若草物語 1994
谷崎潤一郎の同名小説を八住利雄が脚色し阿部豊が監督した文芸作。大阪を舞台に美しい四姉妹が織りなす物語。『細雪』はこの後、島耕二(1959年)と市川崑(1983年)により映画化された。四女の妙子を演じた高峰秀子が抜群の演技力を見せる。洪水のシーンに特撮が使われ、豪華な衣装が多数用意されるなど、当時としては破格の製作費がかけられたという。 昭和初期の蒔岡家。長女の鶴子は夫と共に古い暖簾を守り、次女の幸子は婿養子を迎えて芦屋に分家、三女の雪子は幸子夫妻から縁談を持ちかけられるが上手くいかない。四女の妙子は恋仲になったカメラマンが死亡したことから、自暴自棄になってしまう…。
In 1979 Tokyo, four distinct sisters uncover their aging father's affair, causing their happy facades and bottled-up emotions to slowly unravel.
A dad who is popular with the ladies and a mom that continues to love the dad without any doubt like a young girl. The four sisters that the unbelievably ironclad husband and wife raised includes, an unmarried and divorced, a marriage hunter, a boyfriend-less, and one that has no luck with men. Out of them all, the second daughter Takemi, was the problem child, having divorced multiple times and has 3 kids. Because Takemi lives true to herself, she often ends up standing out from everyone, and gets called "the femme fatale with many lovers," problem child," and "devil." Will she end up causing many humorous troubles!? -- TBS -- DramaWiki
Kuniko Mukōda's masterpiece, a poignant and subtle portrait of the jealousy and suspicion that secretly swirl behind seemingly peaceful family relationships.
Taking place in the spring of 1992, the story begins with the father of the Makioka company handing his company over. It starts a new era for the lives of the 4 Makioka sisters. Tsuruko continues living with the memory of their family's former glory, though it no longer remains. Yukiko, not dissatisfied with her married life, finds herself worrying over her sisters' behavior. Yukiko, the third born daughter, is seeking to marry but has failed matchmaking many times. The youngest, Taeko, gets caught in a typhoon that hits Kansai...