예어 Recycling
Blå mænd 2008
아르얀 란버틴스키와 산업사회의 초상 2006
저명한 사진가 에드워드 버틴스키의 생애와 작품을 다룬 다큐멘터리. 영화는 중국에서 벌어지고 있는 거대한 산업혁명의 현장과 그 결과를 촬영하기 위해 여행을 떠난 버틴스키를 뒤쫓는다. 여느 댐의 50배가 넘는 규모로 백만 명의 주민들을 이주시키며 세워지는 산샤 댐, 1킬로미터가 넘게 이어지는 공장 작업장, 숨막히는 규모의 상하이 재건 등이 담긴다.
트래쉬 2020
상자, 병, 캔, 이런 버림받고 무시당하고 무기력한 쓰레기들이 밤이면 살아난다. 슬림은 체념한 골판지 상자이다. 하지만 어린이 장난감 상자인 스파크가 그와 그의 친구들의 운명을 영원히 바꿀 모험으로 이끈다.
Recycle Rex 1993
Se mieletön remppa 2020
塑料王国 2017
Holy Shit 2023
알바트로스 2013
북태평양의 미드웨이 섬에는 수만 마리의 레이산 알바트로스 새끼들이 죽어서 땅을 덮고 있다. 시체들은 플라스틱으로 꽉 차 있다. 영화는 끔찍하고 슬픈 광경으로 우리를 안내하며 충격적인 상황과 그것에 공모하고 있는 우리 자신의 모습을 정면으로 마주하게 한다.
Bin Man 2021
Ciudad a la Espalda 2023
Moest väljas 2015
Energy & Me 2003
南京路 2006
Innertube Antics 1944
Waste Not 2011
Carroça21 2018
Terra Blight 2012
Money for Nothing 2015
Entrepreneur Sarah Moore saves things from being dumped and transforms them into valuable pieces, making money for people who had no idea there was cash to be made from their trash.
The Wombles 1973
The Wombles is a stop motion animated British television series made in 1973–1975. After the first Wombles book, published in 1968, was featured on the BBC children's television programme Jackanory, the BBC commissioned producer FilmFair to create a television series of the books. The series was produced by Graham Clutterbuck and directed by Ivor Wood using stop-motion. The characters were all voiced by actor Bernard Cribbins. Sets and model making were by Barry Leith. Two series of 30 five minute episodes were produced, with the first series airing in 1973, animated by Ivor Wood, and the second in 1975, animated by Barry Leith. In all, sixty episodes were produced. The original television series was regularly screened for many years. After FilmFair was acquired by the Canadian company Cinar Films in 1996, a new series of episodes was created, with a number of new Womble characters. In the UK, the series was purchased by ITV.
War on Waste 2017
Our waste is growing at double the rate of our population with 52 mega tonnes generated a year. Australia is ranked 5th highest for generating the most municipal waste in the world. In this three-part series, Craig Reucassel is on a mission to see if we, as a nation, can all do a little bit better.
dÉCOtendance 2011
Zero Waste Life 2021
Meet people around Japan who strive for a life without waste under the traditional philosophy of "MOTTAINAI," which values cherishing the things we have.
Second-Hand Showdown with Vicky Pattison 2023
Vicky Pattison helps guests to find a bold new style using only pre-loved fashion. Two stylists pull together the looks, but only one wardrobe will win. Who'll triumph in the second-hand showdown?
Hugh's War on Waste 2015
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is on a mission to find out why we waste so much.
Shanes verden 2007
It's pure magic when Shane, together with children and his best friend the dog Jacob, builds the most incredible things from ordinary everyday junk. Inspire you and your family to collect kitchen rolls, milk cartons, gizmos and things that can be turned into blue dragons, foam-spraying pirate ships, dollhouses and other whimsical homemade toys ...