
페어플레이 2023


치열한 경쟁이 벌어지는 헤지 펀드 회사. 예상치 못한 승진으로 최근 약혼한 젊은 커플의 관계가 벼랑 끝으로 몰리고, 두 사람은 약혼뿐만 아니라 더 많은 것들이 와해될 위기에 봉착한다.


퍼펙트 파인드

퍼펙트 파인드 2023


복귀를 노리는 패션 에디터. 하지만 화려한 재기의 꿈은 일찌감치 난관에 부딪힌다. 파티에서 처음 만나 키스까지 한 매력남이 알고 보니 그녀의 새로운 동료였던 것. 그것도 모자라 상사의 아들이라니!


베드룸 윈도우

베드룸 윈도우 1987


건축회사에 다니는 테리(스티브 구텐버그)는 사장의 부인 실비아(이자벨 위페르)와 사랑하는 사이다. 회사의 파티가 있던 날, 두 사람은 테리의 아파트로 향한다. 실비아는 테리의 침실 창문 너머로 한 젊은 여자가 폭행을 당하는 장면을 목격한다. 실비아는 자신과 테리와의 관계가 탈로날 것이 두려워 신고하지 못한다. 그러나 다음날 신문에서 이 사건과 관련한 기사를 본 테리는 목격자로서 경찰서에 신고한다. 그러나 진술과정에서 경찰관의 유도심문에 넘어간 테리는 이야기의 앞뒤가 맞지않는다는 의심을 받고 궁지에 몰린다. 그때 이 사건의 피해자인 데니스(엘리자베스 맥거번)가 테리의 누명을 벗겨주기 위해 나서는데…


텍사스의 연인들

텍사스의 연인들 1982


한껏 흥을 돋구는 노래와 춤 속에 텍사스 레전드가, 이야기, 노래, 책, 연극 및 영화 등에서 이미 불멸의 역사적 기관이 된 알라모 요새로 합류한다. 실제 치킨 랜치의 사망을 소재로 뮤지컬에 이어 이제 대형 스크린으로 영화화된이 작품은 보안관 에드 얼 도드 역에 버트 레이놀즈를, 치킨 랜치의 소유주인 ‘미스 모나’역에 돌리 파튼을 기용했다.이 두 사람은 사랑을 위해서 뿐 아니라, 대중적 스캔들을 일으켜 자기들을 망하게하려는 TV계의 거물 멜빈 도르프(돔 드루이즈)에 맞서 싸우기 위해 힘을 모으는데...


결혼 피로연

결혼 피로연 1993


대만에서 뉴욕으로 건너와 부동산 딜러로 일하며 잘나가고 있는 웨이퉁(조문선)은 애인 사이먼과 동거하며 행복한 나날을 보내고 있다. 이 사실을 모르는 웨이퉁의 부모님은 그가 결혼하여 손주를 안겨주길 고대하고 있다. 이에 웨이퉁과 사이먼은 부모님과 자신 모두를 만족시킬 방안을 생각해낸다. 웨이퉁이 관리하는 건물의 세입자인 웨이웨이와 위장결혼을 하자는 것. 미국에 체류하기 위해 영주권이 필요했던 웨이웨이는 그들의 제안에 흔쾌히 수락한다. 아들의 결혼 소식에 뉴욕까지 찾아온 부모님은 대만의 전통 혼례식을 치를 것을 제안하고, 어쩔 수 없이 결혼 피로연까지 치르게 된다. 세 사람의 완벽한 연기로 위장결혼은 성공한 듯 보였지만, 결혼 피로연에서 발생한 예상치 못한 사고로 그들의 관계는 흔들리기 시작하는데…


젊은이의 양지

젊은이의 양지 1951


가난한 시골 청년 조지 이스트먼은 우연히 부자인 숙부를 만나 수영복 제조공장 일자리를 얻게 된다. 그는 공장에서 일하면서 앨리스 트립과 친해지고 육체적 관계까지 맺게 된다. 하지만 조지는 나중에 안젤라를 만나고 그녀와 진정한 사랑에 빠진다. 그런데 앨리스는 임신을 하고, 그녀는 자신과 결혼할 것을 강요하는데...


식물학자의 딸

식물학자의 딸 2006


고아소녀 민은 유명한 식물학자의 제자가 되어 공부를 시작한다. 비밀스러운 인물인 그 교수는 섬 하나를 화려한 정원으로 꾸며 딸과 단 둘이 살고 있다. 독재적인 아버지 아래서 외롭고 고립된 생활을 하던 교수의 딸 안은 민이 도착하자 고독에서 벗어날 수 있으리란 희망으로 반가워한다. 급속히 친구가 된 두 소녀는 서로의 매력에 이끌려 관능적이고 금지된 관계로 발전한다.


