vance's Gamble Philo Vance's Secret Mission The Dude Ranger Tell No Tales The Cowboy Millionaire When a Man's a Man L'idolo del sogno Salgin Espionage The Head of the Family The Chorus Kid Forgotten Women San Francisco Nights Stepchild Down Missouri Way The Bad One La fuga di Tarzan The Shopworn Angel Le due strade Night Life in Reno Hollywood and Vine Broadway Serenade Il villaggio più pazzo del mondo The Gas House Kids in Hollywood Between Two Women Dancing Co-Ed The Ice Follies of 1939 Stronger Than Desire Bare Knees Sword of Venus Turn Back the Hours Le due strade South to Karanga The Missing Corpse The Man Who Walked Alone Never the Twain Shall Meet Zander the Great The Thirteenth Chair Companionate Marriage Invasione USA