거리의 소년 사니

거리의 소년 사니 2024


한 소년의 성장을 담은 연대기적 영화. 사니의 어린 시절 장난기 가득한 모습부터 성인이 된 후 사회에 순응하게 되고 냉혹함을 맞닥드리는 12년 간의 여정을 따라간다. 개인적이면서도 정치적인 시선을 통해 현대 부다페스트의 빈곤한 노동계급 가족의 초상을 목도한다.



KASSO 2024


KASSO is a Japanese skateboarding TV show produced by TBS which is famous for Ninja Warriors and Takeshi Castle. Talented and experienced Japanese skaters were invited to three massive skateboarding courses like video games. Completing all three courses, they win 1 million yen. KASSO is a Japanese term for SLIDE. The skaters kasso the courses NEVER BEEN DONE before at any kinds of skateboarding competitions.


Stevie and Zoya

Stevie and Zoya 1970


Stevie and Zoya is an animated series that appeared first on MTV in the late 1980s. The one-minute shorts were produced by Joe Horne, who later worked for Disney and on Class of 3000. Horne later produced two new series in flash animation for the Internet in 2004, and again in 2010, the latter series appearing on Horne's YouTube channel.