시벨의 일요일

시벨의 일요일 1962


전투기 조종사였던 피에르는 인도차이나 전쟁에서 비상 착륙하는 과정에 한 어린 소녀를 죽이게 되고, 그 충격으로 인해 기억을 상실한다. 프랑스로 귀국한 후 피에르는 자기만의 껍질 속에 갇혀 파리 교외에서 거의 세상과 격리된 생활을 한다. 애인 마들렌의 헌신적인 보살핌에도 불구하고 기억상실증과 가끔씩 떠오르는 단편적인 전쟁의 기억으로 여전히 고통 받던 피에르는 매주 일요일, 근처 고아원에 버려진 열 두 살짜리 소녀 시벨을 찾아가 아버지 노릇을 하면서 행복한 시간을 보낸다. 그런 시간 속에서 시벨은 외로움을 잊고 피에르는 시벨을 통해 무의식 속에 있는 죄책감과 고통을 극복하게 된다. 그러면서 둘은 서로의 상처에서 벗어나 평화롭고 아름다운 삶을 찾아간다. 하지만 피에르가 자신에게 관심을 보이지 않는 것에 대한 서운함과 주위 사람들의 충동에 부추겨진 마들렌이 피에르를 페도필리(pedophile, 나이 어린 이성을 성애의 대상으로 하는 성적 도착자)로 의심하고 경찰에 신고한다. 피에르와 시벨이 근처 숲에서 함께 시간을 보내기로 했던 크리스마스 날, 피에르는 시벨이 보는 앞에서 경찰의 총에 맞아 죽는다.


Once Again

Once Again 2020


Back at square one as divorcees, four siblings take another shot at love and dreams — after mustering up the courage to convince their parents first.


I Believe in Love

I Believe in Love 2011


The story of Vice-Principal Kim and his wife, and the trials and tribulations they face in order to create a warm and happy family.


The Interpreter

The Interpreter 2016


She knows what she wants and is determined to go after it. Qiao Fei is a French postgraduate student who dreams of becoming a professional interpreter. Her mentor during her schooling in Paris is Cheng Jia Yang, the son of a foreign minister and a genius French interpreter. Their budding romance is complicated when Qiao Fei’s ex-boyfriend, Gao Jia Ming, happens to be Jia Yang’s adopted brother, and Jia Yang’s family thinks Wen Xiao Hua is much more suited for Jia Yang’s station in life. With the support of his friend, Wang Xu Dong, can Jia Yang stand up to his family and follow his heart?


The Package

The Package 2017


A group of strangers meet as part of a sightseeing tour in France, but end up learning more about one another than the tourist spots that they visit.


Chasing Love to the Final Horizon

Chasing Love to the Final Horizon 2014


Mattana is the young and beautiful royal descendant Mom Ratchanigoon from Thailand. She is forced by her parents to marry the prince of Raya, Prince Makee. Prince Makee's father, King Inthra, and Mattana’s father, Thammarath, were university friends who promised one another to have their children marry once they become of age. Mattana refuses to marry a man she hardly knows and doesn't love. When Prince Makee’s royal bodyguard, Kamin, goes to Thailand to pick Mattana up, she disguises herself as Kaew, the horse face, and tries every trick in her book to get loose from having to go to Raya to get married to the prince. Even so, Kamin goes along with Mattana and spends more time with her to find out what type of person she really is. However, the more Mattana gets to know Kamin, the more she finds herself falling hard for him.


Love The Way You Are

Love The Way You Are 2022


The sweet love story of Yin Yike and her childhood partner Xu Guangxi. Seemingly having a perfect life, Yin Yike has lived her 35-year-old life as a matter of course. Whether in the company or at home, she is thoughtful all around. Like a never-tired Wonder Woman, she takes care of everyone around her except herself. Everything changes when she meets Xu Guangxi, the young man who used to often visit her place for meals during their youth. Returning from his studies abroad, Xu Guangxi, the boy who used to just feel a sense of dependence on Yike, is now attracted to her. But chasing Yike is nothing short of a difficult feat. It entails a fast-moving life and ultra-realistic pressure.


All About My Romance

All About My Romance 2013


Soo Young is a judge who fixes the wrongs of politics. Min Young is interested and inspired to get into it.


Forecasting Love and Weather

Forecasting Love and Weather 2022


Inside a national weather service, love proves just as difficult to predict as rain or shine for a diligent forecaster and her free-spirited co-worker.


