Cotton Warburton Donkey Baseball Big City メリー・ポピンズ 続ラブ・バッグ Secrets of the Pirate's Inn エミールと探偵たち ベッドかざりとほうき Shadow on the Wall Black Hand Skirts Ahoy! Scandalous John Love Laughs at Andy Hardy Westward Ho, The Wagons! Faithful in My Fashion Callaway Went Thataway Ride a Northbound Horse Miracle of the White Stallions The Absent-Minded Professor Remains to Be Seen スペースキャット The Further Adventures of Gallegher Neptune's Daughter Freaky Friday Unchained Kilroy Lt. Robin Crusoe U.S.N. Two Weeks with Love Up Goes Maisie Three Guys Named Mike The Monkey's Uncle That Darn Cat! The Misadventures of Merlin Jones Mosby's Marauders Son of Flubber The Strongest Man in the World The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes Now You See Him, Now You Don't The Sun Comes Up No Deposit, No Return ラブ・バッグ ラブバッグ/モンテカルロ大爆走 The World's Greatest Athlete The Boatniks The Sailor Takes a Wife Treasure of Matecumbe The Castaway Cowboy Sombrero Zorro, the Avenger Cynthia My Dog, the Thief