Mike Leeder Fearless Royal Warriors & Yes, Madam! Location Video 青蜂俠 禿鷹檔案 大追捕 Road to Hell Enter the Clones of Bruce The Audition Rise Of The Legend - La nascita della leggenda Pound of Flesh Helios 潛行 Echo 8 Five by Five Truy Sát Escape Plan 2 - Ritorno all'inferno Ultimate Justice Bodyguard: A New Beginning 大师兄 Abduction - Minaccia dal cielo 理想之路 Chinese Box Pugni d'acciaio e calci kung fu City Hunter - Il film Fist of Legend Once Upon a Time in China Once Upon a Time in China II Loveland True Legend Captured Australia L'uomo con i pugni di ferro 2 One Million K(l)icks The Silencer Echo 8 The Modelizer Triple Threat - Tripla minaccia The Art of Action: Martial Arts in the Movies Abduction - Minaccia dal cielo Go Back to China Fearless Pound of Flesh The Last Vampire - Creature nel buio