劇場版ハイキュー!! ゴミ捨て場の決戦

劇場版ハイキュー!! ゴミ捨て場の決戦 2024









ハイキュー!! 終わりと始まり

ハイキュー!! 終わりと始まり 2015




ハイキュー!! コンセプトの戦い

ハイキュー!! コンセプトの戦い 2017


春の高校バレー宮城県予選、決勝戦ーー 。 準決勝で青葉城西を下した烏野が、春高出場を懸けた一戦に挑む。 対するは超高校級エース・牛島若利を擁する絶対王者、白鳥沢。 烏野は試合序盤から牛島の強烈なスパイクに翻弄され、攻勢に転じようにも天童の鋭いブロックに阻まれてしまう。 これは超えられない壁なのか? 反撃のカギを握るのは、ブロックの要・月島。 その冷静かつ執拗なディフェンスで、日向、影山も勢いを増していくが……。 両チーム、コンセプトは違えども激しく打ち合う姿勢は一緒。 死闘の果て、最後に笑うのはどっちだ!?



リズと青い鳥 2018


北宇治高等学校吹奏楽部所属の鎧塚みぞれと傘木希美は、それぞれオーボエとフルートを担当する親友同士。高校3年生の二人にとって最後の出場となるコンクールで選ばれた自由曲「リズと青い鳥」には、オーボエとフルート掛け合いのソロパートがあった。希美はその曲が自分たちのようだと無邪気に話していたが……。 『映画 「聲の形」』などの山田尚子が監督を務め、武田綾乃の青春小説「響け! ユーフォニアム 北宇治高校吹奏学部、波乱の第二楽章」をアニメーション化。高校最後の年を迎えた2人の少女が過ごす日々を映し出す。山田監督作『けいおん』シリーズや『映画 「聲の形」』でも組んだ吉田玲子が脚本を、テレビアニメ「氷菓」や『Free!』シリーズなどを手掛けてきた京都アニメーションが、アニメーション制作を担当。


ハイキュー!! 才能とセンス

ハイキュー!! 才能とセンス 2017


春高予選に向けて動き出した烏野高校排球部は、強化の一環として関東強豪チームとの合同合宿に参加する。 変化を求め進化した烏野一同は、迎えた春高予選で準決勝へと駒を進める。 対戦相手は、インターハイ予選で敗北を喫した青葉城西高校。 序盤から猛攻をしかける烏野だったが、徐々に精度を上げる及川のサーブと秘密兵器・京谷の強烈なスパイクによって、流れは青城に傾いていく。 リズムを取り戻したい烏野は、日向と影山の進化した変人速攻、そしてピンチサーバー・山口のサービスエースで食らいつくが……!? 因縁の相手に全身全霊をかけて挑む!



スウィングガールズ 2004


東北地方の山河高校の、落ちこぼれ学生だった友子ら13人の女子生徒は、夏休みの補習授業をサボるために、食中毒で入院した吹奏楽部のピンチヒッターに応募する。 唯一、食中毒を免れた気の弱い吹奏楽部員・拓雄の指導で、ビッグバンドジャズをはじめた友子らは、次第に演奏の楽しさに目覚め、ジャズにのめりこんでいく。しかし、吹奏楽部員が退院して復帰したため、あえなくお払い箱になってしまう。 2学期になった友子らは、演奏の楽しさが忘れられず、バンドを結成し、楽器を買うためにアルバイトに精を出して、失敗したり四苦八苦しながら、ビッグバンドジャズにのめりこんでいく。


リンダ リンダ リンダ

リンダ リンダ リンダ 2005


高校を舞台にガールズバンドの奮闘をさわやかに描いた青春人間ドラマ。出演は『ほえる犬は噛まない』『TUBE』のべ・ドゥナ、『バトル・ロワイアル』シリーズの前田亜季、『ローレライ』の香椎由宇、そしてロックバンドBase Ball Bearのベーシスト・関根史織。監督は『リアリズムの宿』の山下敦弘。ハイティーンの女の子たちの心の微妙な心の揺れや高揚を繊細に描き出す。


ハイキュー!! 勝者と敗者

ハイキュー!! 勝者と敗者 2015




劇場版 響け!ユーフォニアム~誓いのフィナーレ~

劇場版 響け!ユーフォニアム~誓いのフィナーレ~ 2019


目指せ、全国。 吹奏楽部での活動を通して見つけていくかけがえのないものたち。 これは、本気でぶつかる少女たちの青春の物語。 【Introduction】 高校の吹奏楽部を舞台に繰り広げられる人間ドラマ、 そして繊細かつダイナミックな演奏シーンが話題となり、 多くの人々から支持を集める「響け! ユーフォニアム」シリーズ。 そんなシリーズの完全新作『劇場版 響け! ユーフォニアム~誓いのフィナーレ~』 ――久美子先輩って優しいですね。 主人公・黄前久美子が2年生に進級し、吹奏楽部へ「後輩」たちがやって来る。 一筋縄ではいかない後輩との関係を通して、久美子が得たものとは――。


