Herman Melville 백경 빌리 버드 Benjamin Britten: Billy Budd Capitaine Achab L'effort des hommes Moby Dick Bartleby 아름다운 직업 Bartleby Bartleby Bartleby As Ilhas Encantadas Bartleby Bartleby Moby Dick The Sea Beast Farrago 폴라 X Billy Budd The Adventures of Moby Dick A Baleia Branca - Uma Ideia de Deus Moby Dick Partanen Omoo-Omoo the Shark God L'homme silencieux Enchanted Island Benito Cereno Billy Budd Dämon des Meeres Ishmael 퍼시픽 모비딕 Capitaine Achab Moby-Dick Strange Stories