バトル・ロワイアル 2000
夜神 月(やがみ ライト)はある日、奇妙な黒いノートを拾う。それは死神・リュークが落とした、ノートに名前を書かれた人間が死ぬ「デスノート」だった。犯罪者を裁く法律に限界を感じていた月は、世の中を変えるため、ノートの力で犯罪者を次々と葬り始める。やがて犯罪者を葬る者の存在に気付いた人々は殺し屋(=Killer)の意味から「キラ」と呼び始め、キラを神と崇め崇拝する者まで現れた。 一方、警察組織はキラの行為はあくまでも連続殺人であるとし、その調査・解決のためにある人物を送り込んだ。警察を裏から指揮し、数々の難事件を解決してきた世界的名探偵L(エル)である。 天才同士の戦い、求める世界の違いから起こったこの闘いに勝つのは死神の力を持つキラか、それとも警察を動かすLか。
2013年、東京・小金井。碧々とした緑に身を隠すようにして、国民的アニメーションスタジオの“スタジオジブリ”は存在している。 宮崎駿、彼の先輩であり師匠である高畑勲、そしてふたりの間を猛獣使いのごとく奔走するプロデューサー、鈴木敏夫。観客のみならず、世界の映画関係者やアニメーションの担い手たちにも多大な影響を与え続けてきたジブリの功績は、この天才たちによって紡がれ続けている。彼らの平均年齢は71歳。「風の谷のナウシカ」制作よりはるか以前、今から50年前に高畑と宮崎は出会い、鈴木が合流したのが30数年前。かくも長期に亘り苦楽を共にしてきた彼らの愛憎、そして創作の現場として日本に残された最後の桃源郷“スタジオジブリ”の 夢と狂気に満ちた姿とは…。 最新作の「風立ちぬ」(宮崎駿監督)と「かぐや姫の物語」(高畑勲監督)を制作中のジブリに広がる光と影に満ちた日常を通じて、繊細な表情までを捉え、スタジオの“今”を映し出した、砂田麻美監督。前作で数々の新人監督賞を受賞した彼女が伸びやかに描く、唯一無二のスタジオジブリの新たな物語。
2021年12月、栗山英樹氏が野球日本代表・侍ジャパントップチーム監督に就任。誰よりも野球を愛し、選手を愛する指揮官が2023年3月開催の「2023 WORLD BASEBALL CLASSIC™」へ向け、熱き魂の全てを捧げる日々がはじまった。目標は「世界一」。14年ぶりの「WBC世界一」へ、史上最強と言われる侍ジャパンが誕生。代表選手30人の選考会議から大会…
『宮城野』(みやぎの)は、2008年製作・2010年公開の日本映画である。 矢代静一作による同題戯曲を映画化した作品である。謎多き浮世絵師である東洲斎写楽をモチーフにした新感覚の時代劇。矢代の娘の毬谷友子が主演している。 “もう一つのエンディング版”である『宮城野〈ディレクターズカット版〉』も製作され、この作品はお蔵出し映画祭2011のコンペ部門にノミネートされて、審査員特別賞を受賞した。
Kyuusei Sentai Wakuseiber, alternatively spelled Wakusaver, is a Japanese Tokusatsu web-television series created by AV company GIGA in homage to Toei's Super Sentai series. The show airs exclusively on YouTube for all-ages, with its final episode, an extended cut of episode five with AV content, being exclusively on an adults-only DVD and digital download.
Akira is a 30-year-old salaryman married to novelist Sonoko. After five years of marriage things between them have cooled and now they barely speak. One evening Akira is suddenly struck with an unbearable headache and, after being taken to the hospital, is told his illness is life-threatening. At the same time, a strange change starts to take over Akira’s body. The Akira who walks out of the operating theater has transformed into a woman!
Hashiba Takeru is the leader of Global Operation Service (GOS), a secret spy organization housed within the Public Security Investigation Bureau which is tasked with eradicating criminals who are targeting Japan for various reasons.
Children go on errands all by themselves for the very first time as a camera crew follows along in this beloved, long-running reality show from Japan.
Overworked and exhausted, Umi gets a glow up in life and love when she leaves her job in TV production to work for an exciting cosmetics startup.
"Caligula" is a psychological phenomenon in which you want do things that are prohibited. Featured here are numerous pitches rejected by multiple TV stations. However, there are some treasures buried among them. Proposals once buried in the darkness revived here!
In a residential area, a man is murdered by another man, who broke into his apartment. Sergeant Kizaki, who is working near the area, hears a gunshot and runs towards the apartment. Detective Oomura already is at the scene of the crime.
Swedish outdoor enthusiast and reporter Janni Olsson leads her team on various outdoor adventures across Japan.
Although there are many criminal articles, this drama does not solve any cases. Instead, a 15-minute comedy drama that focuses on the detectives' troubles and "small cases" that occur around the incident. Fuka Koshiba plays Ichika Mano, a detective who wants to do everything on her own and is not good at relying on others. Mano's buddy is Kazuto Udagawa (played by Masashi Kasamatsu). He is the exact opposite of Mano, rational and efficient, and has no hesitation in asking people for favors. A comedy drama with a new sensation, in which a pair of young detectives with such contradictory personalities unfolds while sometimes involving the people around them.
Actress Maeda Atsuko challenge hairtail and horse mackerel in Tokyo Bay in summer.
Juuko Tokusou Dinnovator, is a Japanese Tokusatsu web-television series created by AV company GIGA in homage to Toei's Metal HeroesIcon-crosswiki.png series. The show airs exclusively on YouTube for all-ages, with its final episode being exclusively on an adults-only DVD and digital download.
ME:I take on various jobs to explore how their lives could be different if they hadn't debuted as idols.
This is a program that looks at the "now" of the world while at the same time considering the future of Japanese people. In the first year, they aired "Chinese in Paris," which looked into the suffering of Chinese refugees, "Private Manning's War," which looked into the reality of the American war, and "Steve Jobs' Children," which followed the students who listened to Steve Jobs' speech at Stanford University.