
イースター・パレード 1948


フレッド・アステア&ジュディ・ガーランド共演。主人公の有名ダンサーが、酒場の踊り子を一流のダンサーに育てあげるまでを、ロマンスを交えて描く傑作ミュージカル。 ダンサーのドンは、パートナーに去られた意地で、酒場の踊り子ハンナを誘い新たなパートナーとしてレッスンを始める。踊りの基本も知らないハンナだったが、ドンは来年のイースターまでにハンナを一流のダンサーに仕立ててみせると誓うが…。 アーヴィング・バーリンの名曲の数々にのせ、フレッド・アステアとジュディ・ガーランドが歌い踊る、戦後日本で初めて公開された傑作ミュージカル。アカデミーミュージカル映画音楽賞受賞。


サガン -悲しみよ こんにちは-

サガン -悲しみよ こんにちは- 2008


デビュー作『悲しみよ こんにちは』が世界的なベストセラーとなり、わずか18歳にして時代の寵児となったサガン。以後、次々と小説を発表する一方、その華麗な交友録で私生活にも注目が集まっていた。あり余るほどの富を手にした彼女は桁外れの金額でギャンブルに興じ、奔放な恋を謳歌する。そんなある日、スポーツカーを運転していて事故に遭い九死に一生を得たサガン。その後22歳で編集者のギイ・シェレールと結婚するが、それはほどなく失敗に終わってしまう。



Perfume 2019


Min Jae-Hee is a middle aged woman. She is a housewife who has devoted her life to her family, but her family gets destroyed. Min Jae-Hee is furious at the world. Through a mysterious perfume, Min Jae-Hee's appearance suddenly changes to a beautiful young woman. She becomes a model with her new youthful appearance. Min Jae-Hee meets Seo Yi-Do. He is a successful fashion designer, but a mean spirited person.


Footballers' Wives

Footballers' Wives 2002


Footballers' Wives is a British television drama surrounding the fictional Premier League Association football club Earls Park F.C., its players, and their wives. It was broadcast on the ITV network from 8 January 2002 to 14 April 2006. The show began with a multi-lateral focus on a variety of different types of relationships explored; however, from the third series onward, the primary focus was on a complex love triangle between Tanya Turner, Amber Gates and Conrad Gates.


Born for the Spotlight

Born for the Spotlight 2024


Chasing glamour, fame and artistry, women with a passion for acting must push the limits to pursue their dreams in the ruthless world of show business.


She's Got It

She's Got It 2018


Natalie, a small-town girl with big ambitions, and an equally big attitude, gets her first break in fashion, only to discover that her dreams come with a price to pay — in love, in her career and in her values — in this romantic comedy-drama set in the glamorous world of style and celebrities.


Playmate Playback

Playmate Playback 2015


Magazine covers, parties, exclusive photo-shoots, behind-the-scenes confessions and more. Meet the latest Playmates of Playboy like never before.


Dynasty: The Reunion

Dynasty: The Reunion 1991


Two years after the end of Dynasty, Blake Carrington— having survived the shooting but then convicted for the death of his attacker—is pardoned and released from prison.


Cybergirl of the Year

Cybergirl of the Year 2018


Meet the Playboy models who have risen during the last decade with interviews, behind-the-scenes footage and glamour videos.


Venus & Apollo

Venus & Apollo 2005


The Venus Beauty Institute is opening up once more for our very great pleasure and well-being. New management, new staff and new clients. Also Venus now welcomes Apollo into her temple. Let’s make an appointment! In the snug, scented universe of the treatment rooms, confidences are exchanged, whispered or yelled while, outside, clouds and seasons pass by, carrying off with them crumbs of life. A comedy in pink and blue! Laughter, tears, intimate secrets and emotions mingle with the odour of hot wax, foutain-of-youth creams and other paraphernalia.


Totally Jodie Marsh

Totally Jodie Marsh 2007


Totally Jodie Marsh: Who'll Take Her Up the Aisle? was a British reality television show, which saw glamour model Jodie Marsh audition a potential husband in London, Edinburgh, Sheffield, Birmingham, Cardiff and Bournemouth. The nine-part series, part of MTV's Totally strand, began on Sunday 22 July 2007 and culminated with Jodie marrying her 'Mr Right' on MTV One in September. During an interview for Star Magazine, Jodie stated that as a businesswoman, she is doing this for the money as well as confiding that all her friends are getting married and having kids and she needs a husband. The auditions themselves were not successful, as they drew fewer people than expected. From the beginning of the series, ratings dropped rapidly, and as a result MTV One screened a double bill for episodes 4 and 5. Details of her marriage and venue were revealed before the show was halfway complete. Marsh married former-boyfriend-of-Katie Price's Matthew Peacock on 1 September 2007 at Sugar Hut, a nightclub in Essex. Another wedding ceremony was shown on MTV One on 2 September 2007 in her mum's back garden on Sunday.