
브루탈리스트 2024


전쟁의 상흔을 뒤로하고 미국에 정착한 건축가 라즐로 토스. 미국 이민자의 냉혹한 현실 속에 전쟁의 트라우마를 견뎌내던 어느 날. 라즐로의 천재성을 알아본 부유한 사업가 해리슨이 기념비적인 건축물 설계를 제안한다. 하지만, 시대와 공간, 빛의 경계를 넘어 대담하고 혁신적인 그의 건축 설계는 사람들의 공감을 얻지 못하고 반대에 부딪히게 된다. 후원자 해리슨의 감시와 압박, 주변의 비난이 거세질수록 오히려 더 자신의 설계에 집착하던 라즐로. 혁신적인 브루탈리즘 건축에 자신을 투영하던 라즐로는 결국 공사가 중단될 위기에 처하는데...


델타 포스

델타 포스 1986


승객 144명을 태운 미국의 ATW 항국 282편이 레바논의 신세계 혁명기구의 일원에 의해 공중납치된다. 이에 미국측에서는 이들을 구출할 목적으로 '델타 포스'라는 특공대를 중동지역에 파견하게 된다. 납치범들은 그들의 동지를 풀어주는 대신 여자와 아이들을 풀어줄 것을 제의하고 이들의 제의에 따라 여자와 아이들은 무사히 비행기에서 풀어나게 된다. 이 곳에서 인질 구출작전을 펴려던 특공대는 작전개시 직전에 비행기에 다른 납치범들이 합류했으며 유대인들은 이미 사전에 다른 곳으로 이송시켰다는 사실을 알게 되고, 작전은 일단 보류되고 만다. 범인들이 인질들을 베이루트 전역에 분산 수용시켰다는 소식을 입수하게 된 특공대는 3개 부대로 나누어 인질 구출작전을 펴게 되는데...


East Side

East Side 2023


East Side follows Momi, an ex-Secret Service agent-turned-fixer who plays by his own rules as he brokers shady property deals between the Arab residents of East Jerusalem, and the powerful Jewish groups trying to take control of the area by whatever means possible. Brooding and well-connected, Momi slips between communities with ease. But behind his cool facade, the deadly consequences of his double-dealing are taking their toll, and at the center of his world is 18-year-old autistic daughter Maya.


The Cause with the Jews

The Cause with the Jews 2021


In recent years, resentments and hatred towards Jews have become increasingly aggressive, louder and more brutal. What is at the roots of this development? Statistics show an extreme rise in anti-Semitic incidents in Germany but also worldwide. Berlin, for example, has become the city with the highest number of such attacks in Europe. Whether it’s from the left or the right, among Muslims or simply in normal everyday life - Jews and Jewish institutions are increasingly being threatened and violently assaulted in this country. In this series by Richard C. Schneider, experts and scientists, as well as those affected, attempt to explain the intentional or unintentional mechanisms of anti-Jewish hostility on the basis of historical, social and ideological developments.



Shoah 1985


Director Claude Lanzmann spent 11 years on this sprawling documentary about the Holocaust, conducting his own interviews and refusing to use a single frame of archival footage. This epic documentary changed the way we think about the Holocaust. Featuring interviews with survivors, bystanders, and perpetrators from across Europe, mostly Poland and Germany, Shoah is drawn from over 300 hours of contemporary conversations with these witnesses, along with footage of overgrown sites of unspeakable horrors, including the concentration camp at Auschwitz. The monumental film grew out of Lanzmann's concern that the genocide perpetrated only 40 years earlier was already being forgotten. In response, he relied entirely on accounts from witnesses, rather than historical footage or reenactments, sometimes resorting to hidden cameras or other deceptions to coax stories and memories from those with whom he spoke.


Auschwitz, survivors tell their stories

Auschwitz, survivors tell their stories 2025


They are among the very few survivors. 44 survivors testify. How do you get out of Auschwitz, how do you rebuild yourself? How do you talk about this ultimate experience and also how do you pass it on?


Covenant & Conflict

Covenant & Conflict 2024


"Covenant and Conflict" is a thought-provoking podcast produced by the "Gateway Center for Israel" and hosted by Nic Lesmeister and David Blease, where ancient biblical truths meet contemporary issues head-on. Each episode offers a deep dive into complex and often divisive topics with subject matter experts, aiming to explore the intersection of covenantal values and modern debates. Instead of fostering division, this podcast seeks to model respectful engagement and peaceful discourse amidst conflict.