ಕೀವರ್ಡ್ Cold War
წყლის ფორმა 2017
როკი 4 1985
როკი ბალბოას ტრენერმა და მეგობარმა აპოლო კრიდმა გადაწყვიტა მონაწილეობა მიეღო ბრძოლაში ორმეტრიანი მოყვარულთა კრივში მსოფლიოს ჩემპიონ, საბჭოთა არმიის კაპიტან ივან დრაგოსთან. დუელი სევდიანად მთავრდება - დრაგო თავისი საფირმო დარტყმით კლავს კრიდს. როკი გადაწყვეტს შური იძიოს მეგობრის სიკვდილზე და მიუხედავად ბედნიერი და მშვიდობიანი ოჯახური ცხოვრებისა მეუღლესთან ადრიანთან ერთად, ბრუნდება კრივში. კონტრაქტის მიხედვით, დრაგო და ბალბოა ძალების გაზომვას... მოსკოვში შეძლებენ. ამიტომ, ის მიემგზავრება რუსეთის დედაქალაქში და სწორედ აქ განაახლებს დამქანცველ ვარჯიშს, ემზადება გადამწყვეტი ბრძოლისთვის.
The Jackal 1997
რკინის გოლიათი 1999
Lord of War 2005
ფეთქებადი აგენტი 2017
ანა 2019
სხვების ცხოვრება 2006
ასი ათასი თანამშრომელი, ორასი ათასი ინფორმატორი. ისინი ერთად არიან პარტიის ფარი და ხმალი, ცნობილი შტაზის. მათი მეთოდი ეჭვია. სხვების ცხოვრება მათი პროფესიაა. პოპულარული მწერალი და დრამატურგი გეორგ დრეიმანი სიცოცხლის ბოლომდე იცოცხლებდა, მადლიერი მკითხველების ყურადღების მიღმა და აბსოლუტურად უინტერესო სპეცსამსახურებისთვის, რომ არა ცნობილ თეატრის მსახიობთან რომანი. ძალიან ცნობილი, რომ ცენტრალური კომიტეტის გავლენიანი ჩინოვნიკისთვის შეუმჩნეველი დარჩეს. ასე ჩნდებიან დრეიმანის ცხოვრებაში შტაზის სპეციალისტები.
ექიმი სთრეინჯლავი: ან როგორ ვისწავლე ფიქრის შეწყვეტა და ატომური ბომბის სიყვარული 1964
შეპყრობილი იმ იდეით, რომ კომუნისტები აპირებენ ამერიკელებისგან მათი „სხეულის ფასდაუდებელი წვენების“ მოპარვას, საჰაერო ბაზის მეთაური, გენერალი ჯეკ დ. აშშ-ის პრეზიდენტი მაფლი ცდილობს დღის გადარჩენას თავისი მრჩევლების შეკრებით, მათ შორის მამაცი გენერალი თერგიდსონი და ინვალიდის ეტლით მიჯაჭვული ყოფილი ნაცისტი მეცნიერი ექიმი სტრეინჯლავი.
Tetris 2023
აგენტები - ა.ნ.ქ.ლ. 2015
The Sum of All Fears 2002
ჯაშუშების ხიდი 2015
ცივი ომის დროს, ამერიკის ცენტრალური სადაზვერვო სამმართველო ამერიკელ ადვოკატს გადაიბირებს, რომელმაც საბჭოთა კავშირიდან დატყვევებული პილოტი უნდა იხსნას.
Red Heat 1988
ფასკუნჯი 2021
სახიფათო ურთიერთობა ვითარდება ახალგაზრდა ჯარისკაცს, მის საუკეთესო მეგობარს და მამაც პილოტს შორის საბჭოთა საჰაერო ბაზაზე ცივი ომის მწვერვალზე.
WarGames 1983
მოშორდი, ჯაშუშო! 2011
K-19: The Widowmaker 2002
For All Mankind 2019
Explore an aspirational world where NASA and the space program remained a priority and a focal point of our hopes and dreams as told through the lives of NASA astronauts, engineers, and their families.
The Americans 2013
Set during the Cold War period in the 1980s, The Americans is the story of Elizabeth and Philip Jennings, two Soviet KGB officers posing as an American married couple in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and their neighbor, Stan Beeman, an FBI Counterintelligence agent.
Löwengrube 1989
"Löwengrube – Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit" is a German television series first aired between 1989 and 1992, created by Willy Purucker and directed by Rainer Wolffhardt. It is set in Munich and follows the lives of Ludwig Grandauer and his son Karl, both policemen, covering the years from 1897 to 1954. The TV show is based on Purucker's radio play series Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit (‘The Grandauers and their time’). The series’ main title "Löwengrube", meaning ‘Lions’ Den’, refers to the address of the Munich Police Headquarters inaugurated in 1913.
Deadly Class 2019
Follow a disillusioned teen recruited into a storied high school for assassins. Maintaining his moral code while surviving a ruthless curriculum, vicious social cliques, and his own adolescent uncertainties may prove fatal.
Project Blue Book 2019
A chronicle of the true top secret U.S. Air Force-sponsored investigations into UFO-related phenomena in the 1950s and ’60s, known as “Project Blue Book”.
