Karalius Ričardas

Karalius Ričardas 2021


Žvilgsnis į tai, kaip superžvaigždės Venus ir Serena Vilijams tapo tuo, kuo yra, su tėvo, Ričardo Vilijamso, pagalba treniruojantis.



Varžovai 2024


Du geriausi draugai Artas ir Patrikas su Taša (Zendaya) susipažino dar būdami paaugliais. Tuomet Taša buvo sparčiai kylanti teniso žvaigždė, tuo tarpu Arto ir šiek tiek vyresnio Patriko karjeros perspektyvos atrodė kur kas miglotesnės. Nuolat būdami toje pačioje aplinkoje, jaunuoliai įsipainioja į aistringą meilės trikampį, kuris išyra Tašai pasirinkus Patriką. Tiesa, jų santykiai taip pat nutrūksta, o patyrusi sunkią visas jos karjeros svajones sudaužiusią traumą, Taša netrukus imasi treniruoti Artą. Pastarojo kopimą į teniso Olimpą ir gyvenimą su buvusia savo mergina iš šalies stebi Patrikas. Trijulės keliams vėl susikirtus, į paviršių neišvengiamai ima kilti seniai pamiršti jausmai, aistros, viltys ir nuoskaudos. Ką kiekvienas iš jų pasiryš paaukoti vardan pergalės?


Anė Hol

Anė Hol 1977


Vienas žymiausių W. Alleno filmų, atnešęs jam „Oskarą“ už geriausią režisūrą, scenarijų ir pasakojantis dviejų neurotiškų žmonių meilės istoriją: pirmą susitikimą, draugystę, problemas ir išsiskyrimą.


Bitės filmas

Bitės filmas 2007


Koledžą baigusi bitė, vardu Baris Bensonas, išgyvena didžiulį šoką. Paaiškėja, kad vienintelis jo gyvenimo tikslas – medus. Negalėdamas su tuo susitaikyti, jis sulaužo vieną pagrindinių bičių taisyklių – nekalbėti su žmonėmis. Baris sužino, kad žmonės jau daugybę amžių vagia iš bičių medų ir jį valgo! Pamažu jis suvokia tikrąjį savo gyvenimo pašaukimą bei paskirtį: jis atsirado šiame pasaulyje, kad nubaustų žmones už medų, vagiamą iš bičių nesuskaičiuojamą amžių gausybę.



Stokeriai 2013


Emociškai nestabili Evelina Stoker ir jos nedraugiška dukra Indija gedi mįslingomis aplinkybėmis avarijoje žuvusio vyro ir tėvo Ričardo. Laidotuvių dieną į jų duris netikėtai pasibeldžia jo brolis Čarlis, kurio šeima niekuomet nepažinojo. Nekviestas atvykėlis dar labiau išbalansuoja dviejų moterų emocijas. Netrukus Indija išsiaiškina, kad paslaptingasis dėdė turi slaptų ketinimų. Bet mergina, užuot ėmusi pykti, įsimyli žavingąjį Čarlį, kuris kaip du vandens lašai panašus į jos tėvą Ričardą.


Lyčių kova

Lyčių kova 2017


1973 m. seksualinės revoliucijos ir judėjimo už lygias moterų teises išvakarėse įvyko legendinis teniso turnyras, pramintas „Lyčių kova“. Jame susikovė pirmoji pasaulio moterų teniso raketė Billie Jean King ir buvęs vyrų teniso čempionas bei užkietėjęs seksistas Bobby Riggsas. Turnyras tapo populiariausia sporto transliacija televizijos istorijoje, kurią žiūrėjo 90 mln. žiūrovų iš viso pasaulio. King ir Riggso turnyrui įgaunant pagreitį, ėmė ryškėti kur kas sudėtingesnės jų asmeninio gyvenimo kovos. King ne tik kovojo už moterų teises, bet ir buvo pasimetusi savo pačios seksualinės tapatybės paieškose. O Riggsas, viena pirmųjų „savadarbių“ žiniasklaidos žvaigždžių, grūmėsi su lošimo priklausomybe, kuri jam kainavo žmoną ir vaikus.


Bjornas Borgas prieš Makenrojų

Bjornas Borgas prieš Makenrojų 2017


Filmas „Bjornas Borgas prieš Makenrojų“ yra apie dvi žymiausias teniso pasaulio žvaigždes Bjorną Borgą ir jo didžiausią priešą, jaunąjį talentą Džoną Makenrojų. Tai istorija apie judviejų legendinę kovą 1980-ųjų Vimbldono turnyre, du vyrus, tapusius legendomis ir kainą, kurią jiems teko sumokėti.



Teekyu 2012


The series follows the hilarious everyday routines of four girls in the Kameido High tennis club who, on occasion, actually play some tennis.


The Prince of Tennis

The Prince of Tennis 2001


Ryoma Echizen is a young tennis prodigy who has won 4 consecutive tennis championships but who constantly lies in the shadow of his father, a former pro tennis player. He joins the Seishun Gakuen junior highschool, one of the best tennis schools in Japan, and there along with his teamates he learns to find his own type of tennis in an attempt to defeat his biggest obstacle of all: his father as well as himself.


I Spy

I Spy 1965


A pair of intelligence agents posing as a tennis pro and his coach go on secret missions around the world.



Sneakerheads 2020


Family man Devin falls back into his sneaker obsession after his pal Bobby talks him into a wheeling-dealing scheme to score a mythical pair of kicks.