仮面ライダー×仮面ライダー ウィザード&フォーゼ MOVIE大戦アルティメイタム

仮面ライダー×仮面ライダー ウィザード&フォーゼ MOVIE大戦アルティメイタム 2012


序章 アクマイザーと呼ばれる魔界の者たち、ザタン・イール・ガーラが地の底から甦り、太古の昔に目論んだ地上侵略を再開した。 アクマイザーたちは秘術を使用し、歴代ライダーたちと戦ったヤミー・ドーパントといった怪人たちを続々と生み出していく。 『仮面ライダーフォーゼ』 天ノ川学園高等学校で起こった仮面ライダー部とホロスコープスの戦いから5年後。卒業したライダー部の面々[5]がそれぞれの道を歩む中、如月弦太朗 / 仮面ライダーフォーゼは天高の教師となり、宇宙仮面ライダー部も部員1名でありながら健在していた。 そんな中、天高に潜む謎の集団「怪人同盟」が旧人類に代わって世界を支配しようと暗躍を始める。 『仮面ライダーウィザード』 ファントムたちの陰謀を食い止めるために日々戦っている、指輪の魔法使いこと操真晴人 / 仮面ライダーウィザード。そんなある日、モンスターを無限に生産するマシンによって騒動が発生する。 事件解決のため、ある人物のアンダーワールドへ侵入した晴人たちは、そこで魔法使いの上村優 / 美少女仮面ポワトリンと出会う。 『MOVIE大戦アルティメイタム』 フォーゼ・ウィザード、2人のライダーの戦いが交わった時、アクマイザーの野望も最終局面を迎えようとしていた。そこへメテオ・なでしこ・オーズ・バース・W・アクセルといった歴代ライダーたちも加わり、8大ライダーは怪人大軍団との決戦に挑む。



がっこうぐらし! 2019




スラムダンク 湘北最大の危機!燃えろ桜木花道

スラムダンク 湘北最大の危機!燃えろ桜木花道 1995


インターハイ予選決勝リーグで海南大附属高校に敗れた湘北バスケット部。その原因が自分にあると思い込んだ花道は髪型を坊主頭にした[注 1]。 残り2試合に勝つべく、練習中の湘北は、緑風高校バスケット部のマネージャーである藤沢恵里とその主将であるマイケル沖田に練習試合の申し込みをされた。安西は、海南戦のことを引きずっている湘北メンバーに刺激を与えるべく、練習試合を了承。練習試合が始まったが、主将の赤木が海南戦での負傷により、スタメンから外れた湘北は緑風に押される。 一度は赤木の一喝から流れを掴む湘北だったが、緑風の作戦に翻弄され、再び劣勢に立たされ、さらに木暮が体を張ったプレイを見せるも、直後に意識を失い倒れる。しかし、彼のこのプレイが試合の流れを変えることになるのであった。



桐島、部活やめるってよ 2012




ちはやふる 下の句

ちはやふる 下の句 2016




ちはやふる 上の句

ちはやふる 上の句 2016




劇場版ツルネ -はじまりの一射-

劇場版ツルネ -はじまりの一射- 2022




ちはやふる 結び

ちはやふる 結び 2018





武士道シックスティーン 2010




Slam Dunk

Slam Dunk 1993


Sakuragi Hanamichi is a junior high punk used to getting into fights and being rejected by girls but upon entering high school he meets the girl of his dreams, Haruko Akagi. He will do anything in order to win her heart including joining the school basketball team that is aiming to conquer the nation lead by Haruko's brother. The problem is that Sakuragi has never played basketball before and a freshman sensation is stealing the spotlight and Haruko's affection from him.



K-ON! 2009


The Sakuragoaka Girls' Academy curriculum traditionally focuses on the three "R"s of reading, writing and arithmetic, but Ritsu Tainaka wants to add two more "R"s: Rock and Roll! To do that, however, Ritsu has to save the Light Music Club from being shut down due to little problems like not having any other members or a faculty advisor. After strong-arming her best friend Mio into joining and convincing Tsumugi Kotobuki to make it a trio, Ritsu's would-be rockers are soon only one talented guitarist short of the quartet they need for school approval. What they get, unfortunately, is Yui Hirasawa, who's never held a guitar in her life, but she's determined to learn! Will the school halls come alive with the sound of music?



