グラディエーターII 英雄を呼ぶ声 2024
私たちの時代の33年。 ローマのユダヤ州では、ナザレのイエスという名の神秘的な大工が「神の王国」の到来を告げ始め、謙虚な漁師のグループ、使徒たちに囲まれています。 何世紀もの間、ユダヤ人はメシアの到来を待っていました。メシアは、神聖な故郷を解放し、正義に基づいて新しい秩序を確立する摂理的な人物です。 イエスの教えは、彼がメシアであると認識する多くの信者を引き付けます。 状況に驚いたサンヘドリンは、十二使徒の一人であるイスカリオテのユダの助けを借りて、イエスを逮捕しました。 ローマに対する反逆罪で告発されたキリストはポンティウス・ピラトに引き渡されます。
解説 有名な伝説「アーサー王と円卓の騎士」をスペクタクル感あふれる映像で描く歴史アドベンチャー大作。アーサー王を『すべては愛のために』のクライヴ・オーウェンが演じ、やがて王妃となるグイナヴィアに『パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン』のキーラ・ナイトレイが扮し見事な矢さばきを見せる。 あらすじ ローマ帝国の崩壊で混乱するブリテン島。この混迷を極める戦乱の世に平和をもたらすべく、一人の男が立ち上がった。彼の名はアーサー(クライヴ・オーウェン)。勇敢な騎士たちを従え、宝剣エクスカリバーを手に、民衆を守るため戦いに挑む。
西暦33年のエルサレム。ローマ帝国の圧政の中、イエス・キリストと同じ日に隣の家で生まれ、東方の三賢者に救世主と間違えられそうになったユダヤ人の青年ブライアン(グレアム・チャップマン)は、口うるさい母親マンディ(テリー・ジョーンズ)と共に生活していた。 ある日、ブライアンは母親から、自分の父がユダヤ人ではなくローマ兵であることを告げられる。怒った彼はローマ人に復讐をするべく、レッジ(ジョン・クリーズ)率いる過激派集団「ユダヤ解放戦線」に加入する。しかし、ローマ帝国の総督ピラト(マイケル・ペイリン)の妻の誘拐計画が失敗、ただ一人ブライアンだけが生き残る。脱走した彼は、危険人物のレッテルを貼られ、逃げ惑うはめになる。 追い詰められたブライアンは、ローマ兵の目をごまかすために、教祖のふりをして説教をする。ローマ兵はごまかせたものの、民衆はブライアンのことを救世主だと勘違い。ブライアンは救世主であることを必死で否定するが、どんどん信者は増える一方で、どこまでもブライアンについてくる。「解放戦線」のメンバー、ジュディス(スー・ジョーンズ=デイビス)と一夜を過ごしたのち、起きてみると外には大群衆が待ち受けていた。追い返そうとして何を言っても、群衆はてこでも動かない。 そうこうしているうちに捕まってしまったブライアンは、磔刑に処せられる。「解放戦線」のメンバーや、ジュディス、ついには母親にまで見捨てられたブライアンは絶望する。そこで、磔にされていた1人(エリック・アイドル)が「元気出せよ」とエンディング曲「Always Look on the Bright Side of Life」を歌いだすと、それに導かれ磔にされている全員が合唱を始める。
A down-to-earth account of the lives of both illustrious and ordinary Romans set in the last days of the Roman Republic.
The extraordinary rise of Livia Drusilla, who overcame adversity to become the most powerful woman in the world. Follow Livia’s journey from a naïve young girl whose world crumbles in the wake of Julius Caesar’s assassination, to Rome’s most powerful and influential Empress.
Acclaimed blackly comic historical drama series. Set amidst a web of power, corruption and lies, it chronicles the reigns of the Roman emperors - Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula and finally Claudius.
This stylish mix of documentary and historical epic chronicles the reign of Commodus, the emperor whose rule marked the beginning of Rome's fall.
Three people's fates are interwoven in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9 A.D., during which Germanic warriors halt the spread of the Roman Empire.
The struggle between the Roman Empire and its rebellious conquest Judaea, and two best friends caught in a terrible moment in history.
Chelmsford 123 is a British television situation comedy produced for Channel 4 by Hat Trick Productions. It ran for two series, of six and seven episodes, in 1988 and 1990. The series was set in the British town of Chelmsford in the year AD 123, and concerned the power struggle between Roman governor Aulus Paulinus and the British chieftain, Badvoc. Britain is a miserable place, cold and wet – just the place to exile Aulus for accidentally insulting the Emperor's horse, but also give him something useful to do. Aulus, probably a play on Aulus Platorius Nepos, the governor of Roman Britain between 122 and 125, was a rather delicate Roman, who was usually outwitted by the scheming Badvoc, who hadn't had a haircut for twenty-five years. Many of the other regular "Hat Trick" actors, previously seen in shows such as Who Dares Wins, also appeared. Both series are now available on 4 on Demand and SeeSaw. Series 1 and 2 was released on DVD by Acorn Media UK on 15 September 2011.
