Michael J Rogers Epicenter Children of the Corn: Revelation Badge of Betrayal Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster Beyond the Black Rainbow Still Not Quite Human The Hitman Loop Down Here Past Tense Home Invasion Hellraiser: Hellseeker Impulse Far Cry Hollow in the Land For the Love of Aaron Interrogation Adam: The Prophet The Unspoken Pour Retourner Welcome to the Circle We're All Going to the World's Fair The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Demonic The ABCs of Death The Thing Below Posing: Inspired by Three Real Stories Manger Second Chance The X-Files Stargate SG-1 Chicago Hope Supergirl Mortal Kombat: Legacy Continuum The X-Files Fringe នេះ ១០០ Blindspot Stargate SG-1 Delete Viper Stargate SG-1 The 4400 Supernatural Supernatural Sanctuary Law & Order Fringe Law & Order: Criminal Intent Smallville Sight Unseen Fringe Poltergeist: The Legacy The Blacklist MacGyver Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction Arrow The Sentinel Siren 21 Jump Street Bates Motel The Twilight Zone The Dead Zone