Raktažodis West Point
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1830 metai. Vest Pointo akademijos ramybę spalio vakarą sudrumsčia prie pat paradinės aikštelės ant virvės kabančio jauno kadeto kūnas. Akivaizdi savižudybė tokioje griežtoje mokymosi įstaigoje kaip Vest Pointas nėra neįprastas dalykas, tačiau kitą rytą paaiškėja dar didesnis siaubas. Kažkas įsibrovė į kambarį, kuriame gulėjo kūnas ir išpjovė vaikino širdį.
MacArthur 1977
The Long Gray Line 1955
Rosalie 1937
Arizona 1931
Code Breakers 2005
Flirtation Walk 1934
West Point Widow 1941
Cadet Girl 1941
West Point 1928
The Silence 1975
North and South 1985
The story of the enduring friendship between Orry Main of South Carolina and George Hazard of Pennsylvania, who become best friends while attending the United States Military Academy at West Point but later find themselves and their families on opposite sides of the American Civil War.
West Point 1956
The West Point Story is a dramatic anthology television series shown in the United States by Columbia Broadcasting System during the 1956-57 season and by ABC during the 1957-58 season. The West Point Story, produced with the full cooperation of the United States Department of Defense and the United States Military Academy, was said to be based on actual files documenting many of the real-life dramatic occurrences at West Point over the years. Names and dates were altered in order to protect the privacy of the real people portrayed, however. The program was at first hosted by a fictional cadet, Charles C. Thompson, but this device was discontinued prior to the end of 1956. During its second season on ABC, The West Point Story was in competition with NBC's The Californians, set in San Francisco during the gold rush of the 1850s, and with The $64,000 Question quiz series on CBS. The West Point Story was replaced on the summer schedule in 1958 by Jack Wyatt's Confession, which continued to air during the first half of the 1958-1959 season in the 10 p.m. Tuesday evening time slot. At the time that The West Point Story was broadcast, four other military dramas aired either through syndication or on the major networks: Harbor Command, Navy Log, The Silent Service, and Men of Annapolis.