A proud bath architect in ancient Rome starts randomly surfacing in present-day Japan, where he's inspired by the many bathing innovations he finds.
Told from the perspective of the rebel leaders, the series chronicles a wave of rebellions against absolute power by those the Roman Empire called “barbarians” – tribes they viewed as beyond the fringe of civilization that lived a brutish and violent existence. But these also were men and women who launched epic struggles that shaped the world to come with a centuries-long fight to defeat the sprawling empire.
The Caesars is a British television series produced by Granada Television for the ITV network in 1968. Made in black-and-white and written and produced by Philip Mackie, it covered similar dramatic territory to the later BBC adaptation of I, Claudius, dealing with the lives of the early emperors of Ancient Rome, but differed in its less sensationalist depictions of historical characters and their motives.
As a young boy, future emperor Nero witnesses the mad Emperor Caligula kill his father and exile his mother. While in exile in the pontine islands, Agrippina, his mother, sees a vision telling her that her son can become emperor, but she will have to die first. She accepts the proposal. Back in Rome, Nero, now being raised by emperor Claudius after Caligula's death, Agrippina returns. She poisons Claudius' food and Nero becomes emperor. At first, Nero cuts taxes and introduces successful programs and invades Brittania. Soon he meets a beautiful slave named Claudia Acte, and marries her, throwing off his engagement with Claudius' daughter, Claudia Octavia, telling her she can marry someone she will be happy with. Heartbroken, she arrives at an island and kills herself. Nero enjoys being married to Claudia Acte, but soon he gradually goes mad with power and sets fire to Rome.
The history of Rome is a 1,000-year-long epic, filled with murder, ambition, betrayal and greed and encompassing such legendary characters as Rome’s Iron Age founders Romulus and Remus and its greatest general Julius Caesar. Larry is accompanied by some of Europe and America’s foremost classical experts who reveal the atmosphere of intrigue, conflict and violence at the places where the saga unfolded.
Cestvs enters his first match at the slave gladiator training school. Though he's bewildered to discover that his opponent is his best friend, he wins the match, and his opponent is killed on the spot. According to his instructor Zafar, losers have no future. "Every time you win, your opponent will die. You're practically a murderer!" With all his sorrow and rage clenched in his fists, Cestvs survives, as one after another powerful opponents stand in his way, as well as the shadow of Nero, fifth emperor of the Roman Empire. With no other way to secure his freedom, can Cestvs seize his future?!
A series of eight episodes documenting 250.000 years of history. Charles Groenhuijsen takes us along sights and locations that historically harbored various inhabitants of ‘The Lowlands’. In what today is known as The Netherland, Belgium, Germany, New York, Ghana, Surinam, and Indonesia, Charles will be looking for the stories of ‘our’ past through potsherds, bones, stones, ancient text's, drawings, paintings, pictures, radio, and tv- fragments
Archaeologist and historian Richard Miles traces the development of Western civilization, from the first cities in Mesopotamia to the fall of the Roman Empire. In this six-part series, Miles travels through the Middle East, Egypt, Pakistan and the Mediterranean to discover how the challenges of society -- religion and politics, art and culture, war and diplomacy, technology and trade -- were dealt with and fought over in order to maintain a functioning civilization. Stories are told of disappeared, ruined and modern cities, from ancient Iraq to modern Damascus, to reveal how successes and failures of the ancients shaped the world today.
Bettany Hughes relives eight pivotal days that defined the Roman Empire and made it the world's first superpower.
Travel back in time to one of the most glorious empires in history. For over 1,000 years, Rome was the center of the known world, bringing to her subjects a common language, shared culture and wealth beyond imagination. But war, barbarian attacks and moral decay eventually took their toll, and the empire slowly began to crumble. Experience ancient history come to life, from Rome's primitive beginnings to the height of its glory – and its eventual downfall. Filmed in 10 countries, this documentary combines location footage of ancient monuments, detailed reenactments, period art and writings, and fascinating insights from scholars and public figures. Witness the ancient world come to life – and see history in all its drama.
At its height, the Roman Empire encompassed Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. How did it keep prospering for over 400 years? And why did it come to a rapid end? What can we learn from the Roman Empire and what guiding principles does it offer us today?