Lewis Smith The Final Terror バカルー・バンザイの8次元ギャラクシー The Heavenly Kid Southern Comfort Kentucky Woman Love Child Avalon: Beyond the Abyss The Man Who Fell to Earth ワイアット・アープ In the Line of Duty: Ambush in Waco Texas Justice ジャンゴ 繋がれざる者 A Place in Hell The Fulfillment of Mary Gray Badlands 2005 Adrenochrome Adrenochrome II Our First Christmas Diary of a Hitman ジェシカおばさんの事件簿 CSI:マイアミ Beauty and the Beast Diagnosis: Murder Melrose Place Booker Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction Karen's Song North and South Diagnosis: Murder The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling