Paul Whitsun-Jones Dr. Jekyll & Sister Hyde Assassin The Masque of the Red Death 年上の女 Mission: Monte Carlo The Passing Stranger A Christmas Carol There Was a Crooked Man Hazard Doctor Who: The Mutants Simon Simon The Moonraker After the Show The Bird, the Bear and the Actress Next to No Time Keep It Up, Jack! Doctor in Distress Wrong Number Stock Car Bluebeard's 10 Honeymoons The Wild Affair The Constant Husband Life at the Top The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins The Boy Who Stole a Million The Adventures Of Don Quixote Department S Wild, Wild Women Z-Cars The Avengers The Persuaders! Jason King The Goodies The Saint Ivanhoe King of the River The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes The Saint United! The World of Wooster BBC Play of the Month International Detective Maigret The Third Man The Three Musketeers The Larkins Doctor Who The Saint Ooh La La! The Quatermass Experiment The Saint Department S The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes The Fossett Saga Up Pompeii!