Granite Flats 2013
It's the 1960s. The height of the Cold War. The rural town of Granite Flats, Colorado, suddenly becomes a hotbed for mystery and intrigue. Almost a year after Hershel Jenkins was released from jail, mystery is still a permanent resident in Granite Flats, Colorado. From small concerns plaguing the citizens of the small town to ongoing FBI investigations, Arthur, Timmy, and Madeline are eager to put their developing detective skills to the test. Their sleuthing goes further than ever before, and they may be biting off more than they can chew. And as it turns out, sleuthing is a family affair. The parents of all three miniature detectives have dipped their toes in the water. Chief Sanders works side by side with the FBI to find a citizen who is disloyal to the country, Beth is embroiled in the center of experimental work at the hospital, and the Doctors Andrews are the masterminds behind the shady experiments. This season, everyone has got a secret and nobody is ready to admit it.
The Hour 2011
A behind-the-scenes drama and espionage thriller in Cold War-era England that centers on a journalist, a producer, and an anchorman for an investigative news programme.
GDR 2024
1989-1990. General Secretary of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachyov begins global transformations in the USSR. He passionately wants to become a star in world politics and for this he is ready to go as far as he can to meet the West. But the perestroika planned by Gorbachyov leads to fatal, irreversible consequences. Intelligence officer Alexander Nechaev finds himself at the center of an operation organized by the intelligence services of several countries. During the months spent in Berlin at the moment of the breakdown of the entire post-war world order, Nechaev changed a lot. He no longer knows who is a friend and who is a traitor, but continues to defend the honor and interests of his Motherland...
Deutschland 2015
A gripping coming-of-age story set against the real culture wars and political events of Germany in the 1980s. The drama follows Martin Rauch as the 24 year-old East Germany native is pulled from the world as he knows it and sent to the West as an undercover spy for the Stasi foreign service. Hiding in plain sight in the West German army, he must gather the secrets of NATO military strategy. Everything is new, nothing is quite what it seems and everyone he encounters is harboring secrets, both political and personal.
The Right Stuff 2020
At the height of the Cold War, newly formed NASA selects seven of the military’s best test pilots to become astronauts. Competing to be the first in space, these men achieve the extraordinary, inspiring the world to turn towards a new horizon of ambition and hope.
Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War 2024
With firsthand accounts and access to prominent figures around the world, this comprehensive docuseries explores the Cold War and its aftermath.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 1979
George Smiley, the aging master spy of the Cold War and once heir apparent to Control, is brought back out of retirement to flush out a top level mole within the Circus. Smiley must travel back through his life and murky workings of the Circus to unravel the net spun by his nemesis Karla 'The Sandman' of the KGB and reveal the identity of the mole before he disappears.
In From the Cold 2022
Exposed as an ex-Russian spy, an American single mom must juggle family life and unique shape-shifting skills in a battle against an insidious enemy.
Line of Separation 2015
After the fall of the Third Reich, the small town of Tannbach is cruelly divided between East and West regimes and the town’s inhabitants suffer the consequences. A gripping historical drama exploring the devastating effects decades of conflict had on communities from the end of the Second War War to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
009-1 2006
In an alternate world, the Cold War has continued to persist for 140 years. As a result, the world was divided into two factions: the West Block, and the East Block. As the Cold War drags on, the tension between the two factions, as well as the amount of nuclear weapons they have, rise. Mylene Hoffman is a female cyborg who is a spy for the West Block. Together with three other agents, Mylene partakes in various missions issued by her superiors.
A Spy Among Friends 2022
Follow the defection of notorious British intelligence officer and KGB double agent, Kim Philby, through the lens of his complex relationship with MI6 colleague and close friend, Nicholas Elliott.
Five Fingers 1959
Five Fingers is an NBC adventure/drama series set in Europe during the Cold War loosely based on the 1952 film 5 Fingers, starring James Mason and Danielle Darrieux. It ran from October 3, 1959, to January 9, 1960. David Hedison starred as 32-year-old Victor Sebastian, an American counterintelligence officer with the code name "Five Fingers". Luciana Paluzzi played Simone Genet, Sebastian's secretary and romantic interest. Paul Burke played Robertson, Sebastian's contact man. Five Fingers itself was based on the book Operation Cicero by L.C. Moyzisch and on the memoirs of Elyesa Bazna. Bazna was something of an antihero in real life; the television series transformed the character from a World War II-era mercenary Albanian into a Cold War era heroic American. Sebastian posed as a Communist to gain information on party activities. His public cover was that of a theatrical booking agent for clubs and cafes throughout Europe.
TASS Is Authorized to Declare... 1984
The struggle of Soviet and American intelligence agencies during the Cold War era
Partners in Crime 2015
Set in a 1950s Britain rising from the ashes of the Blitz into the grip of a new Cold War, our beekeeping duo stumble into a world of murder, undercover agents and cold war conspiracy. Tuppence is a woman who sees adventure round every corner, throwing herself head first into every mystery with passion and fervour, determined to get to the truth no matter what it takes, much to the dismay of her more cautious husband Tommy.
The Ipcress File 2022
As the Cold War rages, ex-smuggler turned reluctant spy Harry Palmer finds himself at the centre of a dangerous undercover mission, on which he must use his links to find a missing British nuclear scientist.