
Laidotuvės 2023


Filmas įkvėptas tikrų įvykių. Laidojimo namų savininkas Jeremijas O'Kifis („Oskaro“ apdovanojimo laureatas Tommy Lee Jones) žlugus žodiniam susitarimui pasitelkia charizmatišką, sklandžiai kalbantį advokatą Vilį E. Garį („Oskaro“ apdovanojimo laureatas Jamie Foxx), kad išgelbėtų savo šeimos verslą. Įkvepiančioje ir triumfuojančioje istorijoje, kai neįtikėtina pora užmezga ryšį ir atskleidžia korporacijų korupciją bei rasinę neteisybę, kyla audringi ginčai ir juokas.



Bernis 2012


Mažame Teksaso miestelyje gyvena vietinis laidotuvininkas Bernis Tidis. Vyriškis dainuoja chore, džiaugiasi savo darbu, bei yra visų mylimas. Bernis užmezga draugystę su turtinga našle ir tampa jos kompanionu. Tačiau moteris darosi vis valdingesnė. Galiausiai Bernis tą nužudo, o tuomet susiduria su problema – kaip įtikinti kitus miestelio gyventojus, jog ji vis dar gyva? Filmas pasakoja apie tikrą žmogžudystę, įvykusią 1996 metais Kartaginos miestelyje (Teksaso valstija, JAV). Filme įvykius komentuoja ir tikrąjį Bernį Tidį pažinoję žmonės.


Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under 2001


When death is your business, what is your life? For the Fisher family, the world outside of their family-owned funeral home continues to be at least as challenging as—and far less predictable than—the one inside.


Muertos S.L.

Muertos S.L. 2024


When Gonzalo Torregrosa, owner and founder of Torregrosa Funeral Home, passes away, Dámaso Carrillo, his right-hand man in the company, doesn’t hesitate that the best for the business is taking the reins himself. However, against all odds, Nieves, the septuagenarian widow, decides to take the lead in the family business, with the assistance of her inept yet enthusiastic son-in-law, Chemi, a Marketing expert, and in defiance of her daughters’ plans to close the Funeral Home and start a gym. While Dámaso conspires and manipulates his colleagues against the new management, the company will face competition from Transitus Funeral Services and their expansion plans, as well as a #MeToo case that threatens Gonzalo Torregosa’s legacy.


New Beginnings

New Beginnings 2010


Li family, who are in the wedding business, and the Cai family, who run a mortuary. The Chinese traditionally believe that the "red" (represents fortune and happiness) and "white" (associated with death) are not to be associated. As fate would have it, the younger generation cross paths and love blossoms.


Good Grief

Good Grief 2021


Two very different sisters inherit a funeral home - and its eccentric employees - from their koro. While Ellie is determined to uphold her grandfather's legacy, Gwen can't wait to get to Bali and become a DJ. Can they figure out their lives while staring death in the face?


Post Mortem: No One Dies in Skarnes

Post Mortem: No One Dies in Skarnes 2021


Live Hallangen is declared dead but hours later she suddenly wakes up with a sudden urge for blood. Meanwhile, her brother Odd tries to keep the family driven funeral home afloat.


The Fanelli Boys

The Fanelli Boys 1990


The Fanelli Boys is an American sitcom that aired on NBC as part of its 1990-91 prime time schedule. The series was created by the team of Barry Fanaro, Mort Nathan, Kathy Speer, and Terry Grossman, all of whom previously worked on The Golden Girls.



Billy 1979


Billy is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from February to April 1979. The series was based on Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall's 1960 British play Billy Liar.


Buried by the Bernards

Buried by the Bernards 2021


In this reality series, the bickering but big-hearted Bernards manage their budget-friendly Memphis funeral home with lots of family dramedy and laughter while helping grieving families say farewell.