マッド・ファット・ワイフ 2007
アメリカ合衆国中西部に位置するラクーンシティ。自然豊かなこの街の郊外に以前は製薬会社アンブレラ社の工場が存在したが、今はその殆どの施設は移転してしまっている。 このアンブレラ社が秘密裏に研究開発を進めていた“何か”が街の住民達に大きな健康被害を与えているとのメッセージを受け取ったクレア。 ラクーンシティの施設で育ったクレアは、その真実を突き止めるべく、R.P.D.(ラクーン市警)で特殊部隊=S.T.A.R.S.の隊員である兄・クリスのもとを訪ねる。クレアはクリスにこの事実を訴えるも「お前は昔から陰謀論を持ち出すが、デタラメだ」と取り合ってくれない。 しかしその時、街中に大音量のサイレンが鳴り響く。 アンブレラ社から住民に自宅で待機するよう警報が発せられたのだ。 クリスは急ぎ署に出向き、S.T.A.R.S.の隊員である、ジル、ウェスカーと共に、郊外にあるスペンサー邸で消息を絶った同僚を捜索する為、ヘリコプターで出動する-。 一方、クレアはクリスを追いかけR.P.D.に-。 しかし、既に住民達の身体には変化が起き始めていた。 その皮膚は腐乱し、口や目から血液が流れ落ち、死体の様な状態にも関わらず、人肉を欲し彷徨うゾンビと化したのだ。 スペンサー邸ではクリス達の壮絶なサバイバルが繰り広げられ、R.P.D.内でも、クレアそして新人警官のレオンに、ゾンビ達が襲い掛かる。
ある日、カナダで暮らす双子の姉弟ジャンヌ(メリッサ・デゾルモー=プーラン)とシモン(マキシム・ゴーデット)の母親ナワル(ルブナ・アザバル)が永眠する。後日、長年彼女を秘書として雇っていた公証人(レミー・ジラール)により、母の遺言が読み上げられる。その内容は、所在がわからない自分たちの父と兄に手紙を渡してほしいというもので……。 『渦』のドゥニ・ヴィルヌーヴが監督と脚本を務め、レバノン出身の劇作家ワジ・ムアワッドの原作を映画化した珠玉の人間ドラマ。中東からカナダに移り住んだある女性の壮絶な人生を、過去と現代を行きつ戻りつしながら映し出す。『パラダイス・ナウ』のルブナ・アザバルが陰のある母親を演じ、その娘を、カナダのテレビで活躍するメリッサ・デゾルモー=プーランが演じている。過酷な生涯を生きた女性の胸に秘められた思いに涙する。
内容は孤児院で育てられた子ども達が過酷な運命に抗っていく物語である。白井の初連載作品で、出水にとっては6度目(『ジャンプ』では初)の連載作品。『ジャンプ』では珍しい少女主人公によるダーク・ファンタジー、サスペンス作品でもある。 作風としては、少年漫画らしく「友情、努力、勝利の物語」、「逆境モノ」であることにこだわり、白井の初期構想で強かった「エロ・グロ・ナンセンス的なエグみ」は抑えられている。また宮崎駿およびジブリ作品の影響を特に受けているのこと。絵柄は出水が『ジャンプ』に寄せようとしたが上手くいかなかったため、連載初期には出水が普段イラスト投稿サイトに上げるようなタッチで描かれていた。しかし『ハイキュー!!』や『鬼滅の刃』など、同時期に連載されていた作品の影響で徐々に「ジャンプナイズ(ジャンプ化)」されていったという。 白井は、ジャンプのセオリーである「“友情、努力、勝利”に繋がっていくような話を、ちょっと違う角度から」描いているとしている[8]。担当編集者は、一見『ジャンプ』らしくない作風だが本質的には逆境や試練を努力・友情で乗り越え勝利をつかもうとする「『ジャンプ』らしい」活劇であるとしている。
Kenzou Tenma, a Japanese brain surgeon in Germany, finds his life in utter turmoil after getting involved with a psychopath that was once a former patient.
In a 1950s orphanage, a young girl reveals an astonishing talent for chess and begins an unlikely journey to stardom while grappling with addiction.
