
徳川女系図 1968





赤毛 1969


鬼才・岡本喜八監督が、先の「侍」と同様、大スターの三船敏郎とコンビを組み、激動の幕末を舞台に、革命騒ぎに踊らされるひとりの男の悲喜劇を痛切に描いた異色時代劇。 王政復古の号令の下、慶応4年、江戸へと向かう官軍の先駆けとして相楽総三を隊長とする赤報隊が結成され、進軍を開始。同隊は年貢半減をうたって沿道各地の民衆の熱い支持を得る。農夫から同隊の一員となった権三は、折しも自分の郷里の村が近づいたと知るや、故郷に錦を飾る絶好の機会と相楽に願い出て隊長の印である赤毛を拝借すると、村に単身乗り込み、村人たちを悪代官たちの圧政から解放していい気分を味わうのだが……。



武士の献立 2013




The Unfettered Shogun

The Unfettered Shogun 1978


Set in the 18th century, the show follows the Shogun Yoshimune, who likes to disguise himself as a low-ranking samurai and go into his capital of Edo to see the life of the common man, as well as to seek out and punish evildoers who would hurt his citizens. He is aided by Magistrate Oo'oka and a vivacious fireman, Tatsugoro, as well as a rotating cast of other recurring characters. Along with Zenigata Heiji and Mito Kōmon, it ranks among the longest-running series in the jidaigeki genre. Like so many other jidaigeki, it falls in the category of kanzen-chōaku, loosely, "rewarding good and punishing evil."


Ooku: The Inner Chambers

Ooku: The Inner Chambers 2023


In an alternative feudal Japan, a strange disease that only affects males caused a massive population reduction, leaving females to fill the vacant jobs, therefore changing the social structure. Now, 80 years after the initial outbreak with a 1:4 male:female ratio, Japan is a completely matriarchal society. Females hold all important political positions, and males are their consorts. Only the most powerful female—head of Tokugawa shogunate—may keep a harem of handsome and unproductive males, known as "Ōoku".


Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire

Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire 2004


Commanding shoguns and samurai warriors, exotic geisha and exquisite artisans—all were part of the Japanese “renaissance”; a period between the 16th and 19th Centuries when Japan went from chaos and violence to a land of ritual refinement and peace. But stability came at a price: for nearly 250 years, Japan was a land closed to the Western world, ruled by the Shogun under his absolute power and control. Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire brings to life the unknown story of a mysterious empire, its relationship with the West, and the forging of a nation that would emerge as one of the most important countries in the world.