Stars Align

Stars Align 2019


Constantly outperformed by the girls' club, the boys' soft tennis club faces disbandment due to their poor skills and lack of positive results. In desperate need of capable players, Toma Shinjou is looking to recruit, but he fails to do so. Enter Maki Katsuragi, a transfer student who demonstrates great reflexes when he catches a stray cat, Instantly capturing Toma's attention. Toma ambitiously asks Maki to join the team but is quickly rejected, as Maki doesn't wish to join any clubs. Toma refuses to back down and ends up persuading Maki - only under the condition that Toma will pay him for his club expenses. As Maki joins the team, he immediately outshine the rest of the team. This gives rise to conflict among the team, Maki challenges his fellow team members to devote themselves to the game they once neglected. This story focuses on the boys' soft tennis club and their discovery of their own capability, while also enduring the darker side of growing up in middle school.


All American: Homecoming

All American: Homecoming 2022


Follow the journeys of Simone Hicks, a tennis hopeful from Beverly Hills, and elite baseball player Damon Sims from Chicago, as they navigate life at the prestigious HBCU Bringston University.


Apples Never Fall

Apples Never Fall 2024


Follow the Delaneys, who from the outside appear to be an enviably contented family. Former tennis coaches Joy and Stan are parents to four adult children. After fifty years of marriage, they have finally sold their famed tennis academy and are ready to start what should be the golden years of their lives. But after Joy disappears, her children are forced to re-examine their parents’ marriage and their family history with fresh eyes.


Break Point

Break Point 2023


Travel alongside some of the world's most talented tennis players as they swing for greatness and Grand Slams through an action-packed season.


A Perfect Match

A Perfect Match 2025


Cheng Tian-xiang, a cheerful tennis enthusiast, meets the aloof CEO Lin Xiao-nan while helping his younger sister, Lin Xiao-ruo. Despite Lin Xiao-nan's cold exterior, Cheng Tian-xiang's sincerity slowly breaks down his defenses, turning their antagonistic relationship into a budding romance. However, past relationships and new emotions complicate their journey. Can they overcome the barriers around their hearts and find happiness together?


Tennis no Ouji-sama: Zenkoku Taikai Hen

Tennis no Ouji-sama: Zenkoku Taikai Hen 2006


Seigaku continues their road to winning the National Championship, but only the best schools remain as they'll have to go toe-to-toe with old rivals and new foes in the National Tournament.


Baby Steps

Baby Steps 2014


Eiichirō Maruo (nicknamed "Ei-chan" for his grades being straight "A") is an honor student, bookworm, and is not interested in anything other than studying. In order to solve his problem of lacking physical strength, he enrolled a tennis school and soon found the fascinating side of tennis. Being a tennis newbie lacking physical strength, he supplement his shortcomings with his excellent observing and analyzing skills.



Softenni 2011


Playing Soft Tennis is supposed to be the focus of the Shiratama Soft Tennis Team. And for some of the girls, like farm girl/would-be champion Asuna, it mostly is. But when the team's worst player, Chitose, is also the team captain, could it be that the club is really more about hanging out and having a good time? To be sure, aces Kurusu and exchange student Elizabeth, are great players. But they also seem more interested in cosplay and the team's dreamy adviser, while violence-prone Kotone might be more at home in a martial arts dojo. And it would certainly explain why they get into so many odd adventures involving things like giant bears, whales, and ghosts rather than playing!


The Prince of Tennis

The Prince of Tennis 2008


The drama is about how tennis talents deal with the challenge. The drama continue the style and theme of last season, show us the tennis prince's growth and effort, and the way they won the championship.


The Prince of Tennis II: U-17 World Cup

The Prince of Tennis II: U-17 World Cup 2022


The story follows the unfolding of the U-17 World Cup, which takes place at the KCC Arena, in Melbourne, Australia. A total of 32 countries are participating in this long-awaited competition, and only 16 of them will manage to qualify for the final stages…


Nothing But You

Nothing But You 2023


Liang Youan, a workplace elite who entered the bottleneck period of life, and Song Sanchuan, an athlete who was always a substitute, both joined a grass tennis club by chance. Liang Youan was a half-way club manager, and Song Sanchuan also switched to a tennis player from badminton. The two and their teammates worked together to overcome difficulties and strived to build an amazing professional club. In the process, Liang Youan and Song Sanchuan gradually fell in love, along with conflicts in ideas and experience. As the club continued to develop, they surpassed themselves and strengthened trust in dealing with challenges, and ultimately gained professional growth and sweet love.


The Prince of Tennis II

The Prince of Tennis II 2012


The Seigaku tennis club has been invited to train at the U-17 (Under 17) camp. Seigaku is one of the 50 middle schools invited and must compete with high school players to prove they are just as good.



15/Love 2004


15/Love was a Canadian-produced television series that revolves around the lives of aspiring young tennis players at the Cascadia Tennis Academy. The show was created by Karen Troubetzkoy and Derek Schreyer, and was filmed in the city of Montreal during the summer. 15/Love first aired on the television channel YTV on September 6, 2004.


Boom! Boom! The World vs. Boris Becker

Boom! Boom! The World vs. Boris Becker 2023


An inside look at the controversial life and career of tennis great Boris Becker—featuring interviews with John McEnroe, Novak Djokovic, Björn Borg, and other icons.