An orphan subjected to tests that gave him superpowers is rescued and raised on Istanbul's streets, where he falls for a reporter linked to his past.
Young Sister Bertrille uses her ability to become airborne to help others, whether they want it or not. Although her aims are always benevolent, her means are often bemoaned by Mother Superior. The other Sisters must cope with their beloved Sister's aerodynamics and antics as she flies in and out of trouble.
The story of an orphan boy
There are over 600 orphanages across the nation, housing approximately 30,000 children; Most of them had been abused by their parents. Maki, was placed into the orphanage "Kogamo no Ie", after her mother, Ryoka, was arrested and jailed. There she was handed over to the care of Kana, and also Sasaki, the eccentric caretaker of the home. Under Sasaki's management, the home is a calm and safe haven from all the madness of the real world. At the home, Maki befriends 3 other little girls, who all go by their nicknames instead of their real names. Piami who plays the piano really well, Bombi who came from a very poor family, and Post, who is the leader of all the kids.
Anne Shirley goes through quite a lot of adventures before she ends up in Green Gables. She is living with a family and helps out by looking after the kids, helping in the chores around the home... Meanwhile she discovers more about who she is, that her name is "Anne" and not "Ann"... And she just is her adorable but a bit crazy self.
Best friends Anda and Lalisa grew up together in an orphanage. Realising that Anda is the daughter of wealthy Ramita who's actively searching for her, Lalisa steals Anda's identity and presents herself to Ramita as her daughter. It's at this point that Anda meets Pheem and Anol.
Bodyguard girls from Opus is the story of "Isra" son of the Nawab family. He is faced with malice form the surrounding environment due to his families wealth and status. No one will trust him at all. As things move through various dangers he meets a girl named "Prairie Stone", which she has served before as a bodyguard swears to protect him, to protect the hunted to help them survive. Will they love amidst the dangerous city.
A wondrous and fiendishly humorous stop-motion animation series about freak orphans who are desperately trying to get adopted.
A year after the disappearance of their son, Gabe and Eve Caleigh and their two daughters attempt to start anew, they head to Crickley Hall - a seemingly perfect countryside house. But when cellar doors start to open on their own, phantom children's cries are heard through the night and a frenzied cane-wielding specter rears its head - the Caleigh's realize the house comes with a lot more than they bargained for. Just as they're ready to move out, Eve Caleigh hears Cam's cries and all bets are off.
Gerard Edling is a well-to-do lecturer, an expert in kinesics (the science of body language) and a former prosecutor with vast experience. Horst Zeiger is a shy young man, an outsider, a computer geek and... a totally unpredictable murderer. When one of them intends to commit a crime, the other, known for being able to decipher any criminal and solve any case, tries to prevent it. Unfortunately, the result of their duel is a macabre spectacle, broadcast online to thousands of viewers...
Dr Jane Goodall and her team rescue and help chimpanzees in danger and elaborate on the beautiful bond that one can create with animals, providing a remarkable window into humankind's closest living relatives. Discover Dr Jane Goodall's journey to create Tchimpounga, the largest chimpanzee sanctuary in Africa, and follow the rehabilitation of a cast of orphaned chimpanzees.
Sister Kate is an American sitcom that aired on NBC during the 1989–1990 television season.
In the 1950s, young boys were placed in orphanages and endure harsh and austere living conditions. As a united group, they supported each other and survived despite bullying, hardship and little hope for better days. While these children were doing their best to survive, they had no way to suspect the secret dealings between the clergy, the medical profession and the government that will inevitably seal their fates. The institution faced with a precarious financial situation, the solution is to transform the orphanage into a psychiatric institute in order to obtain additional subsidies. To demonstrate the need for this change in status, the orphans are labeled as insane by the very people who took them in to help them. While their future as orphans was already precarious, they become prisoners of an asylum system from which they have little hope of being able to free themselves even as they grow older.
Rojjana, a spirited orphan girl, grew up in the slums but is a leader in encouraging her friends to work honestly and avoid vices. She also leads the fight against a group of investors planning to reclaim the land for a shopping mall, often clashing with Don, the young heir to the property. Their frequent encounters lead them to fall in love.