Įsimylėjęs iki ausų

Įsimylėjęs iki ausų 2010


Pirmą kartą išvydusi Braisą, Džuli iš karto jį pamilsta. Na, o Braisas, priešingai - ima jausti jai antipatiją. Po aštuntos klasės viskas apsiverčia aukštyn kojomis - Džuli Braisas pabosta, o pastarasis joje ima įžvelgti kažką ypatingo...


Mamma Mia!

Mamma Mia! 2008


"Mamma Mia!" - garsaus miuziklo, kuris yra paremtas legendinės grupės "ABBA" dainomis, ekranizacija. Tai istorija apie nuotaką, bandančią surasti savo tikrąjį tėvą... Nepriklausomos vienišos motinos Donos, valdančios nedidelį viešbutuką idiliškoje Graikijos saloje, aštuoniolikmetė duktė Sophie Sheridan nerimauja: artėja jos vestuvių diena, o ji nežino, kas yra jos tėvas... Juo galėjo būti bet kuris buvęs jos motinos gerbėjas: Sam Carmichael, Bill Austin arba Harry Bright. Vienintelis būdas tai išsiaiškinti, Sophie manymu, yra pakviesti visus tris į vestuvių pokylį, ką ji paslapčia ir padaro. Trys vyrai grįžta į praeitį Viduržemio jūros rojuje, kur jie lankėsi prieš beveik 20 metų. Saloje, pilnoje galimybių, sužydės nauja meilė ir pabus seni romanai. Tai motinos ir dukters, senų draugų ir naujai atrastos šeimos šventė.


Protas ir jausmai

Protas ir jausmai 1995


Kartu su savo mama ir seserimis Elinora (akt. Emma Thompson) kovoja su finansiniais sunkumais, kilusiais mirus tėvui, kuris paliko savo turtą kvailokam savo sūnui iš pirmosios santuokos. Spręsdama šeimynines problemas, Elinora susižavi savo netikru įbroliu Edvardu Ferarsu (akt. Hugh Grantas), bet sužino, kad jis negali jai asistuoti, nes jau prieš daugelį metų susižadėjo su kita. Šeima persikelia į kaimą, kur energinga Elinoros sesuo Marijana (akt. Kate Winslet) įsimyli šaunų vietinį vyrą Džoną Viloubį (akt. Gregas Wise'as), mergišių, kuriam ji, atrodo, taip pat patinka.


Saldymedžio pica

Saldymedžio pica 2021


Tai istorija apie augančius, lekiančius ir įsimylėjusius Alaną Kane ir Garį Valentine, 1973-aisiais metais San Fernando slėnyje, kurie niekada nebuvo susitikę prieš fotografijos dieną Gario vidurinėje mokykloje. Alana nebėra moksleivė, bet jauna mergina, siekianti atrasti ir apibrėžti save virš jos neįkvepiančio fotografo padėjėjos darbo, o Garis, nors dar tik paauglys, bet jau įsitvirtinęs scenoje kaip dirbantis aktorius. Laikui bėgant ir keičiantis jų draugystei, Garis ieško karjeros galimybių ne tik aktorystėje, bet ir tampa pradedančiuoju verslininku, parduodančiu vandens lovas ir atidarančiu dažasvydžio arkadą; o Alana rimtai svarsto savo ateitį (įskaitant įsiveržimą į aktorystę).


Pabaigos ir pradžios

Pabaigos ir pradžios 2020


Menininkė palieka savo ilgametį vaikiną, tačiau jos bandymas pailsėti nuo pasimatymų baigiasi tuo, kai ji greitai pasineria į du aistringus romanus.


Vestsaido istorija

Vestsaido istorija 2021


Pasaulinio lygmens, pagal Viljamo Šekspyro tragediją „Romeo ir Džuljeta“ pastatytas 1961-ųjų metų kino miuziklas „Vestsaido istorija“, pelnęs net dešimt „Oskaro“ statulėlių, iki šiol yra laikomas labiausiai apdovanotu miuziklu Holivudo istorijoje. Mintis sukurti pjesę apie šiuolaikinius Romeo ir Džuljetą dramaturgui J.Robinui ir kompozitoriui L.Bernsteinui kilo dar 1949-aisiais. Tuomet pagausėjo puertorikiečių emigracija į turtingas Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijas, o dalis amerikiečių jaunimo atvykėlius sutiko nusiteikę priešiškai, ir tai ne sykį sukėlė muštynes, smurtą, šiurkščius susidūrimus. Tokie įvykiai paskatino sukurti „Vestsaido istoriją“, pirmąjį miuziklą nagrinėjantį aktualias to meto amerikiečių jaunimo problemas, itin subtiliai pasakojusį apie tragišką dviejų mylinčių širdžių - puertorikietės Marijos ir amerikiečio Tonio - likimą.



Merlí 2015


He’s surly, unorthodox, unapologetically blunt, and he’s about to change your life. Meet the new philosophy teacher, Merlí, who will help his students view the world in a whole new light, both in and out of the classroom.