Chihayafuru 2011


Chihaya Ayase has spent most of her life supporting her sister’s model career. When she meets a boy named Arata Wataya, he thinks Chihaya has potential to become a great karuta player. As Chihaya dreams of becoming Japan's best karuta player, she is soon separated from her karuta playing friends. Now in high school, Chihaya still plays karuta in the hope that she will one day meet her friends again.



Hyouka 2012


Oreki Houtarou is a minimalistic high school boy. One day, he joins the Classic Literature Club at his elder sister's request. There he meets Chitanda Eru, Fukube Satoshi, and Ibara Mayaka. Chitanda is a calm beautiful girl but she turns into an embodiment of curiosity once she says, "I'm curious." Fukube is a smiling boy with a fantastic memory who calls himself a database. Ibara is a short girl and is strict with others and herself. They begin to investigate a case that occurred 45 years ago. Hints of the mystery are buried in an old collection of works of the former members of Classics Club. The collection is titled "Hyouka."


Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! 2012


As one of the thousands of Japanese students afflicted with "chunibyo," a state where they're so desperate to stand out that they've convinced themselves that they have secret knowledge and hidden powers, Yuta spent most of his middle school years living in a complete fantasy world. He's finally managing to overcome his delusions but his chunibyo have attracted the attentions of another sufferer, and she's decided that this makes him her soul mate.


Sound! Euphonium

Sound! Euphonium 2015


After swearing off music due to an incident at the middle school regional brass band competition, euphonist Kumiko Oumae enters high school hoping for a fresh start. As fate would have it, she ends up being surrounded by people with an interest in the high school brass band. Kumiko finds the motivation she needs to make music once more with the help of her bandmates, some of whom are new like novice tubist Hazuki Katou; veteran contrabassist Sapphire Kawashima; and band vice president and fellow euphonist Asuka Tanaka. Others are old friends, like Kumiko's childhood friend and hornist-turned-trombonist Shuuichi Tsukamoto, and trumpeter and bandmate from middle school, Reina Kousaka. However, in the band itself, chaos reigns supreme. Despite their intention to qualify for the national band competition, as they currently are, just competing in the local festival will be a challenge—unless the new band advisor Noboru Taki does something about it.



Haikyu!! 2014


Inspired by a small-statured pro volleyball player, Shouyou Hinata creates a volleyball team in his last year of middle school. Unfortunately the team is matched up against the "King of the Court" Tobio Kageyama's team in their first tournament and inevitably lose. After the crushing defeat, Hinata vows to surpass Kageyama. After entering high school, Hinata joins the volleyball team only to find that Tobio has also joined.


Yowamushi Pedal

Yowamushi Pedal 2013


Onoda Sakamichi is a rather timid, anime-loving first-year student at Sohoku High School. Upon entering high school, he tried to join the anime research club, but after meeting Imaizumi Shunsuke, a renowned cyclist since middle school, and Naruko Shoukichi, who swept the Kansai cycling championship, he ended up joining the competitive cycling club.



Touch 1985


Twins Kazuya and Tatsuya, and their neighbor Minami have played together since they were children and built an unbreakable bond. But with puberty, the twins realized something: Minami is a girl, and three is a crowd. As the trio tries to preserve their relationship, Kazuya's pledge to make Minami's dream come true by taking her to Koshien with his baseball pitching skills makes the slackerish Tatsuya wonder about himself, and his own goals. But Minami has another dream she wants fulfilled, and as the twins continue to push themselves, with Minami in the middle, a life-changing tragedy leads one twin down a path he once never would've considered...


Tesagure! Bukatsumono

Tesagure! Bukatsumono 2013


Tanaka Koharu joins a school club whose main activity is to discuss the activities of school clubs, often taking common anime/manga tropes to the extremes.



Tsurune 2018


When Minato Narumiya joins Prefectural Kazemai High School, he is quickly invited to join the archery club by the club's advisor, Tommy-sensei. His childhood friends Seiya Takehaya and Ryohei Yamanouchi swiftly agree to join, but Minato is hesitant at first. Because Minato is the rare student with experience in archery, Tommy-sensei orders him to give a demonstration, which Minato does... except his arrow doesn't hit the target. It is revealed that Minato has developed a terrible dysfunction regarding archery.



