Į šiaurę per šiaurės vakarus

Į šiaurę per šiaurės vakarus 1959


Gary Grantas vaidina Manhatano reklamos agentūros vadovą, įsivėlusį į žvalgo ir kontržvalgės istoriją, pilną apgavysčių, mirčių ir lenktynių. Tai ketvirtas, paskutinis ir geriausias bendras A. Hitchcocko ir G. Granto darbas.


Beverli Hilso policininkas 3

Beverli Hilso policininkas 3 1994


Po septynerių metų Detroito policininkas Akselis Foulis vėl priverstas atvykti į Beverli Hilsą. Jis ieško kolegos žudiko. Pokštininkas Akselis dažnai apsimeta kvaileliu ir nemokša, tačiau lemiamu momentu tampa sumanus ir drąsus.


Projektas A 2

Projektas A 2 1987


Drakonas jau Sai Van rajono policijos viršininkas, besikaunantis su nusikaltėliais, pabėgusiais piratais, Manču revoliucionistais, Manču šalininkais ir korumpuota policijos valdžia.


Daug Vargo Dėl Pinigų

Daug Vargo Dėl Pinigų 2012


Romantinė gaudynių, šaudynių ir pavojingo flirto komedija. Pamestos moterys nepamiršta skriaudų. Dažniausiai. Kerštingos moterys nepalieka ramybėje jas palikusių vyrų. Daili gražuolė Stefani atsiduria bedarbystės kubile. Apatinį trikotažą ir intymų garderobą pardavinėjusiai merginai staiga prireikia keisti profesiją, bet kantrūs paieškų mėnesiai baigiasi bergždžiais rezultatais, o sąskaitos banke skaičiai grėsmingai priartėja prie apvalaus nulio. Jos laimei giminaičiai pasiūlo tęsti karjerą pusbrolio detektyvų kompanijoje, kurios nariai už grynus pinigus persekioja, gaudo ir pristato teisėsaugai nedorus prasikaltėlius bei akiplėšiškus skolininkus...



Renegade 1992


Framed for murder, Detective Reno Raines becomes a fugitive bounty hunter who fights crime while trying to clear his name. His troubles began after he testified about police corruption, leading Lt. Donald Dixon to set him up.


First Wave

First Wave 1998


Framed for murder and on the run, a former thief struggles to expose the vanguard of an alien invasion with the help of a conspiracy theorist and newly discovered prophecies of Nostradamus.


The A-Team

The A-Team 1983


A fictional group of ex-United States Army Special Forces personnel work as soldiers of fortune while on the run from the Army after being branded as war criminals for a "crime they didn't commit."



Quantico 2015


A diverse group of recruits has arrived at the FBI Quantico Base for training. They are the best, the brightest and the most vetted, so it seems impossible that one of them is suspected of masterminding the biggest attack on New York City since 9/11.


Johnny Bago

Johnny Bago 1993


Johnny Bago is a short-lived television series that aired in the summer of 1993. It stars Peter Dobson as ex-con Johnny Tenuti who, after being set up a second time, travels across America in a Winnebago under the name Johnny Bago to escape mobsters, cops and his former wife/parole officer.



Traveler 2007


Jay, Tyler and Will are friends who have spent the last two years in grad school. A simple prank to rollerblade through one of New York City's most famous museums makes Jay and Tyler prime suspects in a terrorist bombing. They're unable to turn to authorities when they realize they can't prove Will even exists. In every photo from the past two years, he has managed to block his face. Who will believe them?



Runaway 2006


The Raders are a normal middle-class American family on the run hiding from the legal system that unjustly accused Paul Rader of a terrible and violent crime. Adding to the danger, the real killer is now threatening the lives of the Rader children.



Life 2007


Complex, offbeat Detective Charlie Crews returns to the force after serving time in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Crews’ new lease on life has provided him with a Zen-like outlook, peace of mind and no need for vengeance, an attitude which can be challenging to maintain when someone he cares about is threatened — or when he is investigating the mystery surrounding the murder he was falsely accused of.



Detentionaire 2011


No student likes having to spend time in detention so you can only imagine how Lee Ping feels. The freshman at A Nigma High has been sentenced to a year in detention after being accused of pulling off the biggest prank in high-school history. The problem is that Lee is innocent. Now, in order to clear his name, Lee must escape from the highly fortified detention room every day, infiltrate a new social clique, and unravel another piece of the gigantic prank puzzle to try to figure out who actually pulled off the epic stunt.


The Fugitive

The Fugitive 2000


The Fugitive is a remake of the 1963 TV series of the same name that aired for one season on CBS between October 6, 2000 and May 25, 2001. It stars Tim Daly as Dr. Richard Kimble, Mykelti Williamson as lieutenant Philip Gerard, and Stephen Lang as Ben Charnquist.


Sword of Justice

Sword of Justice 1978


Sword Of Justice is an American action-adventure television series that aired on NBC for one season during 1978 and 1979. The series was considered a mix of The Saint, It Takes a Thief, and The Rockford Files.


The Exile

The Exile 1991


The Exile is an American television series that aired on CBS as part of its late night Crimetime After Primetime line up. The series premiered on April 2, 1991 and ran until October 1991.


Hot Pursuit

Hot Pursuit 1984


Hot Pursuit is a short-lived American television series starring Kerrie Keane and Eric Pierpoint, which aired from September 22 to December 28, 1984 on NBC. It was written and directed by executive producer Kenneth Johnson.



Wolf 1989


Wolf is a 1989 CBS television series starring Jack Scalia and Nicolas Surovy. It features Scalia as Tony Wolf, a former San Francisco cop turned private detective and Surovy as the district attorney who had caused him to be discharged from the force. Joseph Sirola starred as Wolf's father, Sal who lived on a boat. The programme was also later shown on ITV in 1992.


Travelling Man

Travelling Man 1984


After finishing a 2 year prison sentence for a bribe he never took Ex detective inspector Alan Lomax wants answers. Lomax has at least one luxury left - a narrowboat. And it's on the canals, among the day trippers and travelers, that he means to find revenge. Not an easy task for an ex-detective isolated on the wrong side of the law.