Saved by the Bell

Saved by the Bell 1989


Lovable schemer Zack Morris leads his pals on adventures at California's Bayside High School. The friends navigate relationships, final exams, school dances, breakups and more while frequently frustrating their principal, Mr. Richard Belding, who does his best to keep them in check.


Merlí. Sapere Aude

Merlí. Sapere Aude 2019


In this drama set at a university, a wayward philosophy student navigate life on campus while seeking guidance from an intriguing new professor.


Teenage Bride

Teenage Bride 2006


Amelda (Amel) and Fabian (Abi) have been matched since they were very young. Now Amel is in high school, very obsessed with matchmaking, she is sure that her soul mate is a handsome, romantic man. The same thing happened to Abi, who was very sure that his soul mate was a beautiful and elegant woman. However, it turns out that Abi and Amel eventually met at Amel's school, with Abi as a new teacher. But unlike Abi's expectations, it turned out that Amel was too ignorant and childish. On the other hand, Amel was also disappointed, because Fabian was far from being the prince of her dreams, just a teacher who was stiff and curt when spoken to.


La Pícara Soñadora

La Pícara Soñadora 1991


La Pícara Soñadora is a Mexican telenovela shown in 1991, based on a 1956 Argentine film of the same name directed by Ernesto Arancibia. This telenovela contains 80 episodes and stars Dina de Marco, Irán Eory, Eduardo Palomo, and Mariana Levy.


Wayward Kenting

Wayward Kenting 2007


Wayward Kenting is a 20-part TV series produced by Honto Production and directed by Doze Niu. Most scenes were shot in Hengchun, Taiwan. Wayward Kenting received the 43rd Golden Bell Award for Best Writing for a Television Series and nominations in three other categories.


Heart Series

Heart Series 2007


A story of two childhood friends, Farel and Rachel. Farel once confessed his feelings to Rachel when they were still young, but Rachel turned him down because she was traumatized by her family’s problems and she thought that Farel was only joking. Ever since that moment Farel never dared to tell Rachel how he feels, even though Rachel actually has a feeling toward Farel.


Fall in Love

Fall in Love 2019


A mysterious young woman with shifting identities and a playful but kind man fall into a sweet and healing romance.


Dating Class

Dating Class 2019


The story revolves around 6 university students who are new to dating and the lessons they learn along the way, and the web series is based on an actual university class titled 'An Introduction to Dating'.



Cites 2015


Looking for love, sex, or just someone to move away from the loneliness, the characters in " Cites " meet face to face, after meeting online, laden with uncertainties and hopes. Based on the original format of the British series " Dates " Brian Elsley . Each episode of the series , located in Barcelona , focuses on two of these quotations , which come into play fears , secrets and expectations of its protagonists. A staff relations existing partner network around a character that cross each other and that we will find again throughout the series look.



ABG 2002


The lives of Ardi, Desi, and their friends in their high school lives.



Dates 2013


Dates is a British television romantic drama series created by Bryan Elsley, who also created Skins, which first aired on Channel 4 on 10 June 2013, at 22:00, as part of its "Mating Season" programming, illustrating a series of first dates between online dating service users. The show's target audience is "ABC1".


Jojo's World

Jojo's World 2017


It’s the biggest crisis of her life. What will she do? Lin Chun Jiao is a working woman who is about to turn 30 years old and is facing a crisis both at her work and in her personal life. She has been diagnosed with premature ovarian failure (POF), which is a condition where the ovaries lose their normal function before the age of 40, commonly resulting in infertility for women. Chun Jiao decides to face her personal crisis head-on. Before the chance escapes her, she wants to have a baby as soon as possible. But which man will she pick to help her in her unusual endeavor? Will it be Sheng Yi, a socially awkward man who doesn’t know the first thing about women? Or Tang Zai Qin, her ex-boyfriend who suddenly reappears in her life? Or Zhang Xiao Shuo, a young assistant in Chun Jiao’s company? Or Li Bi He, one of Chun Jiao’s best friends?


High School Love

High School Love 2002


Cinta SMU is an Indonesian soap opera produced by Rapi Films which premiered on 21 March 21 2002 on Indosiar. This soap opera stars Nabila Syakieb, Hessel Steven, and Zaskia Adya Mecca.


Is This Love?

Is This Love? 2007


Ariel and Ivana are step sisters, nevertheless they care for each other. One day, they have to separate as Ariel lives in Semarang while Ivana studies in Jakarta. Months after her boyfriend Alan went to Singapore, Ariel decided to go for him and have a quick transit in Jakarta. She met Niko at the airport and a misunderstanding gave each other's bad first impressions. Little did she know that he is Ivana's boyfriend.


Waiting For You In A Long Time

Waiting For You In A Long Time 2018


A story about the joys and sorrows of the young generation born in the 1990's. It follows four people who have a secret that they keep. Because of an incident when she was in high school, Luo Xi (Tian Xiwei) transformed into a submissive and weak person when she entered university. Li Xin (Zhang Yongbo) discovers that Luo Xi was the hero who saved him in the past, so he sets out to help her regain the part of her that she lost. Their youth is filled with embarrassing moments, but in each of their hearts is a secret. When it comes to family, friendship and love, what choice will they make? - chinesedrama.info