Winton C. Hoch 失われた世界 St. Helena and Its 'Man of Destiny' Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea 静かなる男 捜索者 Robinson Crusoe on Mars Tulsa The Green Berets わが心にかくも愛しき ミスタア・ロバーツ 三人の名付親 Dive Bomber Halls of Montezuma Jet Pilot The Young Land The Missouri Traveler Over the Andes A Light in Nature Necromancy Bird of Paradise The Big Circus India on Parade The Redhead from Wyoming Serene Siam Rural Sweden Five Weeks in a Balloon Tap Roots リラクタント・ドラゴン Czechoslovakia on Parade Rio de Janeiro 'City of Splendour' This Earth Is Mine Glimpses of Austria Rocky Mountain Grandeur Darby O'Gill and the Little People She Wore a Yellow Ribbon The Sundowners Sergeants 3 Beautiful Budapest Rural Hungary Joan of Arc I Captured the King of the Leprechauns Yellowstone Park: 'Nature's Playground' Hong Kong: 'The Hub of the Orient'