キーワード Feelings
ビリー・アイリッシュ:世界は少しぼやけている 2021
トゥ・ザ・ワンダー 2013
爸妈不在家 2013
ウェディング・ゲスト 2017
Loveland 2022
Foutaises 1990
Gyvybės laiškas 2022
Anhedonia 2022
Cova 2022
Broken Hearts 2023
Girls & The Party 2021
Un día de marzo 2023
8 2015
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist 2020
After an unusual event, Zoey Clarke, a whip-smart computer coder forging her way in San Francisco, suddenly starts to hear the innermost wants, thoughts and desires of the people around her through popular songs.
Bay Khudi 2016
Bay Khudi is a tale of Fiza who shifted to her aunt’s house along with her mother after her father’s death. Saad’s (Noor Hassan) mother loves Fiza as her own daughter. Fiza is happy because of Saad who’s her cousin and best friend, however Saad has feelings for Fiza. Fiza luckily gets engaged to Asher whom she loves and doesn’t realize what Saad feels for her. Saad couldn’t accept the reality that Fiza is not his anymore and that’s where his love for her turns into obsession.