플래그타임 2019
만약 단 3분간 시간을 멈출 수 있다면 당신은 무엇을 하겠습니까? 온 세상에 오직 두 소녀만이 살아 숨쉬는 3분 동안의 시간. 그 순간이 진짜로 있었음을, 잊지 않기를.
만약 단 3분간 시간을 멈출 수 있다면 당신은 무엇을 하겠습니까? 온 세상에 오직 두 소녀만이 살아 숨쉬는 3분 동안의 시간. 그 순간이 진짜로 있었음을, 잊지 않기를.
쿨한 나데시코, 경박한 사쿠라코, 착실한 하나코. 오무로 세 자매가 만들어내는 느긋하고 이상한 나날들. 아이스크림을 둘러싸고 진지하게 다투기도 하고, 친구들과 서로 웃고, 아무도 모르는 비밀 이야기에 설레고... 여러가지 일이 있거나 하지는 않지만, 오무로가는 오늘도 건강합니다! 느긋한 나날을 보내는 나나모리중☆오락부의 여자아이들을 그린 「유루유리」. 작중의 인기 캐릭터 오무로 사쿠라코와 그 자매들의 전혀 마이페이스의 일상이 극장 중편 애니메이션으로.
누군가를 생각하는 일상은 때론 달콤하고 때론 아프다. 그런, 될 대로 밖에 되지 않는 나날도, 반드시, 언젠가. 옛 애인의 결혼식, 남자학교 선생님과 학생, 몸과 마음의 변화를 맞는 사춘기 소꿉친구. 어떤 형태로든 그 누구도 사랑하는 것과 살아가는 방법에는 동등한 가치가 있다. 그리고 어설프게 누군가를 그리워하던 날들은 분명 언젠가 사랑스러운 추억이 될 거야. 그런 "누군가의 사랑"을 부드럽게 지켜봐,
사쿠라코와 그녀의 자매들이 등장하는 유라유리 스핀오프의 두 번째 파트.
마법소녀 리리컬 나노하 시리즈의 첫 번째 극장판. TV판 1기 마법소녀 리리컬 나노하를 원작으로 한다.
마법소녀 리리컬 나노하 시리즈의 4번째 극장판 혹성 엘트리아에서 온 내방자, 키리에 플로리안. 죽음에 처한 아버지와 고향을 구하기 위해 지구에 존재하는 영원결정을 얻은 키리에였지만 그 여행은 동행자 이리스가 키리에를 이용하기 위한 거짓말이었다. 이리스의 목적은 영원결정 안에 잠들어 있던 존재 유리를 향한 복수였다. 여동생 키리에와 이리스를 쫓아 지구를 방문한 아미티에 플로리안. 이리스에 의해 불러일으켜진 3개의 혼 디아체, 슈텔, 레비 3인. 지구의 마도사들 타카마치 나노하, 페이트 T. 하라오운, 야가미 하야테는 각자 이리스와 유리를 막기 위한 싸움을 시작한다. 이리스와 유리의 과거란? 일찍이 엘트리아에 존재한 혹성재생위원회에서 일으킨 비극이란? 과거로부터 이어진 수수께끼의 숙명이 지금 새로운 이야기를 자아낸다.
마법소녀 리리컬 나노하 시리즈의 3번째 극장판. 황폐해지며 조용히 멸망해가는 행성 에르토리아. 죽어가는 토지에 남은 가족, 플로리안 일가는 '행성 재생'을 꿈꾸며 연구하고 있는 연구자 부부와 두 명의 딸 아미티에와 키리에의 4인 가족. 허나 아버지 그란츠 플로리안이 병으로 쓰러져, 행성 재생의 꿈은 무너져 버린다. 그 와중, 키리에는 '아득히 머나먼 세계'에서 아버지의 구원과 행성 재생의 꿈을 추구한다. 그런 키리에를 언니 아미티에가 막으려고 하지만 키리에는 언니의 제지를 뿌리치고, 소꿉친구이자 절친인 이리스와 함께, 아득히 머나먼 세계로 여행을 떠난다. 행선지는 '지구'라고 불리는 별의 극동지역의 작은 섬나라, 일본. 행성 재생의 꿈을 이루기 위한 '열쇠'를 탐색하는 키리에와 이리스는, 일본에 사는 3명의 소녀들에게 다가온다. 소녀들의 이름은 '타카마치 나노하', '페이트 T. 하라오운', '야가미 하야테'. 그 만남은, 두 세계와 두 행성의 운명을 건 싸움으로 이어진다──.
A. S. (Ad Stella) 122 ― An era when a multitude of corporations have entered space and built a huge economic system. Suletta Mercury, a lone girl from the remote planet Mercury, transfers to the Asticassia School of Technology, run by the Beneritt Group which dominates the mobile suit industry.
Yuu has always loved shoujo manga and awaits the day she gets a love confession that sends her heart aflutter with bubbles and hearts, and yet when a junior high classmate confesses his feelings to her…she feels nothing. Disappointed and confused, Yuu enters high school still unsure how to respond. That’s when Yuu sees the beautiful student council president Nanami turn down a suitor with such maturity that she’s inspired to ask her for help. But when the next person to confess to Yuu is Nanami herself, has her shoujo romance finally begun?
If I am promised to the princess, then I will fight for her sake. In 1939 C.E., the imperialist nation of Germania invaded a neighboring country. All at once, that war spread throughout Europe, and the era was dragged into a spiral of a great war. Then, in 1940, Germania's attack turned towards the Principality of Eylstadt, a small Alps country abundant with beautiful water and greenery.
Utena is a tomboyish school girl who attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Her strong sense of chivalry pulls her into a series of duels with other members of the Student Council for the possession of the Rose Bride.
