Harry Smith Screen Test: Harry Smith Chelsea Hotel 365 Day Project Birth of a Nation Harry Smith at the Breslin Hotel Andy Warhol Screen Tests ウォールデン No. 3: Interwoven No. 5: Circular Tensions (Homage to Oskar Fischinger) No. 17: Mirror Animations No. 15 Untitled Animation of Seminole Patchwork Film No. 4: Fast Track No. 18: Mahagonny No. 11: Mirror Animations No. 8 Early Abstractions No. 7: Color Study No. 16: Oz: The Tin Woodman's Dream No. 9 No. 10 No. 6 No. 14: Late Superimpositions Heaven and Earth Magic No. 2: Message From the Sun No. 1: A Strange Dream Heaven and Earth Magic Heaven and Earth Magic No. 19 Chinese Checkers No. 13: Oz