콘 사토시: 꿈속의 마법사

콘 사토시: 꿈속의 마법사 2021


일본의 만화가이자 애니메이션 감독인 콘 사토시는 2010년, 향년 46세의 나이로 갑작스러운 죽음을 맞이하였다. 그는 당시 단편과 작업물 하나를 남겼는데, 이는 미완성이었음에도 현대 일본 문화 역사상 가장 널리 배급되고 영향력 있는 작품이 되었다. 그의 사망으로부터 10년, 일본, 프랑스 그리고 할리우드에 있는 후계자들은 그가 남긴 예술적 유산을 돌아보고 가족과 동료들은 마침내 그의 작품에 대해 입을 연다.


나는 아직 진심을 내지 않았을 뿐

나는 아직 진심을 내지 않았을 뿐 2013


나이 42에 무작정 백수가 되기로 결정한 오오구로 시즈오는 이제와서 자아를 찾겠다고 오도방정이다. 앞으로 무엇을 하며 살아야 할 것인지 심사숙고 하겠노라고 엄숙하게 선언을 하는 시즈오, 그 앞에는 빨리 정신 차리라고 다그치는 아버지와 하고 싶은대로 하세요 라고 등떠미는 착한 17살의 딸네미가 있다. 백수 한달 만에 천직을 찾았다면서 만세를 부르는 시즈오, 그것은 바로 만화다. 만화를 그릴 줄은 아느냐고 묻는 딸과 얘를 도대체 어떻게 하면 좋을까 머리를 굴리는 아버지 사이에서도 꿋꿋하게 명랑한 시즈오는 만화가 데뷔를 위해 불출주야 노력하기로 한다. 하지만 아무리 노력하기로 했다기로서니 어떻게 하루종일 만화만 그릴 수 있겠는가. 하여 42살 시즈오의 하루는 이렇게 흘러간다. 아침에 일어나서는 게임 삼매경, 그다음엔 이십대 청년들과 함께 알바 삼매경, 그 다음엔 성실한 샐러리맨 소꼽친구 불러다 술 얻어먹기, 불안해질때쯤 철야 만화 그리기, 돈 부족해지면 딸에게 돈 빌리기등 도대체 어른이 얼마나 철이 없으면 이라고 할만한 일상으로 첨철되어 진다. 그럼에도 여전히 자신만만한 시즈오, 그는 다른 사람에게 타박을 당할때마다, 그리고 힘들여 그려간 만화가 퇴짜를 맞을때마다 '아직은 최선을 다하지 않았을 뿐' 이라고 하면서 자신을 다독인다. 하지만 그런 최면도 결국엔 현실에 맞닿아 깨지게 되는 날이 오기 마련, 과연 그는 어떤 결정을 내릴 수 있을 것인가? http://blog.yes24.com/document/7846152 인용



Mangirl! 2013


A team of girls with zero experience in manga editing are off and running toward their dream of creating the biggest manga magazine in Japan! They seem to do nothing but run into problems and failures... But still they're working hard every day!


Gu Gu the Cat

Gu Gu the Cat 2014


About a lady and her cat. The lady's cat dies and she loses all inspiration to continue living, and doing her work from home job. One day when forced to get out of her house for a while she finds and orphaned kitten in the park. The kitten is sick and she takes the kitten to the vet. This kitten brings her out of her depression and gives her new hope.



Kakushigoto 2020


Single father Kakushi Goto has a secret. He’s a top-selling artist of popular erotic manga, but his impressionable young daughter, Hime, can never find out! Now he’s having to bend over backwards just to keep her inquisitive little mind from discovering what he does for a living.





The size of the Japanese animation market was 2,426 billion yen by 2020. More than half of that amount came from overseas sales. The manga market is also expanding, reaching 675.9 billion yen in 2021. Those unique visuals and stories from Japan have struck a chord with fans around the world and are growing into a huge industry. ANIME MANGA EXPLOSION will actively feature major works that are highly recognized by overseas fans and reveal the secrets of Japanese anime and manga creation through the series.


Kotaro Lives Alone

Kotaro Lives Alone 2022


A lonely little boy moves into a ramshackle apartment building all on his own and makes friends with the broke manga artist who lives next door.


Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan

Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan 2020


Comic creator Rohan Kishibe, along with his partner-cum-editor, Kyōka Izumi, challenge various incidents beyond human knowledge.


Zatsu Tabi -That's Journey-

Zatsu Tabi -That's Journey- 2025


The story follows amateur mangaka Chika Suzugamori, who, after going through rejection on several drafts for lack of inspiration, spontaneously heads north to instead propel herself on a journey of self discovery.


Manben: Behind the Scenes of Manga with Urasawa Naoki

Manben: Behind the Scenes of Manga with Urasawa Naoki 2015


Urasawa Naoki no Manben (Naoki Urasawa's Manga Exertions) is a TV Documentary airing on NHK Educational TV. It follows acclaimed mangaka Naoki Urasawa (creator of 20th Century Boys and Monster) as he sets out to break new ground for manga even further than he already has. In an attempt to educate viewers about manga and preserve the intricate craftsmanship and process of Japanese artists on video for future generations, he invites a manga artist to have their workplace filmed for a couple of days, so as to display them in the process of crafting chapters for their current serializations. After the footage has been shot, Urasawa meets with the artist and they discuss the footage, talking about the artist's workplace and workflow, the difficulties involved in the mangaka lifestyle, their reasons for drawing manga in the first place, and their perspective on the current industry and their own work.


Naoki Urasawa's Manben neo

Naoki Urasawa's Manben neo 2020


Reboot of the original Manben series from 2014-2017. Naoki Urasawa is returning to visit eight different manga authors, observe them in their daily work and discuss the creation of manga.


A Mangaka's Weirdly Wonderful Workplace

A Mangaka's Weirdly Wonderful Workplace 1970


The story centers on Nana Futami, a rookie shōjo manga artist who is supported by her female editor Kaede Satō and her assistant Mizuki Hazama. Even though Nana sometimes suffers from intense delusions due to (what she tells herself is) an occupational illness, she keeps working day-to-day with the help of those around her.