サイコ 1960
数々の戦いを終えて故郷のアリゾナに戻ったジョン・ランボー は、家族のような絆で結ばれた古い友人のマリアとその孫娘ガブリエラと共に牧場で平穏な毎日を過ごしていたが、ある日ガブリエラがメキシコの人身売買カルテルに誘拐される。娘同然の彼女を救うため、ランボーはグリーンベレーの隊員として培ってきた超人的な戦闘技術を総動員して戦いに備える。
牧場主ダンは、家族を養うため借金を抱え、苦しい生活を送っていた。ある日彼は荒野へ出ると、ウェイド率いる強盗団が駅馬車を襲った現場に遭遇。生存者を救出し町へ向かうと、ちょうどそのウェイドが保安官に逮捕されるところだった。3日後の午後3時10分発ユマ行きの列車でウェイドを刑務所に送ることになり、その警護役には報酬が支払われるとのことで、ダンは志願する。だが、ウェイドには多くの手下がいた。 強盗団のリーダーにラッセル・クロウ、彼を護送する平凡な市民にクリスチャン・ベイルという適役で、名作西部劇『決断の3時10分』をリメイク。相容れない2人が駆け引きを通じて絆を結ぶ様を、熱く骨太に描く。
ジョン・フォード監督が“OK牧場の決闘”を題材にした傑作西部劇。 メキシコからカリフォルニアへ牛を運んでいた途中、アリゾナのトゥームストンへ立ち寄るワイアット・アープとその兄弟。だが、留守をまかせていた末弟は何者かに殺され、牛も盗まれてしまった。クラントン一家がその犯人であると踏んだワイアットは、保安官となってトゥームストンに留まる事を決意する。町では賭博師ドク・ホリデイと知り合い、次第に友情を深めていく一方、ドクを追ってやって来たクレメンタインという名の美しい婦人に一目惚れするワイアット。やがて、ドクの愛人チワワが、殺された末弟のペンダントを持っていた事が発覚。それは、クラントンの息子に貰った事が判明する……。
Sons of Tucson is a family comedy about three brothers who hire a charming, wayward schemer to stand in as their father when their real one goes to prison. What begins as a business relationship evolves into something more complex and compelling: a family unlike any we've ever seen. The three brothers find their dad-for-hire, Ron Snuffkin (Tyler Labine), at the local sporting good store. Ron will be forced to draw on a wide array of skills and a vast bag of tricks as he steps into the patriarch role to take care of the boys of the Gunderson family. Robby Gunderson, 8, is a loose cannon who doesn't respond well to authority; Gary Gunderson, 11, is a bright and street-savvy leader who is every bit the con man his father is; and Brandon Gunderson, 13, is a gentle free spirit who simply goes along for the ride. Maggie Morales (Natalie Martinez), Robby's second-grade teacher and the object of Ron's affection, might just be the only stable figure in the lives of this quirky quartet. While Sons of Tucson is grounded in the day-to-day challenges of a single-parent home, nothing in the Gunderson household is quite what it seems. An ongoing chess match between Ron and the boys will keep both parties on their toes, as neither side can afford to give up too much power or independence.
The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin is an American children's television program. Beginning in October 1954 until May 1959, 166 episodes originally aired on ABC television network. It starred child actor Lee Aaker as Rusty, a boy orphaned in an Indian raid, who was being raised by the soldiers at a US Cavalry post known as Fort Apache. He and his German shepherd dog, Rin Tin Tin, helped the soldiers to establish order in the American West. Texas-born actor James Brown appeared as Lieutenant Ripley "Rip" Masters. Co-stars included veteran actor Joe Sawyer and actor Rand Brooks from Gone with the Wind fame.
On the run from the police, an Arizona man crosses into Mexico and gets deeply involved in drug trafficking, with the help of modern technology.
Consumed by the mystery surrounding the donor heart that saved her life, a young patient starts taking on sinister characteristics of the deceased.
Coming of Age is a situation comedy that aired briefly on the CBS television network in the United States for three runs in 1988 and 1989. Coming of Age features Paul Dooley and Phyllis Newman as a couple, Dick and Ginny Hale, living in a fictional retirement community, The Dunes, in Arizona. Retirement had not really been their, or at least, Dick's, idea – a former airline pilot, he had been forced to retire by a Federal Aviation Administration rule which requires all U.S. commercial pilots to retire by age 60. Dick hated almost everything about his retirement, including his surroundings. He was appalled by the hot climate, the thin walls separating the Hale's apartment from those of their neighbors Alan Young and Glynis Johns and, apparently, mostly by the contented attitude that most of the other residents expressed. This program was first aired as a midseason replacement in March 1988; although in was apparently not well received and was pulled after only three episodes were aired, it was nonetheless added to the CBS 1988 fall lineup. There, it failed again, and was quickly pulled. The airing of some more episodes in June and July 1989 was apparently a "run-off", an attempt to recoup at least some of the investment in the show by using it as filler during the traditionally low-rated summer months.
United States Marshal (renamed from Sheriff of Cochise) is a crime drama set in Tuscon, Arizona about a U.S. Marshal fighting crime. After "U.S. Marshal" ended its run in 1960, both it and its predecessor series "The Sheriff of Cochise" were syndicated under the unified title "The Man from Cochise". This series was created when the title character of the 1956-58 TV series The Sheriff of Cochise (1956), a role also played by John Bromfield, accepted the position of U.S. Marshal based in Yuma, AZ.
Follow the lives of the Chinle High basketball team in Arizona's Navajo Nation on a quest to win a state championship and bring pride to their isolated community.