사랑을 위하여

사랑을 위하여 1999


오직 야구만이 인생의 전부인 한 남자가 있다. 빌리 채플. 하지만 그도 19년의 선수생활을 마쳐야할 시기가 오고 착잡한 심정이 된다. 이런 와중에 연인 제인마저 이별을 선언하고 떠난다. 마지막 경기를 남겨둔 그는 제인을 떠나보내고 더욱 야구에만 전념하기로 한다. 착잡한 심정으로 마운드에 오른 그. 마지막이 될 지도 모르는 경기인 만큼 그에겐 과거의 기억들이 스쳐가기 시작하는데 바로 제인과 처음 만났던 날의 일이다. 마운드에서 빌리가 제인을 떠올리며 힘차게 공을 던지고 있는 동안 제인도 미국을 떠나려던 발걸음을 떼지 못하고 공항의 TV를 통해 빌리의 경기를 지켜보게 된다. 한편 빌리의 게임은 회수가 지나가며, 실연으로 인한 가슴의 상처와 오른팔의 통증에 대항하듯이 '노히트 노런'의 퍼팩트 게임을 향하여 힘차게 공을 던진다. (임재원)


Princess Nine

Princess Nine 1998


Keiko Himuro, Chairman of the Kisuragi School, puts together an all-girl baseball team led by Ryo Hayakawa, daughter of a legendary pitcher, in hopes of proving that girls can compete just as well as boys. Their goal: Koshien stadium, where only the best teams get the opportunity to play.


Taisho Baseball Girls

Taisho Baseball Girls 2009


In 1925 (year 14 of the Taishō period), after being told by a baseball player that women should become housewives instead of going to school, two 14-year-old Japanese high school girls named Koume and Akiko decide to start a baseball team in order to prove him wrong. During this time, when even running was considered too vulgar for women, baseball is known as "what the boys do" and they face many difficulties when searching members, getting permission from their parents and when learning about the sport itself.



Moshidora 2011


Minami joins her High School baseball team as a team manager after finding out that her best friend Yuuki is in the hospital and can't be a team manager any more. In order to try to fill in for Yuuki and to help out the team the best she can, she goes out to find a book on how to manage a baseball team. Unfortunately, she accidentally buys Peter Drucker's book called "Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices" which is actually about how to properly manage a business. Because she couldn't return the book, she decides to read it anyway and to try to apply the business management concepts to the baseball team so that way they can go on and win the Nationals.