David Bruce 산타페 트레일 Lady on a Train Revenue Agent 크리스마스 휴가 울프 선장 Calling Dr. Death 요크 상사 Can't Help Singing That Night with You Alice in Movieland Pier 23 The Smiling Ghost The Mad Ghoul Hi-Jacked Salome, Where She Danced Jungle Hell Flight from Destiny Pygmy Island The Great Adventures of Captain Kidd The Sickle or the Cross Singapore Woman Timber Fury The Man Who Talked Too Much Racing Luck Highways by Night Moon Over Las Vegas March On, Marines Ladies Courageous The Yellow Haired Kid Allergic to Love She's for Me Honeymoon Lodge Susie Steps Out Cannibal Attack How's About It 바다매 편지 Pony Express Days A Dispatch from Reuters East of the River 너트 록큰 올 아메리칸 The Body Disappears Young Daniel Boone Hurricane at Pilgrim Hill 플라잉 타이거스 River's End 머미스 고스트 The Iron Glove You're a Lucky Fellow, Mr. Smith Corvette K-225 South of Dixie Money and the Woman Joe Palooka in the Big Fight Gung Ho! Prejudice 돈 쥬앙의 모험 General Electric Theater The Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok The Cisco Kid Hopalong Cassidy The Beulah Show