Despite her supposed ineptitude with regular magic, Princess Anisphia defies the aristocracy’s expectations by developing “magicology,” a unique magical theory based on memories from her past life. One day, she witnesses the brilliant noblewoman Euphyllia unjustly stripped of her title as the kingdom’s next monarch. That’s when Anisphia concocts a plan to help Euphyllia regain her good name-which somehow involves them living together and researching magic! Little do these two ladies know, however, that their chance encounter will alter not only their own futures, but those of the kingdom...and the entire world!
Adachi spends her school days skipping class until she meets fellow delinquent Shimamura and the two become fast friends. Cutting class together deepens their friendship but soon unexpected emotions blossom. As awkwardness and confusion settle in, the two girls travel this sea of emotions without a paddle as they learn about each other’s feelings.
Anne, the honor student princess, and Grea, a princess born from a dragon and a human are students at the Mysteria Academy, a prestigious magic school that teaches magic without discrimination to the three factions (men, gods, demons), who usually are engaged in battle with each other.
Tokonome Mamori is transferred to Mermaid - an artificial quarantine island for people with superpowers. When Mamori is attacked, a newly transferred girl named Mirei saves her. The enemy doesn't stop, however, and the two are soon cornered. Just when they think all hope is lost, Mirei kisses Mamori, and Mamori turns into a sword. Mirei then wields the sword and launches a counterattack against their enemies.
The Lost Ones are wanderers who come here from a distant world known as "Japan." No one knows how or why they leave their homes. The only thing that is certain is that they bring disaster and calamity. The duty of exterminating them without remorse falls to Menou, a young Executioner. When she meets Akari, it seems like just another job...until she discovers it's impossible to kill this girl! And when Menou begins to search for a way to defeat this immortality, Akari is more than happy to tag along! So begins a journey that will change Menou forever...
How does the world look in your eyes? Papika and Cocona, the heroines of the story, hold the keys to open the door. When the two girls meet, their adventures in a different time and different overlapping dimension called "Pure Illusion" begin. Many things in Pure Illusion will stand in the girls' way on their search for the mysterious crystal called the "Shard of Mimi," an item that is said to grant any wish. However, when the girls find themselves in danger, the Shard of Mimi shines, and they are able to transform.
Schoolgirls discover that they have been given the ability to materialize weapons and control robotic beasts called "Children" to stop an evil organization from their plans of domination.
Awakening her dormant abilities as a devil one day, Yuuko Yoshida aka Shadow Mistress Yuuko, is entrusted with the mission to defeat the Light clan's shrine maiden, a magical girl, by her ancestor Lilith. Yuuko meets magical girl Momo Chiyoda through her classmate Anri Sada, and challenges her to a duel, but loses quickly due to her lack of strength. Since then, Yuuko has struggled with her role as a devil and her duel with Momo, and borrowed help from her regularly. However, by a strange coincidence, Yuuko also weakens Momo by taking away her power to cooperate in protecting the peace of Tama city.
The world turns upside down when a corporate drone wakes up as Rae Taylor, the heroine in her favorite otome game, Revolution. Rae is elated at the opportunity to court Claire François, the game’s villainess and the object of her affection. Armed with her knowledge of the game and events to come, Rae sets out to make Claire fall for her. But how will the villainess take Rae’s romantic advances?
Friendless college girl Sorawo finds a door to another world one day — a strangely post-apocalyptic-feeling Otherside with serene emptiness, which becomes her new “special place.” There, she meets one other human, the beautiful and independent Toriko, and they explore the abandoned Otherside together.
Shut-in vampire Terakomari, or Komari for short, awakens from her slumber to find she's been promoted to a commander of the army! The thing is, though, her new squad has a reputation for being violently insubordinate. And although Komari was born to a prestigious vampire family, her hatred of blood has made her the picture of mediocrity-scrawny, uncoordinated, and inept at magic. With the odds stacked against her, will the help of her trusty maid be enough for this recluse to blunder her way to success?
Worried about her reputation, Hime covers shifts for a cafe manager she accidentally injures to maintain her picture-perfect princess image. But this cafe has a peculiar theme—private school. To put on her best barista schoolgirl act, she’ll be trained by the most graceful girl there, Mitsuki. Under her guidance, Hime’s feelings start to brew, but there’s just one problem—Mitsuki can’t stand her!
In the world of Hidan no Aria AA, there are special students called Butei who are authorized to carry weapons, investigate crimes and solve various incidents. One of the best of these students is an S-rank second year at Tokyo Butei High School named Aria Kanzaki. On the opposite end of the scale is E-rank first year named Akari Mamiya.
The series is about a girl named Momo who attends high school at the city of Sorasaki. However, she is secretly a member of Tsukikage, an intelligence agency that protects people. As a new member of the agency, she works alongside her colleagues including her senior Yuki and friends. Together, they work to establish peace in the city.
Murasame Sumika is popular in the high school for her excellence in the marks and sports. However, she has a secret: she is in love with her classmate Kazama Ushio, but she hasn't noticed Sumika's feelings. On the other hand Ushio also has a liking to the love between girls but she only shows any interest in cutesy girls. Sumika, a card-carrying badass who helps run her family's dojo, does not fit this bill even a little. Cue angst, as she is forced to watch from the sidelines as Ushio falls for girl after girl, none of them her. Ushio is always eager to share news about her latest crush. With the duo's knack for attracting trouble, it looks like Sumika's trials have only just begun.
Fore! After Eve’s first meet-up with Aoi on the grass left her in defeat, she’s had her eyes set on a rematch to return the favor. Both these up-and-coming golfers are highly skilled, highly unique and most of all, highly competitive. With dreams of making it pro, a rivalry is getting in full swing as they both battle it out in the biggest tournaments.