メイズ・ランナー 2014
『スクリーム』シリーズで知られるウェス・クレイヴンが、ホラー映画監督としてその名を轟かせた80年代を代表する傑作ホラーシリーズの第1弾。 女子高生ナンシーは、鋼鉄のかぎ爪を着けた殺人鬼の悪夢に悩まされていた。同じ夢を見るという親友ティナが惨殺され、さらに夢の中で殺人鬼に襲われた傷跡が現実でも身体に残っているなど、不可解な事件の連続に、ナンシーは心身共に衰弱してゆく。やがて母から過去にフレディという児童連続殺人犯を街の大人たちが処刑した事実を知らされ、殺人鬼の存在を確信。彼女はフレディと対決するため、自ら夢の中へ潜り込んでゆく。
溺愛する娘ライリーのために、彼女が今夢中の世界的アーティスト、レディ・レイヴンが出演するアリーナライブのプラチナチケットを手に入れたクーパー。父親と会場に到着したライリーは、最高の席に大感激。遂にライブが幕を開け、3 万人の観客が熱狂に包まれる中、彼は異変に気付く。異常な数の監視カメラ、会場内外に続々と集結する警察…普通ではない。口の軽いスタッフから「ここだけの秘密」を聞き出すクーパー。指名手配中の切り裂き魔についてタレコミがあり、警察がライブというトラップを仕組んだという。だが、その世間を騒がす残虐な殺人鬼こそ——優しい父親にしか見えないクーパーだった!
ロサンゼルスのオフィスビルにあるエレベーターに爆弾が仕掛けられ、乗客達が閉じ込められる事件が発生。ロサンゼルス市警察SWAT隊員であるジャック・トラヴェンはマクマホン分隊長や同僚のハリー達と共に爆弾を排除、乗客達を救出。さらに身代金を要求してきた犯人のハワード・ペインを追い詰めるがもう一息のところで逃げられる。 ペインは元アトランタ警察爆発物処理班員で、処理中の爆発事故により左手親指を失う障害を負って退職せざるを得なくなったが「命がけで何十年も働いてきたのに、警察当局は退職記念の金時計と障害年金を寄越しただけで、他に何も補償してくれない」と逆恨み、警察に挑戦を始めた。 逃げおおせたペインは路線バスに爆弾を仕掛け、ジャックに対応させるよう仕向ける。信管は速度測定系に連動、バスの速度が一度でも時速50マイル(約80Km)を越えると安全装置が解除され、更に、速度がこれを下回ると爆発する。爆破を阻止するために標的となったバスを止めて飛び乗ったジャックだったが、不法滞在している自分を追ってきたと思い込んだ乗客の一人が誤って発砲し、運転手(サム)が負傷。スピード違反で免停中のためバス通勤していた若い女性、アニーがハンドルを任された。
新居を探すトム(アイゼンバーグ)とジェマ(プーツ)は、ふと足を踏み入れた不動産屋から、全く同じ家が並ぶ住宅地<Yonder(ヨンダー)>を紹介される。内見を終え帰ろうとすると、ついさっきまで案内していた不動産屋が見当たらない。不安に思った二人は、帰路につこうと車を走らせるが、どこまでいっても景色は一向に変わらない。二人はこの住宅地から抜け出せなくなってしまったのだ― そこへ送られてきた一つの段ボール。中には誰の子かわからない生まれたばかりの赤ん坊。 果たして二人はこの住宅地から出ることができるのか―?
Unravel the mystery of a nightmarish town in middle America that traps all those who enter. As the unwilling residents fight to keep a sense of normalcy and search for a way out, they must also survive the threats of the surrounding forest – including the terrifying creatures that come out when the sun goes down.
Bullies often target someone frail and weak—someone exactly like Yûgi Muto. He treasures his Millennium Puzzle, an ancient Egyptian artifact that was brought into his grandfather's game shop. Believing that solving the puzzle will grant him his wish, he completes the puzzle, unleashing a new personality within him, the soul of the "King of Games." The new personality named Yami Yûgi is the exact opposite of Yûgi. Upon any injustice toward him, Yami Yûgi takes over Yûgi's body and forces the opponent into a "Shadow Game".
A small town is suddenly and inexplicably sealed off from the rest of the world by an enormous transparent dome. While military forces, the government and the media positioned outside of this surrounding barrier attempt to break it down, a small group of people inside attempt to figure out what the dome is, where it came from, and when (and if) it will go away.
Six children begin their journey at the top of a gothic fairytale tower. They work together as a team to complete the challenges, but to escape each floor they must uncover the saboteur among them.
Imagine the perfect American town... beautiful homes, manicured lawns, children playing safely in the streets. Now imagine never being able to leave. You have no communication with the outside world. You think you're going insane. You must be in Wayward Pines.
After resigning, a secret agent is abducted and taken to what looks like an idyllic village, but is really a bizarre Kafkaesque prison. His warders demand information. He gives them nothing, but only tries to escape.
When everyone else mysteriously vanishes from their wealthy town, the teen residents of West Ham must forge their own society to survive.
An epidemic breaks out in Atlanta leaving the large city quarantined and those stuck on the inside fighting for their lives. This is the story of loved ones torn apart, and how the society that grows inside the quarantine reveals both the devolution of humanity and the birth of unlikely heroes.
A group of students trapped in a high school must fight for survival when predatory mutant freaks take over after a meltdown at the local chemical plant.
Between is the story of a town under siege from a mysterious disease that has wiped out everybody except those 21 years old and under. The series explores the power vacuum that results when a government has quarantined a 10-mile diameter area and left the inhabitants to fend for themselves.
The Prisoner is a 2009 television miniseries based on the 1960s TV series The Prisoner about a man who awakens in a mysterious, picturesque village from which there is no escape and wonders who made the village and why.
A group of strangers must come together to solve the puzzle of their lives.
Behind the glitzy entertainment industry lies a dark and sinister world: harsh working conditions of production sites, domineering hotshots, and the tragic fate of unpopular talents. This a suspenseful thriller about a man who works at a frontline of the entertainment industry who is entangled in a mysterious game of life and death.
Christina is trapped in a room with only a Toshiba laptop and an untraceable Internet connection. Unable to determine where she is being held or what her fate might be, she uses the laptop to mobilize her social network, reaching out to friends, family and anyone else who can help her figure out where she’s being held and how to escape.
Underwhelming and self-absorbed siblings Jack and Laurie think they've hit the jackpot when they inherit a motel from a distant relative, but after one night the pair learn they've been duped and cursed to spend the rest of their lives trapped on the dilapidated property. For fear of having to spend eternity with only each other, they quickly devise a plan to lure their friends over, because well, misery loves company.
In a building with multiple cells and control rooms, someone is playing puppet-master with a group of captives. These total strangers—who seem to have nothing in common—quickly realize they’re being watched and heard, and turned into pawns in a dangerous game. As they come to understand that they can’t count on outside help, they decide to start working together to survive and regain their freedom.