
尼僧物語 1959


ベルギーに住む有名な医者パン・デル・マル博士の娘であるガブリエルは尼僧になる決意をし、家を出た。恋人への思いも断ち切り、修道院入りする。 修道院で志願者となったガブリエルは修道女の戒律を学び、五日後には修道志願女となり数ヶ月に及ぶ厳しい戒律生活に身を投じる。戒律と懺悔の日々。あまりの厳しさに脱落していく志願女がいる中、ガブリエルは見習い尼になる。その前夜、髪を短く刈られ、またそれまで自分と俗世との唯一のつながりであった、恋人から贈られた金飾りのついたペンを投げ捨てた。俗世との完全な別離の瞬間であった。ガブリエルはシスター・ルークという名を与えられ、正式の尼僧になるべく修行を続ける。


Anne Frank: The Whole Story

Anne Frank: The Whole Story 2001


Anne Frank: The Whole Story is a two-part mini-series based on the book Anne Frank: The Biography by Melissa Müller. The mini-series aired on ABC on May 20 and 21, 2001. The series starred Ben Kingsley, Brenda Blethyn, Hannah Taylor-Gordon, and Lili Taylor. Controversially, but in keeping with the claim made by Melissa Müller, the series asserts that the anonymous betrayer of the Frank family was the office cleaner, when in fact the betrayer's identity has never been established. A disagreement between the producers of the mini-series and the Anne Frank Foundation about validity of this and other details led to the withdrawal of their endorsement of the dramatization, which prevented the use of any quotations from the writings of Anne Frank appearing within the production. Hannah Taylor-Gordon received both Golden Globe and Emmy Award nominations for her performance as Anne Frank, while Ben Kingsley won a Screen Actor's Guild Award for his performance as Otto Frank, Anne's father.