Griaustinis tropikuose

Griaustinis tropikuose 2008


Tagas Spydmenas yra pagrindinis naujo, brangiausio visų laikų filmo apie karą, herojus – bebaimis kovotojas džiunglių glūdumoje. Karščiu alsuojančias džiungles užplūsta Holivudo atstovai, ir kaip tyčia būtent toje neįžengiamų tropinių miškų gelmėje prasideda tikras karas. Tagui Spydmenui, jo geram bičiuliui, taip pat veiksmo filmų herojui ir keturiskart Oskaro laimėtojui Kirkui Lazarui; komikui Džefui Portnojui, džiunglėse turinčiam atsikratyti priklausomybės nuo narkotikų bei kitiems Holivudo lepūnėliams tenka imti į rankas tikrus ginklus ir stengtis išnešti sveiką kailį.



Meilužis 1992


Keista vyriška skrybėlė, lengvutė vasarinė suknelė, nusidėvėję bateliai, nerūpestingai skaičiai raudona spalva pasidažytos lupos. Ji – ryžtinga bei smalsi prancūzaitė, jaunutė penkiolikmetė, karštame Saigone sutikusi prabangų kostiumą vilkintį daugiau negu dvigubai už save vyresnį kiną.


Visi šventieji

Visi šventieji 2017


Filmas "Visi šventieji" paremtas tikra istorija apie pastorių Maiklą Spurloką, kuriam buvo liepta dėl skolų uždaryti savo bažnyčią ir apie grupę emigrantų iš pietryčių Azijos. Kartu jie nueina sunkiausią kelią, kad tik susimokėti skolas ir susigrąžinti Dievo namus bei padėti bendruomenei.



Rong 2019



Escape from the Trilateral Slopes

Escape from the Trilateral Slopes 2024


Trilateral Slopes, a tropical exotic melting pot teeming with all kinds of people, a place where prosperity and decay coexist. Shen Xing, a laborer who unexpectedly ends up here, crosses paths with Mr. Cai, a local wheeler-dealer navigating through the various forces at play. Together, they embark on an adventure, guided by a glimmer of kindness, as they face the struggle between staying and escaping. How will their story unfold in the midst of the disarray?


Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team

Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team 1996


Ensign Shiro Amada is transferred to Southeast Asia to take command of the 08th MS Team. In their first guerilla operation, Shiro's team is tasked with distracting the Zeon forces while Federation ground troops locate a mysterious new Zeon weapon.


The Most Private Asia

The Most Private Asia 2023


This is not your typical vacation with friends. Lee Sun-kyun, Jang Hang-jun, Kim Do-hyun, and Kim Nam-hee, four men with totally different tastes and personalities show viewers the raw and real side of Southeast Asia.They will show local areas and hidden parts of Southeast Asia that is not known well to the public.


Anna and the King

Anna and the King 1972


A stern schoolteacher clashes with an aristocratic 19th-century king.


Bring 'Em Back Alive

Bring 'Em Back Alive 1982


Bring 'Em Back Alive is an adventure television series starring Bruce Boxleitner, Cindy Morgan and Ron O'Neal. The series was shown in the United States from September 1982 to May 1983. Set in Singapore, it was one of several shows like Tales of the Gold Monkey to try to capture the success of Raiders of the Lost Ark. In reality, Frank Buck was a real big game trapper who was very famous in the 1930s. He wrote a book entitled Bring 'Em Back Alive. He appeared in several movies including a 1932 adaptation of the book and is remembered by serial fans as the star of Jungle Menace. It lasted only 17 episodes before being cancelled because of low ratings, due to being scheduled against ABC's Top 30 hits Happy Days and Laverne and Shirley.


Tsunami: Race Against Time

Tsunami: Race Against Time 2024


The definitive story of the deadly 2004 tsunami as it travels from country to country, with unseen archive video and untold stories of survival.


Aerial Asia

Aerial Asia 2017


A rare glimpse of Asia’s most treasured landmarks, all seen from breath-taking heights. From busy cityscapes to natural wonders, this four-part series shot in stunning 4K captures the history and culture of this extraordinary continent and reveals a spectacular view of Asia that has never been seen before.