Doctor Cha

Doctor Cha 2023


Twenty years after leaving her medical career, a housewife returns as a first-year resident — struggling to find her footing in a job full of surprises.



Pasta 2010


Pasta follows the dreams and successes of a young woman who aspires to become an elite chef at La Sfera Italian restaurant.


Dark Blue Kiss

Dark Blue Kiss 2019


After the events of "Kiss Me Again". Pete and Kao start to have troubles during their relationship. Meanwhile, the love story between Sun and Mork begins.


Witch's Love

Witch's Love 2018


In plain sight in bustling Seoul, three generations of witches have been living below the radar of everyone around them. Kang Cho Hong operates a restaurant with her fellow witches, Maeng Ye Soon and Jo Aeng Doo. They try to keep a low profile, but Cho Hong’s youthful good looks attracts the attention of a neighborhood guy, Hwang Jae Wook, who is constantly trying to get close to her. Cho Hong and her fellow witches’ quiet lives become complicated when their building landlord, Ma Sung Tae, shows up one day. Sung Tae wants to face a traumatic incident that happened to him in that building when he was a little boy. With Sung Tae nosing around their business on a regular basis, can Cho Hong keep her true identity a secret from him?


Red Balloon

Red Balloon 2017


Chen is a serious top student in school, both in studies and sports. He thought everything will be smooth-going... until he meets Wan, a carefree student. He dislikes him at first, but later he develops feelings for him. When Chen's dad, who is a gang leader, finds this out, the boys face opposition from their family too. On top of that, doubts come from friends, classmates and themselves too. Will they be able to love bravely?


Takara-kun and Amagi-kun

Takara-kun and Amagi-kun 2022


Takara Shun, a high school student who belongs to a popular group in the class, and Taichi Amagi, a pure boy who is not a conspicuous type but is liked by people, realize their love for each other. Even though they start dating in secret, it is difficult for them to be honest.


I Have Three Boyfriends

I Have Three Boyfriends 2019


The amnesia that came with the accident, and the three boyfriends that appeared in front of you. A triple romance story with three men. When I opened my eyes, I saw three boyfriends


Go Go Squid 2: Dt.Appledog's Time

Go Go Squid 2: Dt.Appledog's Time 2021


Ai Qing – also known by her gaming handle Appledog – is one of the top robot combat players in the land. A model professional, smart, and friendly, she has no shortage of fans, among whom is Wu Bai – also known as DT. Under Ai Qing’s tutelage, Wu Bai developed a keen passion for robot war contests and gaming, eventually becoming a star performer in his own right. Now, he has risen to become the robot combat scene’s biggest rising star, captaining a promising new team named Pirate, which threatens to outshine even Ai Qing’s powerful Appledog team. Despite their professional rivalry, the duo has remained close, and their feelings for one another continue to grow, with romance possibly in the cards. The ultimate challenge will come at the annual Robot Combat Competition, where the teams Pirate, Appledog, and others will duke it out for a coveted trophy!



Stalk 2020


Lux, an exceptionally-gifted geek, suffers a severe humiliation from the other students as soon as he enters his prestigious engineering school. To take revenge, he will use one of his best skills, “stalking”. He hacks their cell phones and computers; including Alma’s, the object of all his desires. Lux becomes the person he always wanted to be, before being caught in his own trap.


7 Days of Romance

7 Days of Romance 2019


Da Eun works part-time and Kim Byul is an idol in her 5th years since debut. These two girls who look alike decide to change each other’s lives just for 7 days. It tells the romantic encounters of these 2 girls.


Invisible Life

Invisible Life 2020


In order to avoid her mother meddling in her love life, Ye Xiao Bai joins a business project that strict boss Guan Yi He is running. The two end up falling in love and having a secret relationship because their workplace doesn't allow romance between colleagues. They end up marrying and establishing a family in secret, and Xiao Bai thinks life is going well, but the pressure of keeping their relationship a secret puts a strain on their family. Other problems arise both personally and professionally, opening Xiao Bai's eyes to the issues women face in the workplace and the struggle to balance work and family. The naive girl learns to be stronger, advancing at work and protecting her family and marriage.



liar 2022


Narita Misao is a rookie employee at a company. She doesn’t like Ichikawa Kazuya, who works in the same department. He is brutally honest when he talks to other people. Nevertheless, an incident leads to Narita Misao developing feelings for him. Ichikawa Kazuya also beomes attracted to her. The couple soon enter into an intimate relationship, but Narita Misao learns afterwards that Ichikawa Kazuya is engaged to his girlfriend. Narita Misao is confused by the situation and wonders what he is thinking.