H2 1995


Kunimi Hiro is a high school student, who is forced to give up his ambitions as a professional baseball player due to a serious injury. Now at a new high school, Hiro gets involved with Haruko and her goals of reviving that school's baseball team. At first they must overcome the refusal of school principle, who still remembers a dishonorable defeat that the school's baseball suffered some ten years earlier. Even with permission to form a school baseball team, there are still the players to recruit and train, and the challenges of building a reputation of the team within the high school baseball circuit. This is a story of group of high school students and their love of the game of baseball. Hiro is national class pitcher and batter, with his best friend who is a catcher and with Haruko as the team manager, together they struggle to build a baseball team worthy of the national championship.


High School D×D

High School D×D 2012


High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having his own harem one day. Things seem to be looking up for Issei when a beautiful girl asks him out on a date, although she turns out to be a fallen angel who brutally kills him! However, he gets a second chance at life when beautiful senior student Rias Gremory, who is a top-class devil, revives him as her servant, recruiting Issei into the ranks of the school's Occult Research club. Slowly adjusting to his new life, Issei must train and fight in order to survive in the violent world of angels and devils. Each new adventure leads to many hilarious (and risqué) moments with his new comrades, all the while keeping his new life a secret from his friends and family in High School DxD!



Ben-To 2011


You Sato is a new high school student living in the dorms. While seeking cheap eats at the local market he finds himself beat up and semi-conscious with fleeting glimpses of a girl during the moments of his collapse. As his memories recover the next day, he discovers that trying to purchase half priced lunchboxes can be hazardous to his health as free-for-all fights with local students for the discounted food is the nightly routine. The girl from the night before, Sen Yarizui, is an upper classmate known as the Frozen Witch and is one of the local Wolves who dominates the area. She educates him on the rules of the game where Wolves eat well while Dogs settle for cup ramen. With fellow first year student Hana Oshiroi, a fetishistic germaphobe, You Sato sets out to discover if he too has what it takes to be a Wolf and taste the sweet victory of half priced boxed banquets or wallow in the bitter defeat of reconstituted noodles and salty broth in a styrofoam bowl.


Girls Beyond the Wasteland

Girls Beyond the Wasteland 2016


Buntarou doesn't know what he wants to do in the future. He does not have any kind of dream that he wants to pursue, so currently he just spends his days hanging around with his friends. One day, his classmate Sayuki asks him if he wants to help with development of a gal game. She says that she had become interested in his help after she read one of his works intended for the drama club. Buntarou doesn't know anything about gal games, but Sayuki claims that she has the ability to make it a success. Can they make the game, and will it be a success like she claims it will be? This is the story of youths taking a daring step into the unknown...


Kokoro Connect

Kokoro Connect 2012


Five members of the school culture club—Taichi Yaegashi, Iori Nagase, Himeko Inaba, Yui Kiriyama, and Yoshifumi Aoki—encounter a bizarre phenomenon one day when Aoki and Yui switch personalities without warning. The same begins to happen to the other club members, throwing their daily lives into chaos. At first the five students find some amusement among the confusion, but this connection also exposes the painful scars hidden within their hearts... When their calm lives are shattered, the relationships between the five students also begin to change!


Myriad Colors Phantom World

Myriad Colors Phantom World 2016


In the near future, in a world born of human imagination, what humans would call ghosts or monsters appear, and they come to be called "phantoms." Haruhiko Ichijō, is a first year at Hosea Academy along with his upperclassman Mai Kawakami, who fights phantoms with the ability "Spirit of Five Elements," Reina Izumi, who has the ability "Phantom Eater," and Koito Minase, who fights phantoms in solitude. They experience the ups and downs of high school life before a certain incident leads them to the truth of this world.


A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd

A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd 2014


Kyotaro Kakei has always had an affinity towards books in hopes to find answers to his life. With a mentor's promise, he continues to search for a book with his absolute hope. However, this changes when he receives a foretelling message saying that "Today, something will happen that will change your fate. --From the Shepherd." Due to this premonition, his normal school life at Shiomoi Academy becomes entangled due to the optimistic Tsugumi Shirasaki and the Shimoi Happy Project.



Teekyu 2012


The series follows the hilarious everyday routines of four girls in the Kameido High tennis club who, on occasion, actually play some tennis.


Haganai: I Don't Have Many Friends

Haganai: I Don't Have Many Friends 2011


Kodaka Hasegawa has just transferred to St. Chronica's Academy and he's having a hard time making friends. With his naturally blond hair and fierce looking eyes, people constantly mistake him for a delinquent. One day, he runs into his bad-tempered loner of a classmate, Yozora, while she's talking to her imaginary friend, Tomo. Since neither of them have any friends, they decide to form a club and start recruiting some. Little by little, lonely classmates join their club to learn how to build friendships through cooking together, playing games, and other group activities. But, with so many misfits, will the club members really be able to get along?