Nieko asmeniško

Nieko asmeniško 2023


Medės (aktorė Jennifer Lawrence) gyvenime – duobė. Niekad pernelyg rimtai į pareigas ir atsakomybę nežiūrėjusi mergina už skolas praranda automobilį. Žmogui, besiverčiančiam pavežėjimo paslaugomis, tai – gana rimta problema. Bet ši problema – toli gražu ne vienintelė. Pinigams tirpstant lyg sniegui pavasarį, iškyla pavojus, kad Medė praras ir savo namą, kuriame užaugo. Desperatiškai ieškodama išeities, ji nusprendžia atsiliepti į keistą skelbimą internete: tėvai ieško merginos savo sūnui. Medė ilgai negalvoja. Pasitikslinusi, ko tiksliai iš jos tikimasi, mergina atsiraitoja rankoves ir, taip sakant, pasiruošia imti jautį už ragų.


Nuotykiai su Diku ir Džeine

Nuotykiai su Diku ir Džeine 2005


Dikas ilgus metus dirbo žiniasklaidos korporacijoje "Globodain" kol galų gale jo triūsas buvo atlygintas – bosas paaukština jį iki viceprezidento pareigų, tačiau kitą dieną dėl nuslėptų mokesčių, turto išeikvojimo bei korupcijos kompanijos viduje kompanija bankrutavo. Kaip išsisukti iš padėties? Sprendimo ilgai ieškoti netenka. Jį pametėja karti patirtis: jei jo bosui buvo galima vogti, tai kuo prastesnis Dikas ?! Jei jis negali uždirbti pats, tegul uždirba kiti, o Dikui beliks tik pasiimti tiek, kiek reikės.


Dali & Cocky Prince

Dali & Cocky Prince 2021


An ignorant but strong-willed man and an upper-class woman who struggles through life, work to fall in love.


A Man in Full

A Man in Full 2024


Facing relentless foes and sudden bankruptcy, an Atlanta real estate tycoon must claw his way back to the top when his empire begins to crumble.


A Model Family

A Model Family 2022


After unwittingly stealing money from a cartel, a cash-strapped professor finds the only way to save his broken family is by working as a drug courier.


Fate and Fury

Fate and Fury 2018


Even though Goo Hae-Ra is smart and beautiful, she is in miserable situation because of her family. Her older sister attempted suicide and her father passed away. The only way she can escape her situation is with money. She approaches Tae In-Joon. He is the second son of a shoe company owner. Tae In-Joon falls in love with Goo Hae-Ra.


You Complete Me

You Complete Me 2020


Gao Shan is a dangerous lover scheming revenge for the sake of his father. Lin Wo is his girlfriend with high IQ. Was their meeting due to an ulterior motive or an uncontrollable romance? Gao Shan's father went bankrupt during the 1990's after Qin Sheng Sheng withdrew investment in his company at the most critical moment.


Atom's Last Shot

Atom's Last Shot 2022


Nayuta is a young genius video game developer who works independently. His anonymity had gained him the moniker “the Banksy of video games,” until a certain incident caused him to shy away from games and live quietly. Meanwhile, the long-standing toy company Atom decides to delve into the video game industry in order to overcome their financial crisis. With no funds or experience, the people at Atom make a desperate attempt to contact Nayuta, the Banksy of video games, but will they succeed? Can they write a new chapter in the cut-throat world of video games